Kuga Teruki is an understanding person. Seeing Mansam's panic, he speculated: "Ah, I understand. Did the GT robot deliberately sneak in to stop us?"

"Ah, that's it."

Mansam still blushed and said: "To capture the legal mammoth while the food arena is in chaos, it's really bad. We fell into the food club's trick!"

According to the original plan, after Tong Yu and his party arrived at the Food Research Institute, they would head to the first habitat without stopping to capture the meat of gems.

But because of Mansam's "hospitality", several people had to stay here and was delayed for a day.

Therefore, this gives food an opportunity to take advantage of it.

Tong Yu picked up a glass of wine and drank it. He looked at Mansam with contempt and said, "I told you a long time ago not to drink regardless of anything. You will get so drunk that you will forget important things."

"Ah, how can you say that to me? Aren't you drinking now?"

"You invite us to treat us with the menu of life, how can you refuse!"

"Ah, if we don't talk about this now, if the legal mammoth is taken away by the Gourmet Club, the president will definitely nag me!"

It turns out that it was because of this that Mansam was not afraid of anything but the president, Yilong.

Just when Mansam was extremely anxious, Ling, who was leisurely eating ice cream, said: "Don't worry, it's okay."


Ling looked at Tong Yu and Mansam and said, "I have contacted my brother a long time ago. He has already arrived on this island."

"Miss Ling's brother is Sani, one of the Four Heavenly Kings." Ryoko Sakaki said.

Ling nodded and said, "My brother seems to have captured the legal mammoth, and he seems to be on his way here now."

After hearing this, Mansam always felt that something was wrong. He knew something about Sani's abilities...

Sani has outstanding tactile abilities, and the gourmet cell demon that lives in his body is the "devil" who once ruled the red universe.

Famoqi's ability relies on controlling hair. One hair can bear a weight of 250 kilograms, and each hair is invisible to the naked eye.

Sani has a total of 25 hairs, each with a thickness of 0.1 micron. He can detect other people's physical conditions without others noticing, and he can also use his hair to do detailed work...

It is true that Sani can lift dozens of tons of beasts with his hair, but the legal weight of an adult mammoth is at least 5000 million tons...

"Wait, could it be that what Sani captured was..."

Mansam suddenly realized something.


(To be continued...).

Chapter 401: Sani

Food Club, Branch Six

"Ah, I almost killed Mansam! That bastard named Tong Yu actually ruined my good deeds and said things like next time I see my true body... What a bastard! I'm going to take out your internal organs and stomp on them. Smashed!"

Bey, who looked like a complete monster, was yelling in the hall to vent his inner dissatisfaction.

"Can't you beat igo~ the director of the administration now?"

The same monster walked towards Bey alone -.

I saw this man leaning on a cane, with a wrinkled face, and wearing a strange black robe. He didn't look like he had any strength at all.

This person's name is Qiao Niang, who is also a member of the sixth branch, but is an engineer of GT robots and a manufacturer of various weapons. He is a true scientist.

"I'm so noisy to Mother Qiao!" Bei yelled at Mother Qiao impatiently.

Faced with Bey's roar, Qiao Niang continued calmly: "Haha, the No. 16 machine you are riding in suffered [-] fatal injuries in the battle with Mansam, Dou Lang and Tong Yu. If it were a real body, it would have been dead long ago.”

"Damn it, can you stop talking about this? How are the other machines? In the little time I bought, have I captured the delicious legal mammoth?" Bey asked.

"A total of four machines have been logged in, but it seems the legal mammoth has not been found yet."

"What! Haven't found it yet?"

After thinking for a while, Qiao Niang said: "I think someone else should have taken the first step, maybe someone else in our guild."


At the same time, here at the First Research Institute

Thinking that there were still important things to do, a group of people hurriedly finished the dinner and came to the designated place to wait for Sani's arrival.

But even while waiting, Mansam did not forget to drink wine. He also held a hind leg meat of a drunken cow in his hand and was eating it with relish.

Soma, who is also a foodie, is also munching away.

"Wow, I didn't expect food with alcohol flavor to be so delicious. Is this what eating means? Wow, haha, it's so delicious!" Chuangzhen said loudly with a rosy face and a drunken look.

Seeing Chuangzhen like this, everyone knew that this guy must have gotten drunk. He didn't drink but he ate a lot of food. You must know that most of the food on the table just now contained alcohol.

"Xingpingzi, you don't need to take the food out to eat. Can you pay attention to your own influence?" Kuga Teruki scolded.

But at this time, Souma was completely over the top, and he didn't even listen to Kuga Teruki's words, and continued to chew the meat, exclaiming that it was delicious.

