After listening to Li Yuehan's explanation, everyone present had a deeper understanding of this Chinese delicacy.

"In this way, Guiling paste can only be regarded as a dessert. How can it be related to cake? The theme of this competition is cake!"

Some people raised such questions, suspecting that Tong Yu had strayed from the topic.

"Don't worry, everyone, this dish I made is a genuine cake, it's just a little different from ordinary cakes."

Tong Yu smiled and didn't explain too much. He raised his right hand and said to the three executives, "I know you have a lot of doubts. Anyway, let's taste it first."

Li Yuehan picked up the spoon and as soon as it touched the "turtle"'s body, it immediately spread away.

"The turtle spread apart, and the entire jelly cracked along the scratches on the turtle shell! There were small pieces of cake popping out of the jelly?"

"Ah, there is a cake hidden in the turtle paste. What kind of cooking technique is this!"

The cake hidden in the body of the turtle is only about 3 centimeters in size and is the color of black spar. It is very beautiful.

As the turtle on the surface disintegrated and the small cake inside emerged, everyone finally understood the true structure of the dish Tong Yu made.

The "swamp" at the bottom is not soup, but the unique sponge layer of the cake. I don't know what technique Tong Yu used to make it look like white bubbling soup from a distance.

"Is this a magic trick? It's unbelievable that the cake can be made so small and exquisite!" Fiennes said (right)??

Rafis also recovered from his brief surprise: "In just ten seconds, I saw a Chinese landscape painting, which is so beautiful!"

After such a magical transformation, not only the three judges, but also the surrounding audience were extremely curious about the taste of this dish.

Saji, who was in front of Tong Yu's cooking station, hesitated briefly and picked up a spoon to taste this special cake dish.

Li Yuehan scooped the lumpy Guiling paste into a spoon, but saw that the Guiling paste kept shaking on the spoon.

The swaying look is so tempting.

Li Yuehan couldn't wait to put Guiling Gao into her mouth, and the cold look on her face immediately melted.

"The taste is rich in layers, slightly bitter, and has this elastic texture! After all these years, the taste of Guiling Gao is still so charming!"

"Well, Guiling Gao is slightly bitter but has a long aftertaste. So what's going on with this little cake?"

"Well, the taste of this cake is so special! The milky white cake is so small that you can take one bite. It feels like it slowly melts in your mouth. It's really great!"

Raffus and Fiennes, who are not Chinese, have rarely eaten Guiling Gao. It was almost the first time they tasted it, but the taste was surprisingly harmonious.

"The slight bitterness of the turtle paste and the sweetness of the cake are perfectly blended without any sense of disharmony. It is not easy to do this!" Li Yuehan said.

Tong Yu touched his chin without a beard and said with a smile: "It's absolutely true. The dissolved turtle paste will blend with cakes of similar properties. When making the cake, I added special ingredients, except eggs and milk. In addition, there are also high-grade ingredients such as pork bones and venison, which will make the effect of Angmei Skin even better!"

"Wait a minute, you said pork bones and venison were added? Is it in the turtle paste? Why can't I eat it at all?" Fiennes asked doubtfully.

"Ha, I made the turtle paste according to the traditional method. The high-end ingredients I just mentioned were added to the cake."

"It was added to the cake, is this possible!"

The chefs around couldn't believe it, because if it was whipped (milk, eggs into cream), it would be difficult to incorporate other ingredients, let alone ingredients like pork bones and venison.

The integration of ingredients will change the taste greatly, and it is difficult to balance the taste.

How can I put it... It's like pouring chili sauce on ice cream. When you take a bite, you don't know whether you are eating chili or ice cream.

"Indeed, it would be impossible to blend it into the cake using ordinary methods, but venison and pork bones are stewed, and then the emulsified stock is made in one go under high pressure, and finally a 'foam stock' is made using a special technique. In this way, it is not difficult to blend it with the cream." Tong Yu explained.

Everyone had an epiphany and felt that if this method was used, the desired effect could indeed be achieved.

However, this production process requires quite high skills.

Chapter 336: Qiongyu Cream

Tong Yu briefly explained the process of making cakes.

However, the chefs present all understood that it is quite difficult to integrate other non-dessert ingredients into the cake without causing any other flavors.

Guiling paste and cake... Many chefs would never even think of this combination, let alone making this.

It’s a strange combination, but it has a surprising taste. Why isn’t this surprising?

In fact, the main inspiration for Tong Yu's ability to make this dish came from the "Eight Demon-Breaking Formations". In other words, Kaiyou's Eight Demon-Breaking Formations provided him with the possibility to create such a dish.

The Eight Demon-Breaking Arrays can combine unrelated ingredients together and keep the taste consistent. However, if the combination of ingredients is bad, it may produce a lot of toxicity.However, it is obvious that the combination of ingredients in Tong Yu's dish does not have this problem.

After tasting the Guiling paste and the small cake on top, and the bottom "swamp", which is the sponge layer of the cake, Li Yuehan and other three judges changed to knives and forks, cut off a piece and put it in their mouths.

"Oh, this smell..."

This time, the pupils of the three executives suddenly widened, their faces full of disbelief.


This time, the deliciousness of the food completely exploded in your mouth!


Li Yuehan was already shouting in her heart, and she could no longer control the turbulence in her heart!

The bottom cake actually tastes like black sesame!Another surprising combination of ingredients!

The jelly black sesame cake has absorbed enough of the soup, and the texture is still soft. It has the texture of cake and the taste of turtle paste!The fragrant black sesame cake, which is slightly bitter after melted turtle paste, brings a new experience for the first time!

The scents totally blend together!

