"It's no wonder, we've all been in the dark clouds and mist for so long, and it's closer to the sun here than on the ground." Tong Yu said with a smile.

Ryoko Sakaki smoothed the hair from her forehead and stretched out her hands to feel the temperature in the air around her.

"It's so warm."

Saying that, Ryoko Sakaki took off the oxygen mask and took a deep breath, feeling much more energetic.

"The air is so fresh~~ This is the aroma of deep and rich soil. This temperature is proof that we have entered the stratosphere from the troposphere. This fish fillet is above the equator, so it is almost [-] meters above sea level. Right." Ryoko Sakaki quickly analyzed the surrounding environment.

Vegetable Sky, this is indeed a very magical place. There is a piece of land growing at such a high place. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is a paradise.

Feiyu also likes this place very much. It has sunshine, air and a lot of green plants.

"々. It's amazing, these grasses are completely rooted in the clouds!"

Tazoe looked at the clouds under her feet and tried to step on them.

Tong Yu watched Tian Suohui carefully test it, and couldn't help but stepped forward and stepped on it.

"Don't worry, Xiao Hui. The structure here is similar to that of the Xu Zhi Jungle. It's all rooted in plants. It's extremely strong and can easily bear several tons of weight."

Tong Yu stepped on the clouds and looked into the distance. Her super sense of smell expanded and she could smell the fragrance in the air.

This is the unique sweet taste of vegetables!

When she thought of the sweet and delicious vegetables ahead, Tong Yu couldn't wait.

"Come on, let's go there quickly...vegetables we've never tasted before are waiting for us!"

Tong Yu took the lead and walked at the front, making sure that every place could be safely settled.

Although plants are all rooted in the clouds, it is inevitable that there will be omissions. If there are no plants taking root in some places, the consequences of falling through the air will be disastrous.

This is the first time for everyone to come to Vegetable Sky, and they are full of curiosity about this unknown place.

"So soft~ Every step you take feels like you are stepping on marshmallow~~ So fun!"

"I find it interesting too, but how did this place come to be?"

Ryoko Sakaki squatted down as she spoke, picked up a ball of "white clouds", looked at it in her hand, and began to read.

"It turned out to be like this..."

Tong Yu also came over and asked curiously: "What's wrong Liangzi, did you find anything?"

Ryoko Sakaki nodded and said: "There is a smell of volcanic ash in these clouds. It can be inferred that the clouds here contain a large amount of volcanic ash. In other words, the current clouds are formed after the ash freezes into ice. These grasses have absorbed these." The carbon content in the ash grows and contains extremely high nutrients."

Chapter 435: A sea of ​​vegetables

In addition to being quite accomplished in cooking, Ryoko Sakaki also knew a lot about geography, humanities, etc. After casually grabbing a handful of "clouds" in the sky and looking at them, she already knew the approximate ingredients in them.

"I see, this cloud contains plant ash and high nutrients from volcanoes. No wonder the nutrients here are more fertile than other lands." Ryoko Sakaki analyzed.

Tong Yu walked to Sakaki Ryoko and looked around, saying, "It is true. There are many volcanoes on the land nearby, among which Mount Xulu is nearby... The magma and volcanic ash erupted by Mount Xulu have extremely high nutritional content."

"And... plus the weight of the three of us and Feiyu can be easily borne, this soil is really powerful." Tian Suohui said in disbelief.

"I'm afraid the roots of these plants are concentrated around here... In addition, you can still breathe smoothly even after taking off the oxygen mask. The air content here is higher than that on the ground. It's because these green plants have carried out photosynthesis, right? !" Ryoko Sakaki said again.

The sky of vegetables, this sky is like a paradise.

"Okay, let's talk about this later, we should go taste the ingredients here now!"

Tong Yu didn't take a few steps when she saw a small earthworm crawling slowly on the ground next to her feet.

Earthworms are very common in the soil, but these mineral earthworms are hard to see.

Mineral earthworms, with almost no capture grade, mainly inhabit nutrient-rich lands.

99% of the body is made up of water, and earthworms can survive by drinking only water.

If there is sewage in the water that mineral earthworms drink, it can purify the water in the body.Therefore, in fields where mineral earthworms live, the water quality is excellent and abundant.It can promote the existence of soil regeneration and recycling.Therefore, it is also called the owner of Xiao Xiaotian.

"This little guy only grows in fertile land, which means the ingredients are nearby! Hurry up and follow Liangzi and Xiaohui!"

After Tong Yu finished speaking, he quickly ran forward. After passing through a tall grass, another scene came into view.

Red, green, yellow, white.

Big and small.

Vegetables of different heights and colors appear in view.

As far as the eye can see, it looks like a carpet made of vegetables.

