at the same time.

Inside the Blue Rose Nightclub in Causeway Bay.

"Very loud."

Li Jun, who heard the explosion, smiled slightly and said lightly.

【090】Sir, remember, no one can judge me on Hong Kong Island

That night, gunshots broke out on Taiping Mountain and chaos broke out.

This kept the big shots on the mountain awake all night, who could shake Hong Kong Island with their stamp of feet.

The same goes for their guards. They didn't sleep all night, never left their guns, and were so nervous that they were sweating all over their heads and backs.

However, what made them fortunate was that the targets of those 'violent bandits' seemed to be only the Li family, and no one else on Taiping Mountain was disturbed~.

Despite this, these big figures in Victoria Peak still issued a stern notice the next day, requiring the British Hong Kong government and the Hong Kong Island Police Force to permanently station an armed team of 100 people in Victoria Peak to ensure that they The security -.

This indirectly led to the Hong Kong Island Police Force building a police training center on Victoria Peak, where two teams of Flying Tigers were permanently stationed.

Like the wealthy people on Victoria Peak, all the top brass of the Hong Kong Island Police Force did not sleep that night.

Police Commissioner Mak Yan-ho called the two deputy commissioners, the senior assistant commissioners and assistant commissioners of the Operation Support Department and the Criminal Security Division to the police headquarters building for a meeting 20 minutes after the explosion.

Throughout the meeting, Mai Renhao, the geeky director, looked extremely ugly.

"Everyone, where is Victoria Peak? I don't need to say more. Even the Governor of Hong Kong was alarmed by the violent incident on Victoria Peak. The place where the explosion occurred was less than 2 kilometers away from the Governor's residence."

"Mr. Governor and I just had a phone call. Do you know what Mr. Governor said on the phone?"

"He said he was very shocked. He didn't expect the law and order on Hong Kong Island to be so chaotic. This time it was the bombing of Victoria Peak, and next time it might be the bombing of the Hong Kong Governor's Mansion!"

"Mr. Governor of Hong Kong has given our police force a death order. We must investigate the Victoria Peak explosion thoroughly and let those behind the scenes receive justice!"

Mak Yan-ho went straight to the point when he opened his mouth and asked the Operation Support Department and the Criminal Security Department to work together. Within 48 hours, an explanation must be given to the citizens of Hong Kong Island, the British Hong Kong Government and the Hong Kong Governor.

This time, the person in charge of the mission was no longer a Chinese, but Mai Renhao and two deputy directors. It was obvious that this time, the ghost guy was serious about it.

As the only Chinese person present, Zhuo Jingquan, director of the support department, remained silent throughout the whole process, quietly watching the performances of a dozen other ghost guys.

In fact, Zhuo Jingquan believed that everyone present basically had their own guesses about who was responsible for the explosion. What they discussed was nothing more than how to minimize the impact of the explosion while maximizing the impact. To save the face of the police force.

The only thing that made Zhuo Jingquan curious was, why did he do this?Doesn't he know that by doing this he will kill a thousand enemies and suffer eight hundred losses?

Or does he have other trump cards?

After thinking about it, Zhuo Jingquan still couldn't figure out what trump card that person had. A short mule, even if he had extraordinary abilities, would be doomed this time.

Sure enough, after some discussion, Police Commissioner Mak Yan-ho spoke again.

"Everyone, since everyone has determined that Li Jun, a Chinese, is suspected of committing a major crime, let him be arrested and brought to justice!"

"Remember, Li Jun must not die. We must make him admit his crimes in front of all the citizens of Hong Kong Island and repent for the sins he has committed!"

Mai Renhao spoke slowly, word by word.

Afterwards, Mak Renhao looked at the only Chinese present, Zhuo Jingquan, and said: "Sir Zhuo, I will leave the task of arresting Li Jun to you. You can uniformly deploy all mobile forces on Hong Kong Island to arrest him." Capture work.”

"Yes, sir!"

Zhuo Jingquan said loudly.

"Sir Zhuo, remember, no matter how much manpower or material resources you spend, it doesn't matter. I don't want any reason, I just want Li Jun!"

Mai Renhao gave final instructions.

Hearing Mai Renhao's words, a sneer appeared on Zhuo Jingquan's lips.

Sure enough, just as he thought, Li Jun, the young and Dangerous boy, was finished this time.

Hong Kong Island is still Gui Lao's Hong Kong Island. As long as Gui Lao wants to touch someone, it doesn't matter whether there is evidence or not, because evidence must be identified by others!

This is the golden rule that Zhuo Jingquan learned during his 20 years of service in the police force.

In Zhuo Jingquan's view, the best outcome for Li Jun now is to escape from Hong Kong Island and live a wanted life. Although he will be frightened, it is better than being locked up in Stanley Prison and losing his freedom for the rest of his life.

However, at this time, Zhuo Jingquan never expected that Li Jun would be able to push the police force to that point!


When the explosion occurred at Victoria Peak on Hong Kong Island, it was on the high seas more than 200 kilometers away from Hong Kong Island.

A cruise ship traveling between Hong Kong Island and the Lion City sailed smoothly on the South China Sea.

