"The young master continued: 'I heard from the leader that she has some connection with you.'"

"When the young master said this, Xu Fengnian became even more confused. He asked: 'Who is your new leader?'

"The protector of the Demon Sect said: 'I dare not mention the name of the leader, but I can tell you one thing. When the leader went from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, it only took half a day to kill all the masters in the sect. Not a single one of them was killed. People dare not accept it. The leader even personally went to Cao Changqing of Western Chu and asked this Confucian sage to serve as the chief guest of Zhulu Mountain."

"Xu Fengnian felt that the other party was bragging, so he joked: 'How can you still invite Cao Changqing? Why don't you brag even louder and say that Wang Xianzhi has become your deputy leader, and Deng Tai'a has also become a guest guest. Next, You can devour the Wu Family Sword Tomb in one go and then dominate the martial arts world. Only in this way can you brag."

"Xu Fengnian thinks this group of people is really interesting, and they don't even make drafts when they brag."

At this time, the audience listening to the book below were so happy that they could hardly stand upright with laughter.

"Ouch...Oh my god, you are laughing so hard that my waist almost dropped. Cao Changqing is the guest guest, Wang Xianzhi is the deputy leader, and Deng Tai'a is the elder! Hahahahaha..."

"I would like to call it the number one sect in the snow. What is the city of Emperor Wu? The Wu Family Sword Tomb and Wudang Dragon and Tiger stand aside."

"Although but... Judging from the teasing tone of the Crown Prince, it sounds like a flag. It can't be true, right?"

At this moment, someone next to me said this weakly.

Suddenly, everyone's laughter froze as if the power was cut off. They stared at Su Chen on the stage and began to look forward to the next plot.

"When the people in the Demon Cult saw that Xu Fengnian didn't listen to the advice, they didn't say anything more and turned around and left."

"Xu Fengnian is even more confused now. He still has a certain understanding of Zhulu Mountain, the leader of the Demon Sect."

"Zhulu Mountain appeared 800 years ago, when the Emperor of Qin ruled the world. Since then, a total of nine leaders have appeared in Zhulu Mountain, all of whom are well-known figures in the martial arts world and are powerful."

"But why have there been only nine cult leaders in 800 years?"

"That's because Zhulu Mountain is very strict in selecting its leader, and it has always been a matter of preference."

"The leader's seat would rather remain empty for decades than let mediocre people sit on it. Every leader is, without exception, a powerful grandmaster."

"It is said that the ninth leader of Zhulu Mountain, named Liu Songtao, was a murderous devil. Among the nine kingdoms in the Spring and Autumn Period, two emperors died at his hands. One of them cut the body of Liu Songtao on the dragon throne. , one of them lost his head inexplicably on the dragon bed. Later he became obsessed for some unknown reason, and then he killed more than [-] people. The masters of the world at that time were so killed by him that they did not dare to show their faces. "

"To be able to become the leader of Zhulu Mountain, this person might really have some skills. Xu Fengnian thought so in his heart."

"It was precisely because Liu Songtao was too violent to kill, and the top masters at the time avoided him, and righteous people did not dare to come forward to uphold justice."

"This also led to the wrath of God. The gate of heaven was closed for 20 years, and no one was able to achieve enlightenment and ascend."

"In a sense, Zhulu Mountain is still the culprit behind the Heaven's Gate being closed."

"But although Xu Fengnian was confused, he couldn't figure out who was so powerful and became the tenth leader of Zhulu Mountain, but he had a vague feeling about it."

"But after thinking about it in my heart, I couldn't figure it out. I had to laugh at myself, thinking that I was too unfounded."

"Once upon a time, when he and Lao Huang traveled around the world for the first time, what they liked to hear most were the stories of people like Liu Songtao."

"The stories of people like Liu Songtao make me feel like I have rolled back and forth in the mud a few times, so I wouldn't envy him."

· 0 for flowers ······

"Those who fly around all day long and can't be killed by hundreds of swords, what kind of charlatan are they? They're all gods and immortals!"

"Xu Fengqiang lightly tilted his head, shaking off his thoughts, not thinking about Zhulu Mountain or the leader. He took out his cuffs with one hand and made a forward gesture."

"Xu Fengnian and the lion asked for a job. Gu Dazu, the commander of the Beiliang Infantry Army, followed him gently. The two stood side by side. The old man who was no longer sullen laughed softly and said: 'Your Highness, I shamelessly asked you for a hot official position before. Don't take it seriously, Gu Dazu also knows what the Beiliang cavalry lacks and wants, so he won't cause any trouble to you."

