Nacida was stunned. She looked at the young man in front of her blankly. When he said this, the look in his eyes was really serious.

She lowered her head and was silent for a long time, but only she knew the ups and downs in her heart.

As the God of Wisdom, many things do not require seeing the whole picture, and at this moment, Nasida has understood a lot of things just from one look——

Would you rather be a helpless, lonely, poor orphan than the Demon God of the Night, who responds to a hundred calls and whose strength is all over the world?

"Okay, although it's really shocking to know that you are really an elf from another world, it doesn't seem to affect the fact that I have to go to class tomorrow." The young man got up from the bed with a "Hey!" Walking to the small bathroom, he said to Nasida: "Since you came from time and space, you probably don't have the money to stay in a hotel. Do you want to sleep here with me? If so, I'll make a bunk on the floor."

Nacida didn't respond, and the boy didn't pay attention.

He finished washing himself in the bathroom where there was no light, then came back and dug out a mat and a quilt in the shabby cabinet.

Put the mat on the ground and spread the bedding on it. If you don't have a pillow, just take off your coat and fold it into a pile to use as a pillow.

After doing this, the boy got under the quilt, looked up at Nasida, who was still sitting on the bed in the same position as before, and said, "Please turn off the light. If the electricity bill exceeds the standard, I will have no electricity next month."

Nacida sighed inaudibly and obediently pressed the switch on the wall next to the bed.

After a "pop" sound, the room fell into darkness.


The weather in late autumn and early winter was very cold. Nasida, whose body was now the same as that of an ordinary little girl, felt the cold even when she huddled under the quilt, but in this quiet darkness, she had no time to care about the cold.

She kept her eyes open and blinked from time to time. She could clearly hear the boy's steady and subtle breathing on the floor beside the bed, which made her mind very peaceful.

But the thoughts in her mind never stopped from the beginning.

She was recalling everything she knew about Nenox.

He is the person he saw when he opened his eyes when he was first born between heaven and earth.

I may not know him better than some beings who have been with him for a longer time, but as far as I am concerned, he is the person I know best.

Looking back carefully, has he ever rested since I first met him 500 years ago?It seemed that every time they met, he was seriously injured and exhausted - this was the case until his death...

On the day of "dawn", when she witnessed the moment of his death, Nasida's first reaction was not heartbreak, but a silent lament in her heart - finally she can take a rest, Ni Nok Sri Lanka.

However, an unknown number of years passed after that, and she once again saw the man who should have died and had a good rest. Although he no longer knew her, he was still busy, just like 500 years ago.


Nacida just recalled and thought about it. In the silent darkness, she stared at the past, quietly in a daze.

Time passed unconsciously, and when the first ray of morning light shone into the house through the broken glass window, Nasida was shocked to realize that it was already dawn.

She turned her head and looked at the floor beside the bed. The boy's eyelids were closed and he was sleeping peacefully.

Nacida gently got out of bed and sat down next to the boy's "pillow". Her hands were on the quilt, her head was lowered, and the distance between her cheek and the boy was less than twenty centimeters.

She would gently touch the boy's sleeping face with one hand, look at his long eyelashes that were trembling slightly, and whisper: "You are really tired...then, have a good rest."


In the following period of time, Nasida never mentioned anything about things outside this "world" to the boy again, and there was even very little communication.

As a bystander, Nasida was quietly watching the boy's life.

He would get up very early every day to go to school, and then come back very late, and during this period of time, Nasida would always go to the nearby library to read -

And on Saturdays and weekends in this world, teenagers who no longer have to go to school will spend the whole day helping in shops on the street or moving bricks on construction sites.

At this time, Nasida would always watch silently not far from the boy's workplace.

Because the boy is underage, whether at the construction site or in the store, most people use this as an excuse to only pay half or even less of their salary, so Nasida can often see the boy shamelessly trying to get more remuneration or even laughing and arguing with the adults. .

