"Then you can handle the rest by yourselves. It's almost time and I'll take my leave~" Kami Maekage said as he handed the finished tea cup back to Kotobuki Tsumugi: "The black tea tastes good~"

"Well, you're welcome to come anytime, Kamae-kun! I'll prepare black tea. Thank you very much for today!"

After leaving the Qingyin Department room, Shi Shiran returned to the classroom.

It's just that the classroom seemed to be particularly noisy at noon today, with many people discussing something.

After listening attentively, Shen Qianying knew what happened.

Makoto Ito dropped out of school~

After experiencing the nationwide "explosion", Makoto Ito seemed to have developed a phobia.

He stayed at home and refused to go out. Seeing this situation, his mother had to suspend school for him.

I came here to pick up his personal belongings at noon today~

Although Mrs. Ito was heartbroken about what happened to her child, she didn't say anything.

Now the shadow that has always been hanging over her head has dissipated because of the relationship between the gods. As long as she works hard, she should be able to make her family better again~

Kami Maekage doesn't want to continue to deal with the Ito family's affairs.

After harvesting the luck of Sawakoshi Zhi and Ito Makoto, he had lost interest in these two people.

So who should you choose as your next target?

Just when Shen Qianying was thinking about how to gain luck in this world, a violent explosion sounded outside the school, and everyone was startled.

Looking at the thick smoke rising outside the window, almost all the students stuck their heads out the window to see what was going on.

Unfortunately, it was too far away to see what was going on.

After one class, the news came out.

The gas leaked and exploded when it encountered an open flame. Fortunately, there were no casualties~

For such news, Shen Qianying really scoffed.

Are all explosions covered up with gas leaks?

If I hadn’t experienced something like this myself, I might have actually believed it!

But since everything has been blocked, the matter must have been resolved~

After all, the major chaebols have their own extraordinary power, and Neon naturally has its own mobile troops.

Licoris, who handles ordinary terrorist incidents, and the supernatural disaster response room, which handles extraordinary incidents, are not vegetarians!

However, what Shenqianying doesn't know is that sometimes if you don't look for trouble, trouble will come to your door.

After school in the afternoon, Shen Qianying packed up his things and prepared to go back.

Things about the student union have been agreed upon, and apart from the important things, the rest will be arranged by the god himself.

Today, because of the negotiation on membership fees tomorrow, I’d better go back early~

Looking at the departing figure of the god, Gui Yanye tightened his hand on the desk, then packed up his schoolbag and followed out.

Chapter 28 The Red Haired Monkey

In the parking lot of Yingcai High School, Kami Maekage pushed his motorcycle slowly towards the outside of the school.

However, just like this morning, after turning the corner, I saw Gui Yanye standing not far away again.

Seeing the figure in front of the god cast his gaze over, Gui Yanye couldn't help but lowered his head shyly.

However, he still took a deep breath, walked quickly to Shen Qianying's side, and took out a bag of packaged biscuits from his schoolbag.

"Kami, Kami-kun, these are the cookies I made yesterday. Please accept them as a thank you gift~"

After Yi Yan took over a bag full of cookies, Shen Qianying looked at the girl in front of him and said seriously: "You were at the rooftop gate at noon today. Did you want to find me for the same reason?"

"Eh? Eh!"

Gui Yanye looked at Shenqianying in shock, as if he didn't expect that the other party actually knew about his behavior at noon.

"Next time if something happens, just say it directly. Although Gui-san, you are very girly, but you lack some courage~"

“In this world, we live for ourselves most of the time, so sometimes we don’t have to care too much about other people’s eyes!”

Gui Yanye was thoughtful about Shen Qianying's teachings.

"Well, thank you for the cookies. I just took them back to share with my sister~"

Hearing these words, Gui Yanye showed a bright smile: "I hope you and your sister will like it~ My sister thinks it tastes pretty good~"

After chatting with Gui Yanye and arriving at the school gate, the two said goodbye and separated.

Looking at the figure of the god who was riding away, Gui Yanye, who had been walking with his head down, seemed to be much more cheerful at the moment.

Kamae-kun is really gentle~

I don't know about Gui Yanye's inner evaluation of Kamizenkage. Kamizenkage rode his bicycle to the street next to Yingcai High School and directly entered a shop.

In this shop, Ryu Kenzaki, who was wearing a black suit, was talking to two people seriously.

One of them looks [-]% or [-]% similar to Kenzakiryu, and standing together makes people think that they might be twins!

It's just that Ryu Kenzaki, who is wearing sunglasses, has a cold face, while the man in a gray suit on the other side looks a little gentle.