After waiting for a while, Ling, who was looking into the distance with a telescope, suddenly said: "It's coming, it's coming!"

"Is Sani here?"

However, everyone did not see Sani. They only saw a legal mammoth with its acupuncture points "flying" towards this direction.

This legal mammoth is only about 200 meters long. Even so, it looks like a moving mountain from a distance.

As the target continued to approach, everyone saw that it was Sani who had lifted the legal mammoth by his hair and was flying towards this direction.

"So... so big. Is this a legal mammoth?"

"This size is indeed what it is!"

Mansam is now certain that the legal mammoths captured in Sani are just calves and that the real legal mammoths are still elsewhere in the first habitat.

Sani didn't even know that what he caught was a cub, so he threw the legal mammoth weighing hundreds of tons towards Tong Yu and others with a gesture that he thought was cool.

Seeing this scene, Mansam and Chuangzhen were frightened and threw away the food in their hands.

Mansam used all his strength to catch the legal mammoth thrown over.


Tong Yu was fine, but Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro were shocked.

"Ah, I'm sorry. Is it a little heavy, Director?"

Sani put his right hand on his mouth and nose, and said intoxicatedly: "However, it is a beautiful baton. It seems that the director's wrist strength has not weakened at all. Unfortunately, there is a fly in the ointment. After receiving the legal mammoth move, he can't do it at all." It makes people feel turbulent and cannot move them at all. Rather, those bow legs are so sad. They are not sexy at all. They might as well be killed by a piece of tofu."

Sani's appearance and words revealed his character as a good-looking dog.

When Tong Yu saw Sani for the first time, she couldn't help but take a look.

Sure enough, just like the description in the anime, the skin is so white that women would be jealous just looking at it.

The colorful long hair does not look like a killer. Coupled with the slender height, he can be regarded as a handsome man.

"Asshole, Sani!"

Mansam raised the legal mammoth with both hands and cursed at Sani in the distance: "Don't throw such an important food treasure over here, you are no different from before, you bastard who is getting retribution!"

"I hope you can thank me for being so considerate in transporting the legal mammoths to this place. I don't want the director to say that I will suffer retribution!"

As Sani spoke, he came to Tong Yu and others, first looked at Tong Yu, and then looked at the two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro.

"Ah, these two beautiful ladies have really good skin! They must take good care of themselves and pay attention to their diet, right? That's great, this is the skin color that women should have~~~"

Sani looked at the two girls, Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro, who were beautiful and had good skin, and couldn't help but feel intoxicated with herself.

Tong Yu knew that what Sani said was literal, but she still felt a little unhappy after hearing it.

After all, Sani is a man after all. Saying these words to his own woman in front of him will make people very uncomfortable.

So, Tong Yu came to Sani, frowned slightly and said, "I said, you should be more careful and pay attention to etiquette."


Only then did Sani turn around and cast his gaze on Tong Yu: "If I remember correctly, you are the deputy director of Igo Food Management Bureau, right?"


"Oh, that's a very blunt answer."

Sani also noticed that the relationship between Ryoko Sakaki and Tong Yu was unusual. He spread his hands and said, "Don't worry, I'm not interested in women. I just like to study skin care."

Why does this sound so wrong?

A [-]-foot-old man actually said he was not interested in women!

Ji Lao?

Thinking of this, Tong Yu immediately pulled the two girls towards the side, keeping a distance from Sani.

"Ling, why are you here?"

Only then did Sani realize that his sister was here, but when he saw his biological sister who had been away for several months, he couldn't help but start complaining again.

"What? Your thighs are like steel pipes, and the fat on your skin is no joke. You've already eaten sweets!"

Sani didn't care at all that there were other people present and pointed at Ling's thighs and complained mercilessly.

"It's so noisy. This has nothing to do with my brother!"

"I don't want to have anything to do with you. A manly sister like you, can you learn from the two beautiful women here and pay a little attention to your figure and skin?"

"It's so annoying. I face a group of ferocious and ugly beasts every day. How can I have time to take care of myself?"

Sani and Ling started to quarrel like this, and Mansam was used to it, because the two brothers and sisters had been like this since they were young.

"Sani, this time you and Tong Yu should also go capture the gem meat. I predict that a lot of effort will be put into this gourmet event."

Mansam, still holding the legal mammoth in both hands, said to Sani.

After hearing this, Sani also stopped arguing with Ling, looked at Mansam and said doubtfully: "Ah? Didn't I catch the legal mammoth? Isn't this one in your hand? Director, you You’ve become confused after drinking!”

"You idiot, this is just a cub. There should be an adult mother several times larger than this!" Mansam said angrily.


Mansam and Ling were immediately shocked.

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