It looked funny, even funny, but Nasida only felt sad and sad.

After understanding the rules of this world, she thought of countless ways to help the boy obtain countless wealth, but she did not do so.

Because she knew that these were all things that had already happened. The former Nenox was such a person. He was not strong, even weak, not dazzling, and even looked humble despite his appearance.

When I was injured, I didn’t have my father’s shoulder to lean on, and when I was wronged, I didn’t have my mother’s embrace to act coquettishly.

No friends, no relatives, always alone.

In the past, Nenox had told her several times in a joking tone that he was most afraid of loneliness. Nasida thought it was a joke, because after all, how could such a powerful and dazzling person be afraid of loneliness? Woolen cloth?

But Nacida doesn't think so now.

He might be... really scared.

But... now he would rather choose to be an ordinary person and be lonely than to become Nenox and become powerful and dazzling again...

Nacida placed her hand on her left breast.

It's really strange that I can feel the pain in my heart even though I'm just a consciousness.

Chapter 62 Neighbors


When the old door is pushed open, it always makes an uncomfortable harsh sound, but Nasida does not find the sound unpleasant.

As expected, the sound of opening the door was accompanied by the clear and cheerful voice of the young man: "Nasida, I'm telling you, I met a nice uncle at the construction site today! If he hadn't bought me a drink Coke, I’m afraid I’ll die of thirst on the road today!”

"By the way! Someone told me that he just moved to this neighborhood from other places two days ago. He bought me a Coke because he saw me coming out of here and knew he was a neighbor."

While chattering excitedly, the boy took off his shirt and walked towards the bathroom, presumably to take a shower to wash away the dust from the construction site.

Nacida listened to the boy's words with a smile. She had an indescribable feeling that she liked very much.

The bathroom door was closed, and the sound of water flowing inside came from inside, but the boy's words still didn't stop: "He also said that today is his daughter's birthday, and there are only his mother and daughter at home, so he wanted to invite Let’s go have a meal together and have a lot of fun.”

Nasida, who had always smiled and listened patiently before, was stunned and couldn't help but said: "We?"

"Yes, we went out to buy groceries together yesterday. My uncle was the one he saw at that time. He seemed to have mistaken us for brother and sister. Anyway, I couldn't explain your origins, so I just admitted it. "

Nacida stopped talking. It wasn't until the boy quickly finished taking a shower and came out with his shirtless body wiping his hair that Nacida asked the second question: "...What should I do with my ears?"

After hearing this, the young man thought for a moment. After all, with elf ears like this, it can be said that it is a COS toy that children like to play with when going out to buy groceries. Most people will not care, let alone ask specifically, but now This is an unjustifiable reason for visiting someone else's home.

So - 2 minutes later.

Nasida, who was wearing a large black hooded coat, stood in front of the boy with a veiled face.

The young man bent down to help Nacida put on her hood, which covered her lovely but too eye-catching elf ears. After doing this, he straightened up, held his chin and looked up and down at his "masterpiece" ", and then nodded with satisfaction: "Perfect."

Nasida: "..."


"Boss, how do you sell this?"

"Huh? So expensive?! Can it be cheaper?"

"Oh, that's all I brought this time. I'll come back to you next time to buy some! It'll be cheaper!"

Nasida stood by the stall and looked at the boy who was usually reluctant to buy more rice. He bought five or six cold dishes in a row. The "huge sum" of more than one hundred yuan in total was almost the boy's own food expenses for a week. Although I tried my best to negotiate the price, but when I finally paid, there was no hesitation.

Nascida never said a word, just followed the boy quietly, listening to him complain about the recent skyrocketing prices.

Until they came to the door of a house similar in style to their residence, the young man's face could not suppress the excitement and nervousness. He wiped his hands on his body before carefully knocking on the door.

Nasida couldn't help but pursed her lips as she watched this scene. She knew very well that the boy's mentality was nothing more than a severe lack of love. Generally, such a person would go all out if others showed a little kindness to him. to respond...

