"It's so clear. Compared with the ground, this clarity is like 4K picture quality. Haha, this time is really not in vain, the scenery is more beautiful than imagined, right Liangzi, Xiaohui." Tong Yu looked at the night sky and smiled.

"Yeah, it would be great if I could live in a place like this one day~ The air is clear and the scenery is beautiful!" Ryoko Sakaki couldn't help but sigh.

Tong Yu took a long drink from the wine bottle and continued to look at the starry night sky: "There will come a day when I will lead you to live the life you expect."


After another day of rest, the three of them continued their journey.

It was the first time for Tong Yu and the three of them to set foot in the vegetable sky, but they knew the plot and knew that it would become very dangerous starting from a height of 963 meters.

Most of the dangers come from complex and changeable harsh environments, and some come from attacks by ferocious beasts... From here on, the level of capturing ferocious beasts will increase, and ordinary food hunters cannot pass this level.

"Xiaohui and Liangzi should be a little more careful from here on out," Tong Yu reminded.

The two women nodded in understanding.

"Feiyu, from now on, your mission is to protect Liangzi and Xiaohui. Leave the rest to me, do you understand?"


Feiyu raised his right arm with the scythe to show that there was no problem.

Being fully prepared, the three of them continued moving forward.

Starting from here is the difficult point of challenging the vegetable sky. Countless food hunters have died here.

Tongyu climbed at the front, followed closely by Tadokoroe and Sakaki Ryoko, and Feiyu walked at the end to prevent the two women from falling without a firm grip or being attacked by other beasts.

"There is the smell of a beast ahead, be careful, those guys are about to appear."

There are no high-level beasts below 6000 meters. From this point on, the level of captured beasts will reach level 40 or above.

Sure enough, after climbing dozens of meters to reach a spacious land of vines, the sound of roaring beasts could be heard.

Everyone looked forward and saw a gorilla-like beast appearing in front of them.

Seeing this beast, Tong Yu was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "Here we come, Sky Vine's 'specialty' Sky Orangutan."

The Sky Orangutan, like ordinary orangutans, is a mammal and has a very high IQ. It can also be said to be the "evolved type" of Dora King Kong.

A beast of the orangutan family, it has the largest body length among great apes. It forms a family society with a male as the center, moves in groups, and can use its hands and feet flexibly.It is better at fighting in trees than on the ground, and when it appears in a place with poor footing, its actual capture level is even higher.

Capture level 40, only sky vines can inhabit the human world.

An adult sky orangutan has a height of 10 to 13 meters, and its meat is very hard and has no edible value.

If you want to reach the Vegetable Sky, you must pass the Sky Orangutan level.

"It really happened. It's the same as the plot in the comics..."

Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro also showed no fear. Although this was not the first time they saw such high-level beasts, their appearance was expected.

The first one to appear was the adult male sky orangutan. It was initially estimated that this guy's body height reached 16 meters, and then several female sky orangutans appeared.

In less than half a minute, Tong Yu and the other three were surrounded by this group of extremely aggressive sky orangutans.


Feiyu immediately stood in front of Tong Yue and Sakaki Ryoko... Although these sky orangutans are powerful in combat, they are not enough in front of Feiyu. As long as Tong Yu gives an order, it will definitely kill them all.

Tong Yu did not move in a hurry and stood still, showing no intention of attacking the group of orangutans.


This group of sky orangutans had no patience, and after roaring loudly, they launched an attack on Tong Yu and others.

But at this moment, the beast that merged with the sky vines started to move.

A chameleon in nature, it is good at changing the color of its body at any time according to changes in the environment... becoming the same color as the surrounding environment is not only conducive to hiding itself, but also conducive to catching prey.

One theory is that physiological changes such as discoloration are accomplished through the expansion or contraction of pigment cells in the skin under the control of the autonomic nervous system.

The plant monsters hiding in the vines in the sky now have similar principles.

The evil bean tree is another "specialty" of Vegetable Sky. It is a cunning plant beast with giant vines in the sky that use mimicry to catch prey.

There are beans on the head that lure prey, and they will use those climbing prey as sniper targets.Therefore, it is very difficult to capture beans. Compared with the purpose of profit, if you capture the evil bean tree, you can prove your bragging power.

There is an endless stream of gourmets who come to challenge the catch.Moreover, the taste is richer and the nutritional value is higher than that of ordinary food.It can be used as an ingredient in soups and has many different uses.

The reason why Tong Yu hesitates to take action is because the sky gorilla has no edible value, and also because he knows that the evil bean tree is hidden here...

As expected, the Evil Bean Tree launched an attack on the unsuspecting Sky Orangutan after removing its camouflage form.

The huge mouth opened and swallowed the huge orangutan in one gulp.

Originally, there was a 6-level difference in capture levels, so the combat effectiveness was about the same. However, the evil bean tree took advantage and launched a sudden attack, leaving the sky gorilla defenseless.

After this group of evil bean trees swallowed several sky gorillas, they immediately turned their attention to Tong Yu and others.

"The mung beans from the evil bean tree are of extremely high nutritional value, and the taste of cooking is excellent... Ryoko, didn't you say you got angry before? Today I will make you this mung bean soup that can clear away heat and reduce inflammation. Bar!"

After Tong Yu finished speaking, his aura exploded.

“Food skills???????

As the core of Tong Yu's master, Shi Yi's chopsticks have now been trained to perfection by Tong Yu.

A three-meter length of silver-black material appeared and pierced directly into the neck of the evil bean tree in front of him.

Tong Yu's right arm was slightly bent, and as he pushed upwards, the huge mung bean of the evil bean tree was lifted up.

A mung bean is 60 centimeters long. Tong Yu calmly caught the huge mung bean with a "spoon".

