"Junior Brother Gu, everyone has already left."

It's finally here!Gu Dahuangmao was overjoyed, hurriedly said goodbye to Lu Qingming, and drove the Kunlun mirror back to the stone room in Xianqingchi.

Unfamiliar but familiar links came into view, Gu Changsheng hurriedly covered the key parts to prevent himself from being exposed, and just wanted to ask Susu to get him a bath towel or something to cover him, but when he looked around, he found that there was no one around.

strangeness?Where did Su Bao go?Didn't she just say that little green tea would come to pick him up?Why did she come here by herself in the end...

Gu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and a flash of light seemed to flash in his mind.Before he realized that something was wrong, a familiar Sen Han voice quietly sounded from outside the stone room:

"It's really you!"

As soon as the words fell, Qin Wuyi, the venerable elder Qin Wuyi, dressed in a black dress, appeared out of nowhere, his noble and glamorous eyes were full of cold scrutiny.

Gu Da Huangmao:? ? ?

Qin Wuyi, you can actually fish and enforce the law! ! !

Chapter 304 Xiao Gu, you don't want it either?

Chapter 304 Xiao Gu, you don’t want that either?

Although Su Bao and Little Green Tea are both smart and thoughtful girls, they still don't have enough morals in front of Qin Wuyi.Qin Wuyi's vigilance has never been lowered since he noticed the strange aura passing away near Xianqing Lake.

Although on the surface she turned away as if nothing had happened, in fact Qin Wuyi didn't leave very far, she was always thinking about the identity of the suspicious intruder.

Judging from the subtle changes in the expressions of Xie Qingzhi and Qi Hansu, they were obviously a little guilty.So the intruder's visit to Xianqing Lake should have something to do with them...

Knowing Hansu Qingzhi, and there is still a way to enter without triggering the big formation... Is Gu Changsheng the only one who is wrong?

Gu Dahuangmao didn't expect that she would be defeated by such a straightforward reasoning. Of course, Qin Wuyi didn't intend to convict Gu Changsheng with only reasoning - the formation in Xianqingchi was built by her own hands. , as long as she wants to, she can easily find out who has entered here with the no-clothes order.

When she first saw Gu Changsheng's name appearing on the formation records, Qin Wuyi's noble and indifferent face obviously showed a trace of hesitation and weirdness...

It really is him?

What exactly are Han Su and Qing Zhi going to do to bring him into Xianqing Pond?Not to mention that there is a Mrs. Xie there...

The question now is... Does Mrs. Xie know that Gu Changsheng is there?If they clearly know that the gauze-covered body is still bubbling endlessly in the pond... wouldn't that mean that the few of them...

Open a silver party on my site?

No, there must be something hidden in it.Even if Gu Changsheng was young and admired Ai, he would not have fallen to this point.Besides, Mrs. Xie and Qing Zhi are still mother and daughter after all, no matter how mischievous she is, she will not be so disrespectful.

Could it be... another good thing done by that evil gangster of mine?

Thanks to the good image that Susu has always erected, Qin Wuyi doubted her almost without much hesitation.

Who else but this scoundrel?She even dared to drag Gu Changsheng to have a green and clear night together!

Thinking of this, Qin Wuyi's pretty face suddenly became icy again—it's fine for you to say that you are a villain who is more strict with Lvji, and you are still dragging your childhood sweetheart Fa Xiao and Fa Xiao's mother to mess around?

Now that you dare to drag Aunt Xie to fool around, will you just drag your master, me, and even Qingming together in the future?

People can't, at least they shouldn't!

Qin Wuyi didn't realize that she had set a flag invisibly. She pondered for a moment, feeling that this matter should not be made public, and she had to quietly cut off the problem from the source of Gu Changsheng.

Ever since, Qin Wuyi resolutely found a reason to release Su Bao, and then waited until Xie's family's green tea left, and used the magical magic weapon to simulate Qi Hansu's voice to give a good man in Tianquan Ancient Road to him. Fished out.

The entire cattle fishing law enforcement can be said to be quite smooth, with almost no problems.Gu Changsheng looked at Qin Wuyi whose face was as gloomy as water, and wailed in his heart with incomparable grief.