"It's incredible that the black sesame has such a strong flavor, but it doesn't compete with the aroma of the cake. The advantages of the two ingredients highlight each other, and they are surprisingly harmonious!" Rafs was surprised after tasting it.

Black sesame belongs to the flax plant of the family Flaxaceae. It is also called flax and oilseed. It can be eaten or used as a medicinal herb.

It is rich in fat and protein, and also contains nutrients such as sugars and vitamins. It has the functions of strengthening the stomach, protecting the liver, promoting the growth of red blood cells, blackening hair, and beautifying the hair. It has been confirmed that long-term consumption of black sesame seeds can make the hair black. Bright.

This ingredient is also one of the key ingredients in Tong Yu's cuisine.

"Everything is so delicate. Every time you take a bite, the aroma of black sesame in the cake can flow smoothly into your throat. The delicious taste of the mellow foam cake spreads in your mouth and is transmitted to every cell in your body. This kind of It feels so addictive…”

"This is the first time I have tasted this kind of cake. Is this the charm of Chinese cuisine?"

Listening to the praises of the three first-class executives and the happy expressions on their faces, everyone around the auditorium was also amazed. This was the first time they saw such an alternative way of making cakes.

Saji's side...

After tasting the turtle cake made by Tong Yu, she was also surprised for a long time. The taste of this food exceeded her imagination.

"Has this guy's 'superpower' reached this level?"

Saji clenched his fists, feeling unwilling to admit it, but his body responded!

"It's too early to be surprised now, it's time to witness the miracle!"

Tong Yu snapped her fingers and pointed her fingers in the direction of Fiennes who was sitting in the judging seat?奥???

Fiennes is 0 years old. Although his hair is not gray, it is no longer the black hair he had when he was young.

The hair that was originally silver-white turned into jet-black and shiny hair at this moment!

Everyone was shocked. Is the effect of this dish so powerful?

"Wow, the executive officer's hair turned black!"

"Not only Executive Fiennes, but...even Raph's blond hair has turned into black hair. Is this the effect of black sesame?"

Li Yuehan also felt that her hair became black and shiny, and her skin became more delicate. This food had such a powerful effect!

During the duel at the Great Wall, Kaiyu made similar food, which turned the Queen Mother's hair from black to silver, but now Tong Yu has the exact opposite, indicating that the food she just ate is extremely beneficial to the body.

"I didn't expect black sesame to be so powerful..."

"Two thousand years ago, the world's oldest medical book, 'Shen Nong's Materia Medica', already praised black sesame seeds. It can invigorate qi, nourish the brain, and prolong life. It can be called the 'elixir of immortality.'"

Li Yuehan knew a lot about Chinese things, and it was precisely because of her understanding that she was surprised and confused. She couldn't help but raise her head and look at Tong Yu and said, "Just Guiling paste and black sesame seeds can't have such a good effect, right?"

"As expected of our Chinese chef, yes I use this thing..."

Tong Yu said and took out a small bottle, and saw two words "Qiongyu" engraved in traditional Chinese on the bottle.


"This is... could this be the legendary herb, Qiongyu Ointment?" Li Yuehan asked again in shock.

Qiongyu ointment, this ointment can be traced back to ancient times. Many books call it the supreme elixir and praise it greatly.

After taking it, it can repair all kinds of damage and eliminate all kinds of diseases.Replenishes the five internal organs, turns whiteness into blackness, regenerates teeth, and can run for hundreds of miles like a horse, and you will feel hungry all day long.

It is said that if you take it for 30 years, you can live to be 50 years old, and if you take it for [-] years, you can live to [-] years old.

The method of making Qiongyu Paste is a secret among secrets, and the real production method is also in the hands of the dark cooking world... Although Qiongyu Paste is also sold in major pharmacies in the modern world, it is not the real Qiongyu Paste at all. The formula and materials used All have been changed, and the effect of consumption is less than one thousandth of the original.

Tong Yu also accidentally obtained the formula of Qiongyu Cream.

After defeating Kaiyu, Tong Yu discovered the place where Kaiyou once studied medical books in Hubaoyi Cave, and found this precious prescription on the shelf...

How Kaiyou obtained the prescription is unknown.

"I didn't expect that there is such a magical plaster in the world. Chinese cuisine is extensive and profound. This sentence is true. I have learned a lot today." Rafs couldn't help but sigh.

From Guiling paste to Qiongyu paste, the whole cake is filled with ingredients that improve the body. It can also be said that this is a medicinal cake.

Chapter 337: The difference between heaven and earth

"That's right, this is the medicated cake I carefully made. Eating it is very good for the skin!"

Everyone at the scene was once again surprised. It was the first time for many of them to see cakes made into medicinal food!

After Saji finished eating the food made by Tong Yu, she couldn't come back to her senses for a long time. She looked at Tong Yu secretly and wondered what was going on with that aura that made her feel a little afraid from the bottom of her heart...

It seems like you've had this feeling before?

Saji was startled. At this moment, her mind suddenly thought of the chef she admired most - Caibo Chaoyang.

Mr. Chaoyang... It was he who made me taste the biggest defeat in my life, and also gave me inspiration and let me know what path I should take next.

When Saji was defeated by Chaoyang Caibo, she thought Chaoyang would do something to her like other men did, but in the end it didn't happen.

Chaoyang was surprised by Saji and summoned him as his subordinate.

Saji refused at first, but was convinced in the end.

"I, for a certain purpose, am recruiting capable people with lofty ideals who can be active in private to become my subordinates. You must have become a late-night cook because you have no place to stay. I will recruit you into my subordinates, so don't Do you know if you can help me with my ambition?"

This is what Chaoyang said after defeating Saji.

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