
In his hazy consciousness, Nynox vaguely heard some of these voices, but he was just confused for a while. He could understand every word, but he didn't understand what was being said at all. His mind was confused and chaotic, and he didn't understand. , don’t understand, don’t know.

"Wait a minute, he seems to be waking up!"

Paimon interrupted Ying and Ayaka's conversation and suddenly shouted.

The tea room suddenly fell silent.

Everyone's eyes immediately turned to the direction of Nenox.

The little boy lying on the ground still had his eyelids closed, but he sat up from the ground in a daze. Some of his long silver hair hung on his shoulders, and some of it was dragged to the floor. His clothes that were too big because of his smaller body were half hanging. , revealing her pink and white shoulders.

He rubbed his eyes and opened them. The brilliance of the blue rainbow flashed away, and soon dimmed and extinguished, finally revealing the original brilliance of the eyes.

——It's like two pieces of pure and clear amethyst carefully carved and embedded in it. It's so clear and beautiful that you worry that any bit of dirt will stain this pair of gems that are synonymous with beauty.

Although the body of about five or six years old is small, it is not thin. On the contrary, it looks soft and soft, and it even gives the illusion that milk may spill out when pinched, especially the childish face that makes people unable to take their eyes away. The hollowness and confusion on his face made people feel that he was not a human being, but a doll carefully crafted by a skilled craftsman. It was exquisite and beautiful, but without a soul.

Chapter 16 "Spirit"

The room fell into a strange silence. Even Paimon, who was usually the noisiest, just stared wide-eyed and opened his mouth. Although there was an abnormal blush on his face, he was completely speechless.

Nenox... or Ling, probably felt the strange atmosphere. Like a machine with insufficient intelligence, he stiffly climbed up from the ground, as if he didn't notice the people around him at all, and ran towards the door. , seems to want to escape from this strange place.

However, because the clothes were too big, before he could even take two steps, he stepped on the hem of the clothes that was dragging on the ground. With a "pop" sound, the boy lay face down on the floor.

"Ah! I fell!" Pamon screamed and flew towards Nenox.

Ying immediately came to his side and helped him up.

Ling Yang raised a dull and empty face, his forehead was bright red, and he felt as sweet as fruit.

"It seems that I fell on my head. Wow, although it's very pitiful, it's really cute~~" Paimon couldn't help but wave his arms with a heaven-like expression in front of Ling.

"Is this... okay?" Toma and Linghua also gathered around. Different from Toma's weird look, Linghua's expression was a little complicated and worried: "It seems that not only the body, but also the consciousness has completely changed. He’s a kid…”

Ying stretched out her hand and rubbed Ling's red forehead, and said in a gentle tone: "Don't be afraid, we are all your friends and we won't hurt you."

"Wow, this is the first time I've seen such a gentle girl..." Paimon immediately couldn't help but complain.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the tea room, and before Ayaka could respond, a clerk named Shou ran in in a hurry: "Sorry, miss, the general personally issued a wanted order. This is Miss Ying and Mr. Knox are up there! The people from Tianling are also on their way here!"

Ying and Paimon looked at each other, then picked up Ling and rushed out the door: "Then let's go first, Ayaka, Toma, see you again when we have a chance!"

"Wait a minute!" Linghua called Ying.

"What's wrong?" Ying and Paimon stopped and turned around in confusion.

After a moment of confusion, Ayaka sighed slightly: "...Please take care of yourself."


"I'm finally willing to come out of that place, Ying."

In the castle tower, the Eightfold Divine Son appeared next to General Raiden, or Shadow, with a rather nostalgic tone.

"..." Ying paused and said, "The general is no match for him."

"But didn't you lose yourself too?" Shenzi smiled and said something that deserved a beating.

But Ying didn't mind. She sighed softly and put her palms on her chest: "Yes, I lost."

"But isn't this normal? I have never defeated him." Ying said.

Shenzi's tone paused, and after a moment, he said helplessly: "Are you still blaming him?"

"...Why should I blame him? What position do I have to blame him?" Ying Pingping asked back.

"Blame him for being greedy and trying to solve all problems by himself. Blame him for leaving 500 years ago - if he had been willing to stay here honestly, he would have been in charge..."

"Maybe nothing will happen, Gogochiyo may not fall into madness, Kozai Palace, Sasa Yuri... and many other people, even himself, may not die like that... Inazuma will be in peace. After getting through that disaster, no tragedy will happen - have you really not thought about it this way?" Shenzi said in a faint tone.