"Xu Fengnian didn't pretend to be fat, but he was still a little surprised when Gu Dazu suddenly said this. He still nodded and said: 'I asked Huaihua General Zhong Hongwu to remove his armor and return to his fields. My hands and feet were not honorable. Go and touch Yan Wen again immediately. Luan, even if Xu Xiao takes action himself, it won't be easy, let alone me. But don't worry, General Gu, the deputy commander of the infantry that was agreed upon will definitely be yours."


"Xu Fengnian is confident, he still has this ability, but in the end, whether he will be ousted by Yan Wenluan, or whether he will turn against Tiangang and overthrow Yan Wenluan and become the real infantry commander of the Beiliang Army, it all depends on Gu Dazu's ability."

"When Gu Dazu heard this, he laughed heartily and heartily."

"All the final tentative moves in my heart disappeared at this moment. The white-headed boy is so grand at such a young age. Why does he, an old man, need to be cautious?"

"Maybe it's a good time. After the Longweipo soldiers intercepted and the Poxia Demon Cult blocked the road, the group walked extremely calmly and steadily approached the Caishishi Mountain."

"Before entering the mountain, there was a wine stall on the roadside. When the old man who sold the wine saw Hu Chunya, it was like meeting his biological daughter. He did not pay for the wine and entertained everyone in the cavalry with good wine."

"Everyone who was on the way was extremely thirsty. When he saw the good wine, his hunger was immediately aroused."

"Everyone looked at the wine stalls and drooled, but no one dared to actually drink without Xu Fengnian's order."

ps: Please order in full!Please customize!Please give me flowers!Thank you, fellow Yanzus!evening.

Chapter 191 The Demon King Liu Songtao [Please order the complete version, please customize it]

"Xu Fengnian smiled and shook his head when he saw this, and said: 'Go away, you bunch of gluttons! But remember not to miss out on people's wine money! I'll treat you to the prince for today's wine'!"

"When Xu Fengnian said this, a group of people showed no restraint. They turned into hungry wolves and pounced on the old man buying wine."

"Soon, the wine was half full. Some of the guys who were not good at drinking seemed to have double visions. Xu Fengnian had to order to rest where he was and cook some dry food in the stove to fill his stomach. You can't just drink wine."

"After resting for a while, everyone with food in their bellies set out again, heading northwest."

"But while the prince and his party were on their way, a big event happened in Jianghu."

"In Landa Mountain in the Western Region, there was an old monk who was over [-] years old. He had been sitting for decades, but he suddenly woke up. But after he woke up, he went crazy."

"Five Nine Three" "After coming down the mountain, he ran all the way, getting younger and younger as he ran, and gradually returned to his 40-year-old appearance. Moreover, his behavior was erratic. Sometimes his kindness would show up, and he would cut meat and feed it to eagles, and lecture on Buddhism to ordinary people. , doing something good like helping an old lady cross the road. And when he gets vicious, he kills people at will, causing a bloody storm in the world."

"The ignorant old monk traveled eastward and one day he came to a green mountain. The wind shook the pine forest and the sound was like waves."

"I was so distracted that I floated up to an ancient pine tree, looked into the distance, and heard the bursts of pine waves. After a full ten days, I said hoarsely, 'Song Tao'."

"I remember the character Liu to my heart's content. Plus, at this moment, the pines are like drums."

"The old monk is not old anymore, he looks middle-aged, and he is not confused when he is forty. For this monk from Mount Landa who has traveled thousands of miles eastward and has forgotten his past, this moment can indeed be regarded as being free from confusion. He said with a smile: 'Liu Songtao'."

"This identity is self-evident. It is the great devil of the Spring and Autumn Period, Liu Songtao."

"When Liu Songtao suddenly disappeared, there are different theories. The most reliable theory is that he was killed by the Great Celestial Master of Longhu Mountain."

"But in fact, he did not die. Instead, he went to Landa Mountain to become a monk. This time, for unknown reasons, he became possessed again and became a half-demon and half-Buddha."

"If it were the old world, it would be a bloody storm again."

"But today's arena is different from the era when Liu Songtao was dominant alone. The number and quality of masters in the arena are also different."

"Faced with this murderous demon, a large number of masters spontaneously appeared in the world to intercept him."

"The first person to stop him was the white-robed monk Li Dangxin."

"Li Dangxin is worthy of having the physique of Donkey Kong. He simply collided with Liu Songtao, and there was no winner."