After seeing the arrival of Kami Maekage, Kenzaki Ryu and his younger brother Xiaojian immediately came up to him: "President, you are here. This store is the first milk tea shop I selected. What do you think?"

“The location of the store is good, the flow of people is large, and there are universities and shopping streets nearby, so the future should be good~”

After Kami Maekage finished speaking, he looked at the man who looked very similar to Kenzaki Ryu.

"President, he is my younger brother. It's just that my parents divorced when we were young. I took my father's surname, and he and my stepfather changed their names~"

"Hello, President Kamae, I, Goro Inokashira, am a purchasing contractor. My eldest brother and I are discussing the layout and furnishings of the store because of the issue of opening a store~"

Goro Inokashira~

The divine figure nodded, and then unconsciously lowered his gaze to his stomach.

In this strange world, has Uncle Wu Lang’s stomach become strange to you?

Seemingly noticing Kamizen's gaze, Inokashira Goro couldn't help but feel a little strange. He rubbed his stomach and asked doubtfully: "President Kamae, what's wrong?"

"No, it's just that since Mr. Wulang is Uncle Long's brother, then I will also call you Uncle Wulang. Let's have a casual meal together in the evening~"

"You're welcome~" Although Kamizenkage said politely, Inokashira Goro, who knew his eldest brother's occupation, would naturally not be so casual: "Just call me Goro~"

"It's okay, Uncle Wulang. I'll leave it to you to take care of the furniture of the milk tea shop. Just keep it simple and elegant~"

"And it's not just this milk tea shop. Our Jiying Group may open hundreds or thousands of them in the future, so the choice of materials is up to you!"

Big business!

Inokashira Goro couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Wouldn't he be able to work on this business for many years?

So he immediately replied seriously: "I understand, please leave it to me!"

"I will definitely choose the most suitable furniture with the best price~"

After a brief discussion with the three of them on how to design the first flagship store, the sky gradually dimmed and it was time to dine.

The Goddess Shadow didn't bother the two brothers who rarely got together, and directly got on his motorcycle and left under their gazes.

However, an accident followed soon~

There was originally a calm and harmonious scene on the street with cars passing by, but this peaceful atmosphere was immediately broken.

A silver-white Toyota suddenly rushed out of the alley, followed closely by two black Hondas.

The three cars just started a car chase on the street, causing a panic.

Kami Maekage, who was riding on the motorcycle, naturally saw the situation ahead, especially when he saw the red-haired monkey driving in the silver Toyota, Kami Maekage couldn't help but become a little interested.

It turned out to be this red-haired monkey, something interesting must have happened~

He immediately asked the Shadow Ninja to follow him.

Chapter 29 Lupine the Third and Gin

On the other side, the car chase on the street naturally attracted the attention of the neon investigator.

Within minutes, several police cars joined the drag racing.

The red-haired monkey driving the car looked helplessly at his rearview mirror.

But it is absolutely impossible to catch Lupine III, the world-class thief!

"Hey, Daisuke, burst their tires!"

Daisuke Jigen, who was sitting in the back seat, looked helpless: "Lupine, are you sure you want me to use the gun? If I use the gun, the nature will be different~"

"Tsk, it's really troublesome!" Lu Ban III curled his lips: "It's obviously just a simple mission, why did it become like this!"

"It's not your own problem, Lupine. Why don't you just sell the things honestly? Why did you tell that woman Fujiko Mine!"

Listening to Daisuke Jigen's complaints, Lupine III had nothing to say.

Thinking that Lupine the Third was suave and talented, why didn't the second son like him?

The current Lupine III has no intention of introspection at all.

Regarding his old friend, Jigen Daisuke naturally understood that he could only roll his eyes helplessly, and then lowered the brim of his hat a little.

This perverted monkey is hopeless!

And Goemon Ishikawa, who had been holding a katana and kept silent, remained silent, as if the current predicament was nothing at all.

But yes, as a well-known team, Lupine III and the others have already experienced countless ups and downs. Such a simple car chase is really not a big scene.

Relying on the superb driving skills of Lupine III, after many twists and turns, he successfully got rid of the tail that was following him in an underground parking lot.

Then the three of them immediately got into a van that had been prepared for a long time. Lupine III even disguised himself as an old man after tinkering in the van.

While Lupine the Third was leisurely watching the car drive towards the delivery destination, Daisuke Jigen couldn't help but open up today's harvest.

Looking at the rusty nodachi in the wooden box, Daisuke Jigen couldn't help but feel speechless: "Why would someone pay 3000 million US dollars for such a rusty nodachi?"

"This is a demon sword!" Ishikawa Goemon, who had been holding the Zantetsu sword, said calmly: "At least it used to be!"

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