Special top-quality ingredients like puffer whale can be stored in this warehouse for at least five years, and the taste is preserved to the maximum extent.

If the maximum deliciousness is not considered, the storage time is at least 10 years.

Of course, Tong Yu didn't plan to store it for so long. He only stored the remaining puffer whales so that a few other die-hard fans could taste them.

Do not forget the original intention.

High-end ingredients should be shared with others at any time.

The joy and deliciousness of ingredients can only be experienced with your loved ones.


A few days later, Tong Yu, as the director, was invited to participate in igo's emergency meeting regarding the gourmet society's wanton destruction of the ecology and plundering of ingredients.

At this meeting, all directors from several departments were present.

Obviously, the situation has reached a certain point, and only then can igo call on all members to gather here.

Tong Yu sat at the side of the conference room, drinking coffee leisurely and listening to others talking about the current situation.

The girly Umeda picked up a photo and said slowly: "The food party has already started. This memory is also for them~~"

"I've heard about it a long time ago, so what was the circumstances of this murder?" A middle-aged man in a suit with an afro hair asked calmly.

Director of the IGO Management Bureau, Hongjiu immediately picked up another information sheet and said: "Now it seems that the 'Land Octopus' and 'Hamburg Shell' in the fourth protected area, the 'Red Scorpion' in the fifth protected area, and the eighth The rainbow fruits in the protected area have all been destroyed, and all the ingredients have been taken away. Especially in the eighth protected area, the persecution is very serious. "Not a single 'rainbow fruit' weighing more than 909000 kilograms is left. The entire army of Doro Kinga was also wiped out, and the ecology has become seriously imbalanced. "

After listening to Wine Glass’s report, Wu Liu, the director of the Finance Bureau, squinted his eyes and said: “Judging from the monitor screen, the enemy is a new type of GT robot. The operator is still under investigation. No matter how he interacts with Ang, the operator They are all quite powerful!”


The director of the Propaganda Bureau, Naroid, was wearing a black suit and looked very imposing with his crew cut. He shook the ashes from his body and said: "So, the food police are out, right? Director of Wine Glasses?"

Wine glass, the director of the Legal Affairs Bureau, and most of IGO's food police are under his control. He actually sent his men to the cave beach last time for the puffer whale incident.


There was a complicated look on the wine glass's face, and it didn't look very good.

"It's a pity that the criminals were not caught. Captain Tetro, who was in charge of the operation, was killed near the entrance of the Cave Desert!" Wine Glass said with a look of regret and melancholy.

Hearing this, everyone else was surprised.

"Wha... what! The captain of the special operations team was also... He was a gourmet from the original gourmet club. He was quite experienced and powerful. How could he be killed?"

"It seems that the GT robot at this food fair is quite powerful."


Chapter 389: Plan

Everyone present was surprised to varying degrees. Even the captain of the Legal Affairs Bureau was killed. The matter had reached a certain level of seriousness.

Everyone also attaches great importance to it, otherwise they would not be here to hold this meeting.

Sissy Umeda looked calm and didn't show the worry that others did.

"Well, it's almost time for us to take action. Director Wine Glass, let's start summoning the Four Heavenly Kings to deal with the Gourmet Club. Aru, Coco, Zebra, and Sani need to go through the formalities for Zebra's release from prison immediately." Umeda said while looking at the wine glass.

Summoning the Four Heavenly Kings is also a focus of this meeting.

When Wine Glass heard this, he got a headache even more, and the expression on his face became bad.

"Ah? I don't want him to come out now. You should know why Zebra was imprisoned in the first place. I'm afraid to let him out now..."

Everyone present knew the meaning of the wine glass. Once Zebra was released from prison, it would cause as much sensation as the food party.

Zebra, the most problematic child among the Four Heavenly Kings, has become a headache for everyone as to whether or not to release him from prison.

"No, there's nothing we can do about it. Our opponent is the Gourmet Club, and this is also to protect the peace of the human world."

Umeda did not discuss this topic much, turned the information book in his hand to the next page, and said: "So, what are the current security areas and protected ingredients?"

Hongjiu immediately answered, "It's a legal island in the first protected area, and the ingredients are mammoths, an ancient food treasure."

“If it’s this ingredient, we can’t let it be taken away by the Gourmet Club no matter what!”

“I second the suggestion, let’s let the Four Heavenly Kings of Food pass by as soon as possible.”

"Okay, then let Zebra out of jail? I personally think it's better not to. If that guy comes out now, it will only make the situation more chaotic." Wine Glass said with another headache.

During the entire meeting, Tong Yu didn't say a word. When she heard about the first habitat ingredients, her lips finally moved.

"Zebra, don't let him out yet." "

Tong Yu's sudden words attracted the attention of everyone at the conference table.

Tong Yu's face did not change and he said slowly: "Releasing Zebra out of prison now will do more harm than good, and it may not be worth the loss. The main goal of the food party now is the legal mammoth in the first habitat. We only need to protect this ingredient. I have decided What do you think about going there in person?”

"If you can go there in person, we will be relieved." Wine Glass said.