"Ahahaha, this is the real vegetable sky, I finally found it!" Tong Yu laughed excitedly.

A sea of ​​vegetables, these vegetables grow densely together, but all of them are so strong.

The sweet fragrance of various vegetables floats in the air, and just this fragrance is enough to make people salivate.

Tadokoro Megumi, Sakaki Ryoko and Feiyu who arrived later were also shocked by the scene in front of them... The vegetables growing in front of them were as dense as if they were placed in a vegetable warehouse.

"It's...so amazing, it's all vegetables!"

"The aroma of this vegetable is really different. It is not inferior to the aroma of cooked fish and other meats. It is strong, deep and thick. This is the purest vegetable aroma!"

While the two girls were still sighing, Tong Yu had already pulled up a white radish that was several times thicker than his arm.

The size of ordinary white radish is about the size of Tong Yu's arm, but the white radish from Vegetable Sky is several times larger, and you can feel the strong heaviness in your hand.

Plenty of portions!

This thick feeling indicates that it contains a lot of vitamins and water.

Tong Yu took out an ordinary kitchen knife from the space ring and used skillful knife skills to remove the skin from the white radish.

The white radish was thrown into the air casually. The kitchen knife in his hand seemed to be waving in the air casually, but it was cut into thick slices of equal size and placed on the plate.

Tong Yu took the written radish slices and came to Sakaki Ryoko and Tian Moshi.

"Come and try it. I can feel the specialness of this white carrot when I cut it. It must be very delicious!"


Ryoko Sakaki picked up a piece of carrot with the chopsticks on the side and put it into her mouth.


The crisp sound is so pleasant when you take a bite.

The delicious juice spreads in your mouth, and the sweet taste moisturizes your body and skin.

"Well, it's so delicious. It's crisp and sweet. It's like taking a sip of water."

“The texture and taste are completely different from the vegetables I’ve eaten before!”

After eating it, the two women were amazed at the deliciousness of the white radish.

Tong Yu also looked surprised. The taste was completely different from the vegetables he had eaten before.

What vegetables have you eaten so far?After eating this white radish, I felt that all the vegetables I had eaten before tasted rotten.

Tong Yu finished the white radish in three strokes, then picked a tomato and put it into his mouth.

This tomato is still about twice as big as an ordinary tomato.

One bite and the delicious taste spreads in your mouth.

good to eat!


Better than the taste of meat.

This is Tong Yu’s evaluation of these vegetables.

The more you eat, the better you get. This vegetable has a natural taste, whether it's sweet or sour, it's all so appropriate and unbelievably delicious.

Now Tong Yu can also understand why some people say that ingredients are more delicious than meat.

After finishing the big tomato in his hand, Tong Yu turned around and saw Ryouko Sakaki and Megumi Tadori eating a cucumber.

After eating vegetables, the skin of the two women also became extremely shiny, which is a sign that the body has become active.

"Xiaohui, Liangzi, your skin has become very shiny~~ Ha, the moisturizing effect of these vegetables is comparable to skin care products." Tong Yu looked at the two women and smiled.

"Yes, this and this cucumber is super delicious!"

Ryoko Sakaki also felt the obvious changes in her skin. She held her cheeks in disbelief and said: "Generally speaking, cucumbers have a lot of water and their taste will become very bland, but cucumbers not only have a lot of water, but their sweet taste is not affected at all. It is salty and sweet." The taste keeps spreading in your mouth. The texture is crisp and you will be addicted after one bite!”

"Haha, with so many vegetables, don't be full just by eating one. There are other vegetables as well. Let's try them."

"it is good!"

"Feiyu, please eat more! These vegetables should also suit your appetite."


Feiyu also had a look of joy on his face, obviously he also liked to eat these vegetables.

It is true that the Flying Mantis is a carnivore, but it also loves vegetables. Most insects will not refuse vegetables.

Later, in this sea of ​​vegetables, Tong Yu and others tasted many delicacies.

Sweet and waxy pumpkins, broccoli trees, a fountain of French fries, marshmallow potatoes and other delicacies.

After Tong Yu ate one third of the food, he felt that he had almost collected some vegetables, and then started the main meal.



Chapter 436: Sky Phoenix Soup

Tong Yu ate a lot of vegetables, but still felt unsatisfied.

For Tong Yu, these vegetables were just appetizers, and the main meal was the glorious phoenix he had just captured.

That's right, Tong Yu plans to use the vegetables here as ingredients and the meat of the glorious phoenix as the main ingredient to make a top-notch delicacy that belongs to the vegetable sky.

Tong Yu's space ring has long been equipped with various utensils, from big to small, just for cooking various ingredients and beasts.

A huge chopping board with a length of more than 20 meters was taken out from the space ring, and then the glorious phoenix captured just now was distributed on the huge chopping board.

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