There was a knock on the door, and a medium-thick male voice sounded inside: "Huanhuan, open the door!"

"I know!" A clear childish voice responded.

With the sound of light footsteps, the door was opened.

Standing behind the door was a little pink girl about five or six years old.

A kind smile appeared on the young man's face, and he said to the puzzled little girl: "Hello Huanhuan, happy birthday, I am your father's friend."

"Wow! I know! You are Brother Xiaoling! Dad just told me that a very beautiful brother will come as a guest!" Huanhuan Pu fanned his big eyes and greeted warmly, then stuck out his little head and said to Nasida: "Sister, your eyes are so beautiful, there are four-leaf clovers in them!"

"Thank you for the compliment. You are very cute too." Nacida responded with a smile.

At this time, a middle-aged man with a loyal look and a face full of wind and frost came over. Seeing the young man's figure, he greeted with a smile: "Hey, Xiaoye is here, come in quickly, hey! Come here as soon as you come, kid!" Well, what else are you buying, yo, this is your sister, I think you look alike, what’s your name?”

The young man scratched his head and chuckled. As he walked into the room, he said, "Her name is Na...ahem, her name is Yesi, and she has the same surname as mine."

The middle-aged man patted the young man on the shoulder: "As I said, you are brother and sister, how can you not have the same last name?"

"Ah...yes, by the way, Uncle Wang, where is grandma? Didn't you say there is an old man at home?"

"Hey, did you hear anything going on in the kitchen? I'm telling you, kid, my mom's cooking skills are amazing. I guarantee that after you finish eating today, you'll want to come here every day!"

Uncle Wang put his hand on the young man's shoulder, and while asking Huanhuan to bring her milk to "Sister Xiaoxi", he led the young man into the house: "I remember that your kid is not yet an adult, right? That can't be done I’m drinking, there are drinks at home…”

"It's okay, Uncle Wang. I'll have a drink with you. It'll be okay..."

"It's okay, it's okay. Your hair hasn't even grown yet. It's the time when you're growing tall. What can you drink? I'll get you some juice. Hey, Xiaoxi, you're welcome. Your brother and I have been friends for years. You feel like you are at home here!"


At the dinner table, the young man and Uncle Wang mingled with each other, but one person's cup was filled with wine, while the other's cup was filled with yellow juice.

"Xiaoye, let me tell you, if this were in my hometown, there would be no less than twenty people in the scene tonight!"

"Then why are you here, Uncle Wang, looking for trouble?"

"Hey! What else can you do! Why don't you go to school just for Huanhuan? The school in the village is closed, and they all say that education in big cities is better. I thought, this child was born without a mother. I already owe her enough. , this can give her a better education and a better future in the future, this is the biggest compensation I can give her."

The young man couldn't help but glance at Huanhuan on the other side of the table, who was laughing and putting vegetables into Nasida's bowl. He couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth: "Uncle Wang, you taught Huanhuan very well. I miss her." If my mother is alive in heaven, she will definitely be very happy."

"Damn! You are a high school student after all, and you can speak well. Come on!" Uncle Wang's dark face turned a little red from drinking. He raised his glass and touched it with the boy.

The old man came tremblingly carrying a plate of dishes.

When the young man saw it, he stood up and took it: "I'll do it, I'll do it! Come on, grandma, don't burn it. There's enough here. Come and eat it, otherwise it won't taste good when it gets cold."

The old man's wrinkled face was full of kindness. She grabbed the young man's hand and said, "Okay..."

The two took their seats.

The small table under the warm yellow light was finally filled with people.

After three drinks and five dishes, although Uncle Wang was the only one drinking, the atmosphere at the table was heated up by him alone.

He chatted with the boy about everything from family stories to international events.

The old man sitting in the main seat suddenly sobbed, and the voices at the dinner table suddenly fell silent.

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