However, another record is that the snake demon has already broken away from the essence of the snake and has begun to transform towards the dragon.

Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball, no one knows if the Dragon Ball family is the descendant of that snake monster.

But the Snake Bone Woman, who has been lingering near the dry well and deserted graves, is not at all hostile to the Longzhu family who are just around the corner.

This information was obtained by the shadow ninjas who had been lurking for many days.

This also gave Kamizen Kage another insight into the Longzhu family.

Legends may not be groundless!

Although it is not clear whether the Longzhu family has the blood of dragons, the necessary preparations cannot be omitted.

The official start of the war was set in one month.

Now that the news has not leaked out, Kamizenkage directly asked the shadow ninjas to explore the situation at each location of the Dragon Ball Group.

Like the Jiying Group, the Dragon Ball Group is distributed throughout Neon.

In addition to the east-west direction of Tokyo, Kanto and Shikoku also have their branches.

Since you want to fight, clean them all at once.

Once the cadres have successfully transformed, they can launch an attack together.

Therefore, early intelligence collection is essential!

While the shadow ninjas were carefully collecting all kinds of information, Kage Kame found Lala and hoped that she could invent some props.

In order to let her understand the usefulness of the props, Kami Maekage even borrowed a rice ghost from Nakiri Senzaemon.

After all, for monsters with bodies, Kamizenkage is naturally good, but for ghosts that have no entities and are similar to shadow ninjas, Kamizenkage himself has never dealt with them.

Naturally, I need to experiment to see if my power has any effect on ghosts.

But this food ghost is for Lala's experiment.

If he wanted to experiment with his power, he would have to look elsewhere.

I was afraid that if I hit him with a fist, I would not be able to explain to Nakiri Senzaemon.

After learning from the old man where such a thing could be found nearby, Kami Maekage took Norima Renga, who came again to prepare for a discussion, directly to the Shimabara Peninsula in Nagasaki Prefecture.

After boarding the prepared yacht and going directly to sea, Fan Majenya finally had the opportunity to ask what this industry was planning to do.

When he learned that Shen Qingying was going to find the ghost, Fan Ma Renya was even more excited than Shen Qingying.

After all, Fan Ma Renya has long been used to fighting against humans.

And he has never fought against so-called ghosts and evil spirits!

Although the blood of Fan Ma from the Fan Ma family can develop ghost brains and simulate various powerful opponents in their minds.

But the simulation is just a false simulation and cannot be regarded as a real battle.

As for ghosts, Fan Ma Renya has never seen them before. How do you ask him to simulate them?

So he went straight to warming up on the yacht.

As for whether the so-called ship ghost can be found, Fan Ma Renya is not worried.

After all, the god of shadows himself has appeared in person, so there must be definite news!

But what he thought was not wrong. Although Nakiri Senzaemon only gave a rough location, the shadow ninjas operating around them were not decorations.

After letting the remaining shadow ninjas take action, Kami Maekage not only found the location of the ghost ship, but even discovered countless sunken ships on the seabed.

After turning the rudder and heading towards the detected location, the location they arrived at was still a blue sea, which seemed to be no different from other places.

But looking at the sky where the sun was still shining brightly, Fan Ma Renya also understood something.

After finishing the warm-up, Fanma Renya jumped directly into the sea water and started swimming along the yacht.

Shen Qianying was noncommittal about Fan Ma Renya's practice of seizing any free time to become stronger.

However, he would not join in. He would just quietly hold a magic book sponsored by Garden Lily Ling and read it.

As the sun set and the moon rose, when the time came to around twelve o'clock in the evening, something different finally happened.

On the seabed hundreds of meters below, a somewhat tattered steel battleship floated slowly.

It obviously has no power source, but at this moment, the entire ship lights up with faint blue lights.

After noticing the movement under the sea, Fan Ma Renya, who had been closing his eyes to rest, suddenly got up.

Then he directly said to the god before the shadow: "I'm going to test the strength of those guys first!"