"The mad monk may have forgotten, but the world of the Central Plains is already in turmoil, except for the world-famous monk in white who took the lead in trying to stop this young monk."

"Then Wu Liuding, the contemporary sword master of the Wu family's sword tomb, blocked the road with his sword. When he was hit by the crazy monk, his sword power was shattered. After that, he ran forward so fast that he even passed the Wu family's sword master, leaving Wu Liuding far behind. Behind you."

"After that, there will be the younger generation of Longhu Mountain. This Taoist surnamed Zhao is rumored to be the reincarnation of the first generation of Tianshi Mansion."

"But I never expected that as soon as I was hit by this monk, he would retreat simultaneously. After holding on for eighty miles, Zhao Ningshen stepped aside and got out of the way."

"Let the crazy monk continue to laugh and move forward, while Zhao Ningshen quickly sat cross-legged on the ground, bleeding from all his orifices, and took a secret golden elixir of dragon and tiger to barely stop the injury."

"The whole world is afraid of this monk's imposing manner."

"Until he was on the bank of a big river, the crazy monk stopped. Just like when he sensed the white-robed monk Li Dangxin on the road ahead, he grinned, then squatted down, picked up a handful of water, and looked down at the muddy water in his hand, just like an ordinary person holding a cup of water. He drank the boiling water and hurriedly spilled it on the ground. He stood up and looked around blankly."

"At that moment, the young monk burst into tears and asked himself: 'I am here, where are you'?"

"This large north-south river is called Qingdu River. The water is noisy and the river is twenty feet wide. It is said that ancient Taoist immortals once used a green reed to carry people across the river here."

"The young crazy monk's straight line heading east allowed people in the world to figure out the rough path. There were a bunch of onlookers waiting here early."

"Originally they were standing scattered, but then they gathered together involuntarily. They were really afraid of the monk's overwhelming power, and were afraid that they would be killed by innocent people and die in vain."

I feel that if a group of people get together, the chance of survival is greater. Even if I am unlucky enough to step on that straight line, we will die together, and we will have good company on the road to death. "

"So five or sixty people gathered in a group, a mixture of good and bad, including long-established high-rollers, some hidden heroes, unknown talents who entered the world, and young women who were already coveted for their appearance. Xia, several pairs of old enemies don’t even bother to draw their swords at each other at this moment, but they are all secretly on guard. 60”

"The sudden pause of the young monk who had achieved a huge reputation made the onlookers who thought that this useless monk would just cross the river tremble."

"I'm afraid that he will be like a pedestrian who, when he sees an unsightly ant nest, will stretch out his kick and crush them to death."

"But the next scene made everyone relieved."

"That's not all, there was a huge surprise. I saw a strange man dressed in white coming from the other side of the Qingdu River facing the monk."

"My vision was blurred, and I couldn't distinguish between male and female. I could only see one foot crossing the river. It happened that the young monk came back to his senses after taking a picture of himself with water."

"He tiptoed toward the river. The two of them broke up as soon as they touched. The crazy monk who had always been invincible was unexpectedly stepped on by the man in white with his bald head."

"The fluttering clothes of the man in white floated back to the east bank. Every time he stepped on the mud there was a muffled sound. The crazy monk also stumbled back to the west bank. His figure was like a drunkard stumbling or an actor shaking his sleeves."

"With the power of one step, the turbulent river suddenly stagnated, and only resumed its running momentum after the two of them settled down."

"The young monk with his tattered cassock did not hesitate to cross the river for the second time. The man in white crossed the river to intercept him. This time the latter stepped hard on the monk's chest with a 5.1 kick."

"The eyes of the melon eaters suddenly widened, staring at the figure of the young man and the monk, for fear of missing a move."

In addition to the melon-eating people in these plots, the melon-eating people in the Tianxia Tea House also had a great time eating.

"Is that monk the big devil Liu Songtao? The culprit behind the Tianmen being closed for 20 years?"

"Speaking of which, the old sword god died indirectly at his hands. If he hadn't made God angry, why would the old sword god have opened the gate of heaven with his sword!"

After hearing this discussion, a group of listeners also agreed, saying that the person who said this was right.

Su Chen glanced at the audience, calculating the time in his mind, and felt that it was almost time.

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Chapter 192 rewards a bumper harvest and Baili Dongjun returns. [Please order for complete order, please customize]


Su Chen slapped his gavel on the desk and heard a crisp sound.

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down."

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