"..." Ying was silent for a long time and then said, "He doesn't belong to Dao Wife in the first place."

"Hey... each of you always likes to force yourself like this, force yourself to do things you don't want to do, force yourself to say things you don't want to say, but this is not only hard for you, but also hard for me." Shenzi sighed and said After finishing, he walked towards the outside of the castle tower.

"What do you want to do?" Shadow asked.

"Anyway, you will return to that place soon, right? Even if you specifically stated on the wanted notice not to hurt someone, there is no guarantee that the doll will have the same idea, right? Of course I will work harder and pick him up myself. Come back." Shenzi said without looking back.



"Did you see it? That battle before? I heard that if it weren't for Shen Ying, the general would have almost lost!"

"I saw it, but you said the General will lose? Impossible. Even the Demon God Orobus was killed with one strike from Wu Xiang..."

"How is it impossible! Now you look up in the direction of Inazuma Castle. Do you see the branch that reaches into the sky? Then ask about what happened in the White Fox Wilderness. There is a huge pit of [-] meters! I heard that in the east An island was smashed out over the sea! Did you see the previous battle? The whole sky suddenly turned into night!"

"Then...then even if it's because of Shen Ying, the general won't win in the end..."

"That's true, but do you know the name of the Night Demon?"

"Devil of the Night? Never heard of it."

"I heard that he was also a good friend of the General back then, but later he disappeared for some unknown reason. Some people say that he was the one who had a fight with the General this time!"

"Ah? Really fake?"

In the bushes, Ying covered the mouth of the spirit in her arms, sticking close to Paimon and carefully eavesdropping on the conversation between the two shogunate warriors.

Ling, whose mouth and nose were tightly covered, struggled as hard as instinct.

"Be good, don't make a sound..." Ying comforted in a low voice.

But the shogunate was not deaf after all. The silence between each conversation made them notice the movement in the grass behind them after a while.

The two looked at each other, turned around and pointed their spears at the bushes almost at the same time: "Who is this person!"

"Hey, we were still discovered." Paimon spread his hands, feeling helpless.

Ying Ye sighed, and then flicked Ling's forehead angrily: "Not good at all!"

Ling looked at her silently with empty eyes, and his little body was filled with a strange aura.

At this moment, the vigilant voice of the shogunate sounded again: "Come out quickly! I heard the sound!"

"Anyway, Ying, go and deal with them quickly. I'll keep an eye on Ling. I can ask you about the specific location of the rebels later!" Paimon flew to Ling's side and said with an "I'm very reliable" expression on his face.

According to Ying's current strength, it would not be too easy to deal with two ordinary shogunate samurai troops who didn't even have the Eye of God. After just a face-to-face encounter, the two men were affected by the thunder element and fell to the ground in twitching.


Chapter 17 On The Road

Through Ying's coercion, the two shogunate samurai honestly explained the current location of the resistance.

Nashii Beach is the front line of the current battle between the rebels and the shogunate army. As for the rear of the rebels, it is to the northwest of Muxihahazama.

Whether you are going to Nashii Beach or the northwest of Muxiang Hazama, you have to cross at least half of Inazuma, and it is obviously not something that can be reached in a day or two.

After knocking out the two shogunate samurai, Ying carried the spirit on his back. He and Paimon had not been on their way for a while, but the sun was already setting.

Such an incident happened today, and both Ying and Paimon were exhausted physically and mentally. As for Ling, he seemed to have truly become a child in every aspect, and he had already fallen asleep on Ying's back.


"Ugh... I'm so tired. Where are we?" Paimon floated behind Ying, pulling on the hem of Ying's clothes, and asked listlessly.

"According to...according to the Inazuma map I bought earlier, we have just entered the range of Kannazuka..." Ying's voice could not hide the fatigue.

Knowing that there was still a long way to go before the destination, Paimon stuck out his tongue and couldn't help but suggest. "The sun has set. How about we find a place to rest nearby here for the night..."

"Huh... That's okay, but not far away is the Kujo Formation House. There must be many samurai of the shogunate army there. They have to find a hiding place. They can't enter the Chenge Pot, otherwise they will be discovered by the shogunate. There is no time to escape... Huh? There happens to be a Qiuqiu camp there..."

