The standard for successful entrapment is that the puffer whale loses consciousness and enters a coma, while its body is still naturally white and has not been poisoned. This is considered a successful capture.

A successful capture is only half the battle.

The difficulty of detoxifying puffer whales is to remove the poison bags, so catching one or two is far from enough. With Tong Yu's current cooking skills, the success rate of detoxifying puffer whales is less than [-]%. In other words, it takes ten days for puffer whales to be detoxified. At most, only three can succeed.

Of course, this is only a preliminary estimate. How to deal with the poisonous bags of puffer whales and how many can be successful are all based on the fact that there are sufficient puffer whales.

Therefore, in any case, it is necessary to anesthetize some puffer whales as much as possible now, after all, puffer whales do not have much time to lay eggs.

In addition, the price of a puffer whale on the market is 1 million yen, but if the poison sacs can be completely removed, it can rise to more than 897 million yen, or even higher. The value has doubled several times, which is enough to show that the poison sacs can be removed. How difficult is it.

After Tong Yu captured thirty puffer whales, he returned to the shore.

"I kept you waiting, these are the puffer whales I captured!"

Tong Yu used the food bag to carry more than 30 puffer whales that had successfully tapped their acupuncture points and arrived in front of the waiting Ryoko Sakaki and Tasukei.

"Caught so many at once?"

Ryoko Sakaki was a little surprised by Tongyu's speed, because only more than 30 minutes had passed since Tongyu entered and jumped into the water.

"Ha, catching a puffer whale is easier than I thought, so I did a few more. But being able to successfully remove the poison bag is the most important thing."

As Tong Yu said this, he placed all the puffer whales on the blanket laid out by Tadokoro Ehee.

Ryoko Sakaki took out the cutting boards, kitchen knives and other tools she had brought with her in a tacit understanding.

Tong Yu squatted on the ground, placed a puffer whale on the chopping board, and took out the Yongling Knife from the space ring.

There is no doubt that puffer whale is a type of seafood, and it is most suitable to use the Yongling knife to handle it.

Holding the Everlasting Knife in his hand, the golden light once again added a mysterious and beautiful color to the cave beach.

Shiyi, once again used, allowed Tong Yu to concentrate all his energy on dealing with the puffer whale in front of him.

Close your eyes and put your palms together.

While praying, you also concentrate all your mental energy.

After a moment, Tong Yu suddenly opened his eyes, fixed the fish body with his left hand, picked up the Yongling knife with his right hand and started to prepare for cutting.

The position of the poison bag of each puffer whale is different, and the order of treatment will also change according to the position of the poison bag. If the wrong method is used to handle it, it will be poisoned immediately.

Therefore, Tong Yu had to see or...feel the location of the poison bag before swinging the knife.

"This puffer whale's poison bag is in... its abdomen!"

Very good, this position is not troublesome to deal with.

After determining the location of the puffer whale, Tong Yu swung the kitchen knife without hesitation.


The knife was struck decisively without any hesitation.

The most taboo thing about knife skills is hesitation. As a professional cook, Tong Yu will not be sloppy.


The Yongling Knife was swung down from the gills of the puffer whale, and huge resistance was felt the first time it was swung down.

Although Tong Yu was mentally prepared, he was still surprised for a moment by the huge resistance.

"It's amazing. This heavy weight can be felt all over the body. This is the first time I have experienced such a feeling... Even the giant Andre swordfish that disintegrated in the backyard of the villa can't compare. This is an overwhelming feeling of weight. !”

Although Tong Yu was surprised in her heart, she didn't dare to be careless with her hands.

The location of the poison bag is ten centimeters downward from the fish's gills.


Tong Yu controlled her strength and cut open the fish from the gills down. The knife edge stopped exactly 10 centimeters.

The next step is to cut off the mandible from the gills.

The skillful knife skills were deployed again, which made Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro look nervous.

However, the two women did not dare to make a sound because they were worried that the extra noise would affect Tong Yu's processing work.


A crisp sound came as Tong Yu's Yongling Knife cut off the bones of the puffer whale's jaw very lightly.

Then, the entire fish belly was cut open, but at this moment, a voice shouted from behind.

"Oh oh oh, is this Cave Beach? It's so beautiful! Great, we're finally here!"

The sound of Xiaosong making a fuss made Tong Yu clone himself, and there was a sudden feeling of weakness in the right hand holding the knife, and the blade of the knife deviated.

Although there was only a deviation of less than 1mm, the poison bag had burst, the poison instantly spread all over the body, and the white puffer whale instantly turned purple.

The first puffer whale's poison bag removal failed was disturbed.


Chapter 386: Puffer whale, let’s eat!

Tong Yu was affected, and there was a very slight deviation in his right hand, but the sharp Yongling knife still cut open the poison bag of the puffer whale, causing the entire puffer whale to be poisoned instantly.

"It failed."

Tong Yu couldn't help but shook her head when she looked at the first puffer whale that had failed to be poisoned.