He still underestimated Qin Wuyi. He was clearly in the Longtan Tiger's Lair, but because of the peaceful atmosphere in Tianquan Ancient Road, he lowered his vigilance. Today's wave of fishing is not wronged!

"Elder Qin..."

Gu Changsheng slowly raised his head and looked at

Looking at Qin Wuyi, he smiled bitterly and said, "I'm sorry... I made you laugh."

"Why are you here?" Qin Wuyi snorted coldly, "What do you think this is?"

Driven by the desire to survive, Gu Dahuangmao's acting skills were soaring. He hesitated for a while at first, and then showed a look of hesitation:

"Elder Qin, disciple... I don't know if I should say it..."

Regardless, it's always a good idea to max out the victim's buffs first.Seeing his hesitant appearance, Qin Wuyi's guess in his heart has been verified, so he suppressed his anger and said:

"Tell me the reasons for the incident one by one. If it really has nothing to do with you, I don't blame you. Tell me honestly, is this a cold plan?"


Gu Dahuang Mao silently mourned for Su Bao for a moment, then nodded decisively with tears in his eyes:

"Actually, this matter can't be entirely blamed on the Holy Maiden... I am also at fault..."

While Gu Changsheng was talking, he felt that his words were a bit offensive, so he coughed lightly twice and said, "The thing is actually like this..."


"Why are not you talking?"

"It's nothing, I wonder if Elder Qin can give me some clothes to wear? I always feel uncomfortable in this state..."

Qin Wuyi thought for a while and raised his wrist lightly, several white bath towels flew out of the stone room and wrapped Gu Changsheng tightly like a rice dumpling:

"You keep talking."

Gu Changsheng:? ? ?

Your technique is not as good as that of Emperor Lu!

Of course, he didn't have the guts to complain at this time, and was just about to speak honestly, when suddenly there was a sound of light footsteps coming from the entrance of Xianqing Pond.

Qin Wuyi's complexion remained unchanged, and he waved his hand lightly to sacrifice a scroll, and her and Gu Changsheng's figures disappeared into the scroll immediately.

"Senior Brother Gu? Senior Brother Gu~"

The person who came was Xie Xiaolucha, who had turned back. Looking at the familiar figure of the girl, Gu Dahuangmao, who was in the empty picture scroll, couldn't help but burst into tears...

Thank you, junior sister, it would be great if you came earlier...

Xie Qingzhi came to the dressing stone room with ease, and called Gu Changsheng's name a few times into the air but got no response, which made her a little surprised.

Could it be that Qi Hansu picked up Senior Brother Gu one step ahead of me?

I'm going to find her!

Xie Qingzhi came and left, and the Xianqing Pool became calm and empty again. Gu Changsheng was about to look at Qin Wuyi to ask when to go out, but saw her shake her head slightly, signaling him not to act rashly.

Seeing this, Gu Changsheng was a little puzzled. Not long after, another dog appeared at the entrance of Xianqing Pond...

Su Bao: "Junior Brother Gu...Junior Brother Gu~"

The saintess who was arranged by Qin Wuyi to do things really chose to skip work to save him, but she didn't respond after calling a few times, and she also wondered to herself if Xie Xiaolucha was ahead of time, and she didn't dare to stay for a long time and left the place decisively place.

I have to say that these two young ladies are still very loyal, and they came back to rescue him even after taking such a big risk, but it's a pity that they came at the wrong time.

"Elder Qin is really wise. He expected that Senior Sister Qi and Senior Sister Xie would come back!" Gu Changsheng licked habitually and said, "Can we go out now?"

Qin Wuyi didn't answer, just waved his hand and took back the scroll, one rice dumpling for each person

Appeared in front of Xianqing Pond again.

"Okay, you can talk."

"This whole thing started when I was suddenly woken up by Senior Sister Qi one night..." Gu Changsheng said slowly.


"After Sister Qi's Sister Su Su's vest and I beat Yan Xi, the demon girl of the Zhuli Sect, to the candlestick, she has been holding a grudge, secretly monitoring me in the sixth peak, trying to find a chance to take me away. After the plan was revealed, she did not hesitate. Plant the introduction of Zhulijiao's exercise control in my body."

"No one thought that the introduction of this exercise would cause a change in my body, and I would fall into a coma, and my vitality would continue to deplete... Senior Sister Qi and Junior Sister Xie felt ashamed, and couldn't bear to see me fall like this, so they did this. The worst plan is to bring me here to heal my wounds..."