"Great! We just happened to borrow their campsite. We can just clean it again and put our bedding on it!" Paimon's eyes lit up and he said excitedly.

Ying carefully placed the spirit on her back on the lawn next to her. After telling Paimon to watch, she summoned a long sword in her hand and broke into the Qiuqiu people's camp.


After making a sound, the people in Qiuqiu had been cleared away by Ying. After she used the wind element to clean the vacated camp, it suddenly became much cleaner.

She took out the bedding that she and Paimon usually used when camping in the wild and spread it in front of the tent, rekindled the extinguished campfire, and then came back to take Ling and Paimon over.

Paimon threw herself on the soft quilt and rolled several times excitedly. It wasn't until Ying placed the spirit on it that she settled down, lying on her back and looking at the beautiful and dreamy night sky of Teyvat: "It's so comfortable. Ah~~If I had a piece of fried pork with carrot and honey sauce at this time, I would be so happy~~"

"We don't have the fried pork with carrots and honey sauce, but we still have some Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken." Ying sat on the quilt and took out two plates of Sweet Flower Stuffed Chicken. One plate was handed to Paimeng who was looking at it, and the other was placed on it. When he reached the side, he gently pushed Ling's body and called softly: "Ling, get up."

The spirit has no response, like a lifeless doll.

Ying couldn't help pinching Ling's cheek, which felt so good, and said softly: "How about getting up and eating something before going to sleep?"

Ling ignored it and still slept soundly.

"Okay, I was suddenly woken up when I was sleeping soundly. Even if I eat delicious food, I won't feel happy. Just let Ling have a good rest. I think he must be exhausted. After all, he just had sex today. That Thunderbolt General had a fight and made such a big noise!" Paimon put one hand behind his head, crossed his legs together, and with the other hand, he was picking off the sweet flower stuffed chicken. The chicken legs that came out were very leisurely and authentic.

Ying thought for a moment and thought it was true, so she gave up the idea of ​​calling the spirit to get up. She picked up her portion of sweet flower stuffed chicken, broke off the chicken wings from the top, grilled it over the fire, and ate it in small bites.

"Speaking of which, we are all wanted. Why aren't you nervous at all? This time is much more serious and urgent than when we were in Liyue and Mondstadt, right?" Paimon finished eating a chicken drumstick and had his mouth free. When I was there, I asked Chao Ying.

Ying glanced at Paimon, whose posture was extremely relaxed, almost the same as when he was out camping for a vacation, and said speechlessly: "You are still talking about me, isn't Paimon himself the same?"

"Hehe, I'm different. I believe you can definitely solve the crisis! So I'm not afraid at all when I'm with you." When Paimon said this with a grin, the corners of his mouth were still shiny. Unexpectedly cute.

After Ying was stunned for a moment, he shook his head with a helpless smile, looked up at the night sky, and said softly: "I don't know why, ever since I left the Mu Le Tea Room with Ling and set foot on the wilderness outside Daozuma City, I have been Inexplicably, I feel like I have returned to the time when I was adventuring in other worlds with Ling and my brother."

"Not only do I not feel nervous, but I also feel a sense of excitement and anticipation that I haven't seen for a long time..." Ying smiled: "Actually, we have encountered many situations similar to this before. I still remember one time when my brother and Ling We stole the eggs of a particularly bad big bird together. When we were roasting the eggs and preparing to eat them, we were discovered by the big bird's kind. At that time, we were also wanted and hunted by the big bird tribe all over the world. .”

"Hmm...a big bird's egg..." Pamon swallowed and asked with bright eyes, "How big is that egg?"

"Hehe, it's bigger than Paimon." Ying said with a evil smile.

"Wow!" Pamon licked his lips and said excitedly, "I really want to eat it!"

In the wilderness under the starry sky, the bonfire in the camp crackled, and in the warm firelight, Paimon and Ying's laughter could be heard from time to time, and it did not stop until late at night.

Paimon, who was still tired when the sun had just set, seemed to have become more energetic after eating something, especially after listening to the stories of his previous adventures described by Ying.

"That's great..." Paimon said with envy: "Just listening to it makes people yearn for it, and now that you have recovered your spirit, you can find your brother again after he recovers. In that case, I will Can’t I also join your adventure?”

Ying blinked, then smiled, stretched out her hand and rubbed Paimon's head: "Of course, Paimon is my best friend~"

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