Umeda put down the information in his hand and said, "That's it. Tong Yu will go to the first realm in person to protect the food treasure. Alu, Coco, and Sani will entrust them with other tasks."


"So be it."


None of the directors and ministers present had any objections to Tong Yuqian's personal trip to the First Habitat to protect the ingredients, and they all felt that this was the best decision.

Of course, Tong Yu also had his own purpose in proposing to do this.

One of the purposes is naturally to stop the Gourmet Club and prevent this precious ingredient from falling into the hands of the Gourmet Club.

Another purpose is that Tong Yu wants to taste the delicious food known as the dreamy "jewel meat".

That's right, the legal mammoth that inhabits the huge plains of Igo's first habitat is a huge mammoth that is called the "ancient food treasure".

The growth rate is very fast, and the body length can reach 50m in a few weeks after birth.

It has low fecundity but is very long-lived, and can live for more than 500 years and continues to grow during this period.As the body length increases, the hunting level also increases.There is "jewel meat" somewhere in the body that combines the delicious taste of all parts of the body. The place where it appears varies depending on the individual, so it is quite difficult to find it.

There is no doubt that gem meat is a super special ingredient. Due to its rare value, it was not only the most luxurious treat in ancient times, but also was used as a "wedding ring" because it sparkled like a gem.

Not only is it a gift for men to attract women, but it can also be used to prove one's "power" by defeating the Rigaru Mammoth. Therefore, "jewel meat" has been a food treasure that only the brave can obtain since ancient times.


Returning to the private villa, Tong Yu told Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro about the incident.

"After the puffer whale incident, it was indeed a battle between gems and flesh, so this time we are going to Igo's first realm." Ryoko Sakaki looked at Tong Yu and said.

Tong Yu lay on a chair in the backyard and closed her eyes to take a nap, while saying: "Gem meat is one of the top ingredients in the human world and must not be given to the gourmet party."

"I remember this episode. The food club sent out several GT robots. Is Tong Yu-kun okay with just the three of us?" Tadokoro said worriedly.

Indeed, in the original plot, the Gourmet Club and Igo started a war around the meat of gems.

The Gourmet Club dispatched the most advanced GT robots, and they put in a lot of fighting power... The most important point is that the GT robot controlled by Stajiu also joined the battle.

The strength of a GT robot depends largely on the strength of its operator.

The stronger the operator and the better the control technology, the more performance and strength he can exert.

In the original work, Stajiu controlled the GT robot and almost wiped out Aru and his group. If it weren't for Komatsu's food luck, Aru and others might have died in this plot.

Tong Yu didn't dare to be careless, and he knew that his opponent this time was not weak.

After some thought, Tong Yu decided to summon the hardcore people of this world.

It has been some time since they came to this world, and I don’t know what progress and achievements they have made.


A few days later, Setsuno Canteen in City A

Although Setuno canteens have been opened all over the world, Setuno canteens can be seen everywhere in the human world, but even so, every canteen has been fully booked.

Setsino Shokudo (main store), located in the food town of City A, has already been booked for several years.

However, Tong Yu was lucky today and sat at the dining table of Setuno's cafeteria without making a reservation, ready to enjoy the food.

Soma was excited when he saw Tong Yu, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro walking into the cafeteria.

"々. Wow, Tong Yujun, you are finally here. I thought you had forgotten me!"

Chuangzhen was very excited. He had studied here for so long and practiced cooking every day and night. He also missed his friends such as Tong Yu very much.

In fact, Tong Yu had long known about Soma's apprenticeship with Setsuno, and had never come to Soma, just to let him study hard with Setsuno.

Chapter 390: Gathering the die-hard fans (1)

Today there is only Soma in Setsuna's canteen. Both Setsuno and Soma's senior sister Bubu have to go out temporarily and leave the canteen to Soma.

It is precisely because of this that Tong Yu and the other three people, who did not have any reservations, were able to sit at the table in Setsuno's cafeteria.

The four of them had not seen each other for a long time and missed each other very much. It was inevitable that they would greet each other after meeting.

After chatting for a while, Tong Yu revealed the main purpose of coming this time.

"Chuangzhen, come with me to the first realm of igo this time."

"Igo's first realm? Where is that place and what are you going to do?" Chuangzhen looked confused and said that he had never heard of igo's first realm.

If other people say this, it will make people think it is strange, but if it is just a single-cell creation, it is another matter.

"To capture the flesh of gems, the flesh of dreams."

"High-end ingredients? However, I have seen a lot of them here, Master Setsuno."

Tong Yu has black lines on his forehead. Does this sound so deserving of a beating?

"Stop showing off, we are short of manpower this time and you must go with me."

"Okay, but I have to ask Master Setsuno for instructions. There should be no problem."

"Well, Souma, what's the maximum level of capture level beasts you can handle now?"

Tong Yu could feel that Chuangzhen had become stronger, not only his cooking skills had improved by 900, but his ability to deal with beasts had also improved significantly, which could be felt from his aura.

When Chuangzhen heard Tong Yu's words, a mysterious smile appeared on his face.

"Hey, Tong Yujun, why don't you guess, what level of beast do you think I can deal with now?" Chuangzhen said.

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