This cruise ship named Naniwa is the largest cruise ship owned by the Lin family on Hong Kong Island and can accommodate 3000 tourists on board.

At this time, the Naniwa has ended its 10-day journey to Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand and is on its way back to Hong Kong Island.

According to the plan, it will arrive at the Star Ferry Pier on Hong Kong Island at 8 am on time the next day.

Aboard Naniwa, guests are enjoying their last night on the cruise ship.

Three years ago, after the ghost hand Nie Aotian was defeated in the competition with Haojiang gambling king He Xin, he found another way and rented a cruise ship and transformed it into a gambling ship, making a lot of money.

Since then, the new thing of boat gambling has become popular, and not only people from Hong Kong Island and Haojiang are doing this business.

Rich Chinese from Taiwan, the Lion City, Malaysia and even Luzon also participated.

At its peak, there could be more than ten gambling ships operating at the same time on the high seas of the South China Sea.

However, after a period of competition, only a few powerful big bosses had the last laugh with their gambling boats. Nowadays, there are generally only 4 or 5 gambling boats under construction on the high seas of the South China Sea.

But precisely because of the popularity of boat gambling, even serious cruise ships like the Naniwa have opened small casinos for tourists to have fun.

People who can afford a 10-day trip to Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand are rich, so over time, the small casino that was originally just to increase interest has become one of the main sources of income for the Naniwa.

But at this moment, the tourists on the Naniwa don't know what they will face next.

The pilothouse of the Naniwa cruise ship.

"Captain, there are three ships approaching us quickly!"

The pilot pointed at the three red dots on the radar screen and said to the captain beside him.

"Turn on the radio and try to contact these three ships and ask them what they want to do. Also, alert the Hong Kong Island Coast Guard!"

The captain of the Naniwa immediately gave instructions.

In fact, this place is still more than 200 kilometers away from Hong Kong Island. Even if the Hong Kong Island Coast Guard comes by helicopter, it will take more than 2 hours. If those three ships are really pirates, more than 2 hours will be enough for them to control the Naniwa.

Now he could only hope that the three ships passed by by accident.

But it was clear that luck was not on his side.

"Put down your boarding platform immediately and let us get on board, otherwise we will directly install bombs on your hull and blow up your ship!"

After communicating with those three ships, the captain of the Naniwa received such a reply.

Large cruise ships are very large, and it is difficult to board some equipment. Therefore, when designing the cruise ship, a boarding platform will be left, and these boarding platforms have become the easiest way for pirates to board the ship.

"Captain, what should we do?"

This was the first time the driver had encountered such a thing, and he was already panicking.

"Have you called the police?"

The captain's face was quite calm. It was obvious that he was quite capable of being the captain of such a large cruise ship.


The driver replied immediately.

"First mate, there are pirates trying to hijack the Naniwa. Take someone to the deck immediately to see what the pirates are doing."

After the captain pondered for a moment, he picked up the walkie-talkie and spoke.

It was impossible for him to be so frightened that he gave up the cruise ship just because of a few words from the pirate.

However, a few minutes later, another piece of bad news reached the captain's ears.

"Captain, those pirates seem to be loading bombs!"

The first mate's tone was full of shock and horror.

After hearing the first mate's words, the captain slumped down in his chair like a deflated ball. After a few seconds of silence, he said to the pilot: "Contact the pirates and tell them that we are free to board the ship." platform."

After ten seconds.

Luo Sanpao looked at the slowly opening boarding platform and immediately gave the order. Several "veterans of hundreds of battles" climbed directly onto the escalator on the hull of the cruise ship and walked in. Then, more than 400 people boarded the cruise ship one after another.

Originally, Luo Sanpao's hands were not so rich.

Before arriving, he divided his 100 men into 2 teams of 50 people each.

But after Li Jun promoted him to battalion commander, the number of soldiers Luo Sanpao could summon instantly increased to 500, so he did not hesitate and directly filled them up, making the three originally empty ships overcrowded.

With the 'joint efforts' of more than 400 people, the Naniwa cruise ship was soon completely taken over by Luo Sanpao.

After Luo Sanpao took complete control of the cruise ship, he walked into the cab, picked up the satellite phone that originally belonged to the captain, and dialed a number...

the other side.

Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Island.

After receiving the news that the Li family was bombed, Li Wentian, the second eldest son of the Li family, and Lizetian, the fourth eldest son of the Li family, stood where the Li family's villa was. They looked at the ruins in front of them with unusually complicated eyes.

This is the place where they have lived since childhood. They were born and raised here. Once, this was their spiritual totem.

But now there are only ruins left.

"Sir, where is my elder brother?"

After being stunned for a long time, Li Wencai turned around and asked the police on-site commander Chen Jili who was standing next to him.

"Mr. Li should have hid in a safe house in advance, but with such a powerful explosion, the possibility of his survival..."

Chen Jili pointed to the 'box' in the ruins of the broken wall, which was the only one that was still in shape, but was too distorted to see the prototype, and said slowly.


Although Chen Jili didn't finish what he said, both Li Wentian and Lizetian already understood what he meant.

Obviously, Li Xiaotian is dead.

At this moment, both Li Wentian and Lizetian had a wave of excitement in their eyes.

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