"Elder Qin, please don't blame them!"

Qin Wuyi listened to the ins and outs of the whole incident, and there was a glimmer of light in his beautiful eyes: "You said that the witch of the Zhuli Sect was beaten out of two natal candlesticks by Han Su?"

"That's right. Speaking of which, the witch from the Zhuli sect is cunning enough, and the way of escape is too weird. Elder Qin, I'm afraid that next time I'll be targeted by her again, I won't be able to fully retreat and come back to see you~"

"Zhulijiao's skills are really weird, but don't worry, she doesn't dare to come anymore." Qin Wuyi said lightly: "If there is only the last natal heart candle, she will never come to take risks again until she recovers. ..."

"If you want to come, you will come in openly as the Zhuli Sect Mission."

Gu Changsheng was overjoyed when he heard the words. Yan Xi, a demon girl, was a problem in his heart. He couldn't be beaten to death completely, and he couldn't hide...Now that she only has three chances to escape with the secret method in a short period of time, he can finally sleep. Good night's sleep.

But speaking of Zhulijiao's skills, running is quite convenient. No wonder the Demon Cult has been unable to suppress it for so many years. Everyone in the co-authoring Demon Cult is a master of running.

I don’t know if I can learn it… Gu Changsheng thought about it and suddenly felt a little greedy—the aura of Zhulijiao’s skills somehow conflicted with his Inheritance of Absolute Beginning, and he already had the ancient and powerful latter , but still obsessed with the Zhulijiao who is proficient in running...

Perhaps this is the so-called domestic flowers are not as fragrant as wild flowers...

"By the way, Elder Qin, the predecessor of Zhulijiao should also be an ancient sect in the Kunlun Realm... Does their sect have any problems with our Taichu Sword Sect?" Gu Changsheng asked suddenly.

Qin Wuyi glanced at him lightly, as if she was a little surprised why he would ask this in such a good manner, but she replied after pondering for a moment:

"It's not a holiday, it's just a conflict of orthodox ideas. The sect of Taichu pays attention to the balance of yin and yang, with clear distinctions, mutual generation and restraint. The ancient sect of Zhuli sect pays attention to the chaotic way of yin and yang. There is me in you, and you in me. In the chaos of yin and yang, guarding the candlelight of the spirit altar alone is clear, and you will be certified to ascend."

I see.When Gu Changsheng heard the words, he understood clearly that co-authorship was a conflict of morality, and I thought it was because the Qi of Taichu was more vigilant than protecting food.

"You just said...you have suffered severe injuries in your body and haven't recovered yet?" Qin Wuyi asked again: "How is the situation now?"

Gu Changsheng was stunned for a moment, and then he realized that Qin Wuyi was caring about him, and said quickly: "Thank you for your concern, elder.

The disciple is fine now. "

"You come here."

Qin Wuyi thought for a while and stretched out his hand to hold Gu Changsheng's shoulder. A tiny Tianshuang sword intent turned into a probe and wandered in Gu Changsheng's meridian. In a short while, Qin Wuyi's brow unconsciously wrinkled.

Gu Changsheng's body did have traces of the fierce battle just now, and there was still a residual yin energy dormant.But these are not the reasons for her doubts...

What Qin Wuyi really finds strange is that... she actually felt Lu Qingming's Tianshuang Sword Intent in Gu Changsheng's body? ? !

What's happening here?Could it be that Gu Changsheng had a fight with Qingming?

And the most terrible thing... the seal of the Albizia Albizia in his body disappeared inexplicably, and even thrived a bit.

hell!What's the matter?

Qin Wuyi was a little uncertain for a while, how did Hehuanzhu break the seal?What method did Gu Changsheng use to temporarily leave this space just now, so that she couldn't even detect it?

There are too many secrets about Gu Changsheng, and most of them are related to Lu Qingming on Tianquan Ancient Road.Qin Wuyi calmly withdrew the sword energy to investigate, let go of his hand and said slowly:

"It is true that there is no serious problem, but there is still yin energy dormant, if it is not dealt with, it may affect the foundation in the future."

"It's so serious!" Gu Dahuangmao said in shock, "Elder Qin, save me!"

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