The female fighting wolf licked the little fighting wolf's hair, used her body to build the strongest defensive fortress, and vowed to protect her child with her life.

After enjoying the tenderness for a moment, the female fighting wolf once again exuded a terrifying aura, and the king's aura suddenly emerged.

Kuga Teruki and Yukihira Soma were standing nearby, and they both felt this terrifying momentum.

"As expected of a descendant of the Eight Kings, even though he is a clone, his aura is still terrifying and terrifying!" Teruki Kuga sighed.

Yukihira Soma also nodded and said: "Yes, the capture level should be over [-], right?"

"Probably, even in the state after childbirth, the two of us may not be opponents..."

At this moment, both Kuga and Soma felt their insignificance once again.

Strength needs to be further improved.

The female fighting wolf walked towards the GT robot step by step. Tong Yu knew that she was planning to smash the GT robot that was attacking her child.

The flame fruit does have the effect of restoring physical strength, but the energy consumed in childbirth is too huge, and it is impossible to recover in a short time.

However, the female fighting wolf had already made plans to die and used her last strength to protect her dignity.

Tong Yu also saw the mother fighting wolf's thoughts, and specifically asked Soma and Kuga Teruki not to help.

Looking at the entire food world, there are almost no creatures on land that can surpass the speed of fighting wolves.

Dou Lang's eyes flashed sharply, and he was 20 meters away from the GT robot in the blink of an eye.

Even Tong Yu couldn't react to this speed, let alone this GT robot.

Almost no one saw the speed of the attack. The front paws were swung out and the GT robot was directly knocked away.

This speed!This explosive power!

"This is still the state of exhaustion after childbirth... I can't imagine how fast the wolf fighting can be in its heyday!" Tong Yu sighed secretly in his heart.


The GT robot was blown away and smashed into the rubble.


The female fighting wolf is bound to smash the GT robot, and will continue to attack when she gains the upper hand.

The speed is so fast that it is difficult to imagine that it is in a state after childbirth.


Another paw slapped the GT robot hard.


Even Mansam's "pan" couldn't hurt the GT robot at all. Under Dou Lang's attack, small cracks appeared in the titanium alloy body.

"Is this wolf fighting? This speed and destructive power are really terrifying! However, you, a beast, are still far from defeating me!"

Bey roared and controlled the GT robot and also launched an offensive.

However, he saw that the gray hair on the robot's body stood on end.

The next second, the hair turned into countless steel needles, shooting wildly at the female fighting wolf.

The female fighting wolf used her little strength to dodge, and the steel needles passed by her several times.


The female fighting wolf used her last strength to launch an attack!

This time, the two claws hit the GT robot's body hard.


The sound of shattering metal was louder than before.

The body of the GT robot was completely shattered, exposing its structure and parts.

Mansam, who was lying in the ruins, saw this scene and couldn't help but sigh at the amazing destructive power of the fighting wolf.

However, the female fighting wolf had exhausted all her strength and her body was crumbling, almost falling.

This allowed GT Robot to finally seize the opportunity.

The anteater's weird face opened to both sides again.

A laser stronger than before was fired, aiming at the female fighting wolf who was seriously lacking in physical strength and was about to fall to the ground.

The place he aimed at was his head.

After this hit, even Fighting Wolf had no chance of surviving.

At this critical moment, Tong Yu took action again.

A huge black spoon easily blocked the laser.

At this time, the female fighting wolf finally fell to the ground, and a pair of arrogant eyes fell on the human who was slowly walking towards it.

The female Dou Lang knew that without Tong Yu's help, she feared that her children would die.Tong Yu not only protected it to give birth to a child smoothly, but also fed it fruits to replenish its strength...

Although Dou Lang is arrogant, he knows how to be grateful.

It can also be said that the proud fighting wolf will not owe others any favors, but once he is kind to them, he will definitely repay them.

At this moment, the female fighting wolf has regarded Tong Yu as her benefactor and has no resistance to him.

Tong Yu didn't know what the female fighting wolf was thinking at this moment, but now his eyes were fixed on the GT robot in the distance.

"The Gourmet Club...has no compassion for all living things, which is completely contrary to the way of a chef."

After sighing, Tong Yu gradually felt a powerful aura rising from his body.



Chapter 399: The storm has passed temporarily

The dark cooking world and the Gourmet Club are the biggest villains in different worlds.

However, Tong Yu was able to become the leader of the dark cooking world and lead everyone to prosperity and prosperity, but he could only be hostile to the gourmet society.

They are both villain organizations, but they are fundamentally different.

No matter how bad they are in the dark cooking world, they are essentially chefs and have more or less dignity as cooks.