Then he plunged directly into the sea.

Chapter 165 The strange thing on the Xianghe

As time goes by, the moonlight in the sky has been obscured by dark clouds.

The movement on the sea became louder and louder, and then a ship more than 200 meters long emerged from the water.

Compared with the 50-meter yacht under the shadow of God, it looks like a toy.

Looking at the aircraft carrier made of pure steel, Shen Qianying became even more interested in the ghosts on it.

Compared with ordinary ship ghosts, this kind of military spirit that died in battle should be more powerful!

Facing the aircraft carrier in front of him and the logo on the ship, Shen Qianying recognized that this was the Shokaku aircraft carrier that Neon once called "the most ideal aircraft carrier".

As a once-splendid aircraft carrier, the Shokaku should have sunk near the waters of the Philippines.

Unexpectedly, I sailed all the way back.

And the four big holes under the ship are not just decorations!

Can such a ship be sailed back?

Is it because of those ship ghosts on the ship?

When the Shokaku sank, 1263 officers and soldiers on the ship sank with the ship.

Perhaps it was the souls of these people that brought Xianghe back to this sea area!

But now is not the time to talk about this. Although he is very curious about the appearance of the Shokaku, Kami Maekage has not forgotten what he came to do today.

After Fan Ma Renya climbed onto the deck of the Shokaku with his bare hands, Kami Maekage also easily boarded the somewhat shabby-looking aircraft carrier.

The entire aircraft carrier is covered with traces of war damage, and every gap reveals the intensity of the battle at that time.

It's just that this former war weapon has been occupied by water plants and barnacles.

Looking at some small fish jumping in the crater, Shen Qianying immediately turned his attention to Fan Ma Renya in the center of the deck.

Fan Ma Renya stood on the aircraft carrier deck and did not move.

He had long known that something was wrong on this ghost ship.

But without special abilities, he cannot see the hidden ghosts with his naked eyes.

But the Fanma family's training is not for nothing.

Since you can’t see it with your eyes, use your intuition to feel it!

When Fan Ma Renya was about to walk towards the cabin, Shen Qianying stopped him.

"It's too much trouble, and we don't have that much time to play treasure hunts!"

After saying that, the god's shadow directly took out a black gem and handed it to Fan Ma Renya.

This is the crystallization of high-purity shadow energy, and it contains a lot of energy.

And he has already tested it, and it is quite attractive to ghosts.

After getting the crystal gem, Fan Ma Renya immediately felt that the breath in the air suddenly changed.

He could feel that countless eyes seemed to be peering at him.

Is this a ghost?

While Fan Ma Renya was waiting for a possible attack, Shen Qianying had already felt the ghost's aura.

These auras seemed a bit messy and numerous, and they should be all the officers of the Xianghe who died together.

But does this feeling seem to be bound to this aircraft carrier?


A different kind of earthbound spirit!

A sea-going aircraft carrier that can move, and a ship ghost that uses its power to make it sail again, what a perfect match!

After Shen Qianying restrained his aura, the deck of the aircraft carrier began to creak.

Then dozens of 'people' emerged directly from the deck!

After seeing these guys, Fan Ma Renya was not surprised but overjoyed.

Sure enough, this trip with God's Shadow was really interesting!


Can you defeat it with your own power?

Facing some ghosts wearing blue and white navy sailor uniforms, Fan Ma Renya directly raised his fist and hit them.

However, in the face of a disembodied ghost, how can ordinary attacks be effective?

The powerful and heavy punch directly passed through the body of the ferocious ghost, without any effect.


Feeling the futility of his attack, Fan Ma Renya couldn't help but click his tongue.

Then he concentrated and condensed all the blood in his body into his fists.

Regarding Fan Ma Renya's behavior, Shen Qianying couldn't help but be a little curious.

It seems that the Fanma family also has methods to deal with these monsters!

Looking at him like this, is he using the blood of a warrior?

Or something else?

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