Alu, Coco, Xiaosong and other three people rushed into the cave beach. They didn't know that Tong Yu was distracted by the yelling just now.

"We're finally here. Is this the cave beach? It's really great!"

“What a beautiful place. There are flying and shining jellyfish everywhere. It’s like a paradise~~~”

The two idiots Xiaosong and Alu were intoxicated with themselves. Coco walked in and saw Tong Yu who was dealing with the puffer whale.

Seeing dozens of puffer whales placed in front of Tong Yu, Keke couldn't help but be surprised again.

"Have... captured so many already? We are just more than half an hour late, and one of them has failed to be processed..." Coco looked in Tong Yu's direction and was secretly surprised.

Soon Alu and Xiaosong also discovered Tong Yu and the other three, and quickly ran to them - and screamed again.

"Wow, this a puffer whale? It's the first time I've seen it! There are so many...and they're all anesthetized. It's amazing! Were all these done by Master Tong Yu?" Xiaosong couldn't control his heart. asked excitedly and loudly.

Although Alu didn't show it, there was a look of surprise on his face.

Ryoko Sakaki looked at the excited Komatsu and couldn't help but smile and said: "Chef Komatsu, you don't have to be so surprised. If you hadn't made such a loud noise just now, Tong Yujun might have already taken care of the first puffer whale."

Only then did Komatsu see a poisoned puffer whale next to him.

"Eh... eh, did I distract Mr. Tong Yu? I'm so... I'm so sorry." Xiaosong hurriedly bent down to apologize.

Tong Yu interrupted Xiaosong's behavior and said: "Okay, don't take it to heart, I just failed the first one. I have found the trick to deal with the puffer whale. Next, I have 6 levels of confidence in detoxification." bag."

After saying these words, Coco felt surprised again.

Although Coco is not a professional chef, he is still good at handling ingredients because of his extraordinary vision. Even many professional chefs are not necessarily better than him. Even so, his success rate in handling puffer whales is only less than one level.

But Tong Yu can confidently say that he has 6 levels of certainty.

Tong Yu did not deal with the second puffer whale in a hurry, but instead set his sights on Xiaosong.

"Xiaosong, are you okay? The explosion just now..."

It was okay not to mention this matter, but when Xiaosong was mentioned, he became so angry that he kicked Aru's right leg.

"It's all Mr. Aru's fault. He didn't explain it when he gave me something. That salute was clearly a super bomb!"

Alu corrected him with a serious look on his face and said: "It's a weapon, that's a weapon!"

"I was almost killed by your salute, did you know? No, I already did it once! If it weren't for that strange old man..."

When he heard this, Tong Yu couldn't help but nodded, and was once again sure that Xiaosong was saved by Jiro this time as in the plot.

Sure enough, Xiaosong's strong food luck is still favored by the God of Luck. Others would definitely not have such luck, and they would have been in trouble long ago.

"Okay, let's continue to deal with the puffer whales. Alu and Coco, I suggest you capture some first. The puffer whales have not been laying eggs for long. I can help you remove the poison bags for free later."

"Really? That's great!"

For Alu, capturing the puffer whale is not difficult, but removing the poison bag is the most troublesome part.

In fact, this is not only true for Aru, but also for most food hunters. Therefore, this also indirectly proves the importance of finding an excellent cook as a partner.

Alu and Coco wanted to go directly into the water to capture the puffer whale, but they stopped when they saw Tong Yu picking up the Yongling knife to deal with the second puffer whale.


Tong Yu took a deep breath and then spit it out.

Without any hesitation, he picked up the kitchen knife and started dissecting the puffer whale in the same way as before.

The poisonous bag of this puffer whale is different from the one just now. It grows on the tail, which is relatively easy to deal with.

The dissection process was no different from the first one. Soon the belly of the puffer whale was unfolded, revealing the purple-black poison bag at the tail.

The poison bag is about the size of an egg and is surrounded by a thin mucous membrane that needs to be removed carefully.

The poison bag is very brittle and will burst with the slightest touch.

Tong Yu put down the kitchen knife in his hand, and the next steps needed to be completed with his hands.

At this moment, the super-visual and super-tactile abilities were used at the same time, and he slowly stretched out his right hand towards the poison bag.

Using hypertactile sensation, much of the briskness of the poison bag can be felt... coming.

The maximum endurance of the poison bag is 0.01 Newtons, and the strength should be below this.

Tong Yu concentrated all her energy and carefully and slowly removed the surrounding mucosa.

Aru, Xiaosong, Keke and others on the side did not dare to speak loudly, and even their breathing was kept to a minimum.

Tong Yu completely removed the mucous membrane around the poison bag and gently placed the puffer whale's mucous membrane on his hand.

The moment the poison bag left the body of the puffer whale, the entire puffer whale released a golden light.

"Ah, the river...the puffer whale is glowing!" Komatsu couldn't help shouting again.


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