The guys in the Food Club are completely different. They have no compassion for all things, and no gratitude for the ingredients. In their eyes, everything in the world is the object of their toy.

And, as long as it is of value to them, they will get it at all costs.

Over the years, gastronomy has recklessly harvested ingredients, which has seriously damaged the ecological balance and caused extremely bad impacts.

Tong Yu himself has no objection to "villains". The so-called "villains" can be thought of as just acting according to their own wishes and making behaviors that others cannot understand.

However, the behavior of the Food Club violated Tong Yu's principles and touched his bottom line, so he could only be regarded as an "enemy".

A momentum gradually rose from Tong Yu's body, indicating that he was ready to take action.

"Director, are you alright?"

Ryoko Sakaki came to Mansam with concern and couldn't help but worry when she saw him lying in the ruins unable to stand up.

Mansam couldn't help laughing while lying on the ground: "Hahaha, do you think I look fine now?"

"It's not like that at all. There's a hole in your stomach."

"Hahahaha, no problem at all! My pain has been numbed for a long time, and I can't feel the pain from the beginning." Mansam laughed.

Tazoue stared at the horrific wounds on Mansam's body for a moment and said, "Director, are you completely seriously injured?"

"What, you called me handsome?"


"You two little girls, don't worry about my injury. You can recover after drinking some wine. But the strength of this GT robot exceeds my imagination."

As he spoke, Mansam turned his attention to the GT robot not far away.

Mansam thought that he could easily destroy the GT robot with his food skills, but who knew that the attack could not cause any damage to it.

"Director Mansam, you know a lot about GT robots." Ryoko Sakaki said.

After all, Mansam is also the director of the research institute, and he has done a lot of research on some inventions of IGO and the Gourmet Club.

"Yes, the GT robot is also known as the 'Gourmet Long-distance Perception Robot'. Long-distance perception refers to the visual, tactile and other sensory information received by the robot at a distance. The operator can obtain it. Yes. At the same time, you can operate the robot as if you were on the scene. This is the concept and technology of that thing.

Unmanned reconnaissance aircraft that survey tens of thousands of meters of deep sea and the surface of the moon can be considered as improved machines. In other words, human beings in the physical body use machines to enter dangerous places, making the investigation and collection of food become a possible reasons.Even if it performs exactly the same action as the operator, the error is only one thousandth of a second.In addition to vision, touch, and now even smell and taste, they are all reacted as signals to the operator. It is as if the operator went to capture prey on the spot to eat. It is very live!No matter what, the operator’s strength and presence can be conveyed to him from the scene through the GT robot’! "

There are many benefits to controlling GT robots, and the operator also avoids dangers. It is no wonder that gourmet food companies are also mass-produced.

"Little girl, can you do me a favor?" Mansam suddenly said to Ryoko Sakaki.

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"I have a bottle of wine in my pants pocket, could you please take it out for me?"

"Okay… okay."

Ryoko Sakaki helped Mansam take out a bottle of wine from his pants. Mansam opened it and poured the wine on the wound.

Then something strange happened. The wounds where the wine had been poured were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Isn't this vodka? It also has such a therapeutic effect! Doesn't it only have a disinfecting effect?" Tazoe said in surprise.

Mansam's face became serious, and his momentum was slowly rising: "The technology of telepresence is also very popular in medical institutions. Now it should be possible for world-class surgeons to control the whole world by controlling robots. Diagnosis and surgery are performed on patients around the world who are not on site...but at the same time, precious technology will inevitably be used by people with evil intentions to commit crimes."

After saying this, Mansam's injuries were completely healed. When he stood up again, the ghost of the gourmet cell demon appeared above his head.

It was a ghostly arhat with three heads and six arms, and its powerful aura shocked everyone.

Fortunately, both Sakaki Ryoko and Tadokoro were mentally prepared and were not frightened by the phantom of the gourmet cell demon. After all, they had already seen Tong Yu's gourmet cell demon...

Mansam once again banned the firing of laser cannons at the headquarters, because he wanted to personally deal with the GT robots.

However, at this moment, Mansam regained his self-awareness and did not let the food cell demon control him, because he felt a powerful aura, which was also filled with anger.

"I'm angry. It's been a long time since I've seen Tong Yu angry now. Well, that bastard kid can't run away now... No, I'm afraid he will kill him mercilessly when he sees him! Bey, you're like this It's not good for an asshole to offend anyone, but he offends Tong Yu." Mansam sighed inwardly, and at the same time, he was ready to take advantage of him.

Mansam is one of the few people who knows Tong Yu's strength. He will not let the enemy escape if he takes action.

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