Tong Yu had no intention of stopping. This one was only used for cooking, and it was a rare occasion to have a vegetable sky.

So Tong Yu moved his hands together and peeled off ten huge mung beans in a short while.

If the mung beans of the evil bean tree are taken away, they will not die, but it will take some time to grow back. After all, they are plant-like beasts, and they can be healed slowly as long as they are not attacked by pieces of corpses.

These evil bean trees were not stupid either. Seeing how powerful Tong Yu was, they all learned the mimicry under disguise and did not dare to show their faces easily.

Tong Yu would not rush to kill them all. After getting ten mung beans, he was quite satisfied. He put them all into the space ring and continued on his way.

Keep climbing...

Another whole day passed, and at night the three of them arrived at an altitude of 7000 meters above sea level.

Chapter 431: Attack of nature

At an altitude of 7000 meters above sea level, the atmospheric pressure is approximately 133Pa.

No matter the air pressure or air density, it is no longer something ordinary people can adapt to, and they have to face the biting cold.

The higher the altitude, the slower the climbing speed, and the stronger the beasts encountered. Considering that the two women were not walking very fast, Tong Yu found a safe place to set up the camping tent near dusk. Build it up.

Tong Yu found an open place, took out the cooking utensils from the space catcher, and took out 3 mung beans from the evil bean tree~ captured in the afternoon.

"Let's use these two mung beans for dinner tonight -" Tong Yu said.

Seeing this, Ryoko Sakaki couldn't help but asked curiously: "Tong Yu-kun, what are you going to cook with these three huge mung beans?"

"I have already thought about it just now. Two of them will be used to make soup and the other one will be used to make mung bean cake." Tong Yu said.

"Mung bean soup and mung bean cake~ These are the dishes that Xiaohui and I love to eat. They are so good!"

Ryoko Sakaki said happily, hugging Tong Yu and giving her a sweet kiss.

Tong Yu laughed loudly and started cooking.

The main raw material of mung bean soup is mung beans. Just put the mung beans into water and stew. No other ingredients are needed. You only need to add a little salt for seasoning. There is no difficulty at all. It is a dish with almost no difficulty.

This kind of cooking is naturally not difficult for Tong Yu, but there is one thing that needs to be paid attention to...that is the pressure problem at the current altitude.

The boiling point of water changes with the atmospheric pressure. The higher the altitude, the thinner the air, and the lower the boiling point of water. General cooking utensils cannot meet the boiling point requirements.

Tong Yu had already thought of this and took out the huge pressure cooker that had been prepared in advance.

Make a cross cut on the top of the giant mung beans, pour in mountain spring water, cover and simmer.

Then Tong Yu started making mung bean cakes, and two girls, Tadokoro Megumi and Sakaki Ryoko, also came to help.

Mung bean cake is one of the traditional pastries in Tong Yu's original world and is a summer snack.

According to legend, the ancient Chinese ancestors, in order to seek safety and health, would eat foods such as rice dumplings, realgar wine, mung bean cake, and salted duck eggs during the Dragon Boat Festival.According to the taste, it can be divided into southern and northern styles. The northern style is the Beijing style. It does not add any oil when making. Although it is soft in the mouth, it has no oily feeling. The southern style includes the Su style and the Yang style. It needs to add oil when making, and the taste is soft and soft. exquisite.

The main raw materials of mung bean cake are cooked mung bean powder, steamed potato powder, vegetable oil, cooked lard, soft white sugar, sugar roses, black date meat, osmanthus sugar, etc.

It is characterized by sweet and cold nature and flavor, non-toxic, and has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, dispelling heat and quenching thirst, diuresis and swelling, improving eyesight and reducing nebula.

Tong Yu knew many ways to make mung bean cake, but she had never tried making it. Today she finally had the chance.

Although it was the first time to make it, Tong Yu's cooking skills were there and it was not difficult to make it well.

After a while, dozens of exquisite mung bean cakes were prepared and served in the steamer.

The mung bean cake was finished first, and Ryoko Sakaki and Megumi Tadokoro couldn't wait to pick one up to taste.

"Well, it's delicious! It's not the first time I've tasted mung bean cake, but it's the first time I've tasted this kind of texture!" After taking a small bite, Tadokoro was surprised by the texture of the mung bean cake.

Ryoko Sakaki also took a bite with a face full of happiness: "It's so delicious, the taste is fragrant, soft and non-sticky to the teeth. The mung bean cake made with top-quality mung beans really tastes great!"

Tong Yu picked up a piece of mung bean cake and put it into his mouth, tasting it carefully.

The taste of mung bean cake is very unique. Compared with other pastries, the biggest feature is its delicate texture. In addition, the filling is red beans. The combination of the sandy texture of the filling and the delicate taste of mung beans is a must-have!

The color is light yellow, the texture is fine and tight, and the fragrant taste lingers in the mouth for a long time.

After tasting the mung bean cake, the stewed mung bean soup is almost ready.

The three of them scooped up another bowl of hot mung bean soup and drank it. It was no longer cold at an altitude of 7000 meters.


After another night's rest, Tong Yu continued to move forward.

The place ahead is already at an altitude of 8000 meters. There will be "rain clouds" in this place, also known as "thunder clouds".

Thunderclouds, the largest clouds can reach up to [-] meters in length and width, are completely opposite to the beautiful surface. When "thunder" or "concentrated heavy rain" occurs on the ground, it will bring about tornadoes. They are very dangerous clouds, and if they are on the ground Large aircraft that are close to strong convection in the sky are in danger of crashing and are called "cloud monsters."

Soon, Tong Yu and Feiyu arrived at the thundercloud area in the vegetable sky.


Dark clouds were densely covered, with lightning and thunder overhead, as if there was a thunder dragon rolling and roaring in the black clouds.

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