Feeling his control over the Holy Sword and sensing the call inside the Holy Sword, Kami Maekage also cast a grateful look at Hanazono Lily Ling.

Although I don’t know if the so-called blasphemous magic really exists.

But the existence that can make the Holy Sword Sword Spirit surrender with just words, the current God's shadow can only feel like looking up.

Is this the power of language?

Under the gaze of Garden Lily Ling, the spirit of Kame Kage seemed to drift away.

In a daze, he came to an empty hall.

A seven or eight-year-old little girl was standing not far from the figure in front of the god, looking at him with a tearless look on her face.

No need to think about it, this guy should be the sword spirit of this holy sword.

Facing the sword spirit who was holding his mouth, Shen Qianying also understood that she really heard what Garden Lily Ling said just now.

Therefore, Shenqianying did not wait for the sword spirit to speak, but said directly: "You really know the current affairs~ Aren't you afraid that she is lying to you?"

"Hey!" The seemingly stupid Sword Spirit suddenly realized something: "But it seems like what she said is true!"

"Able to control so many high-level evil gods and demons, even angels are her subordinates. Such a strong person shouldn't be joking, right?"

"And people don't want to have a dozen eyeballs, countless blood vessels and muscles on their body! It looks so ugly!"

Regarding this answer, Shen Qianying suddenly felt that he didn't need to explain.

I didn’t expect that the sword spirit of the Holy Sword from another world would be so cute and beautiful~

"Well, forget it, since you have recognized me as your Lord, you will naturally not do those blasphemous magics, but can you tell me about yourself?"

"Well~ I am a dragon-slaying holy sword created by the gods. It allows the holder to have the strength and physique of a demigod, and it also allows people to control light magic. In addition, it also has super killing power against dragons! "

"As for the demons and undead creatures that the gentleman mentioned, they are just incidental to light energy magic!"

"Tsk, dragon-slaying hero?"

Kamizenkage thought about this world, and it seemed that there weren't even many dragons.

Is Seto Gozaburo's python that crossed the dragon gate considered a dragon species?

The others can only be regarded as dragons or snakes at best~

It seems that this sword is not particularly useful!

But, forget it, after all, they are all holy swords picked up for free. Some of them will be useful~

"And what's your name?"

"Well, I don't have a name, you can call me Dragon Slayer Holy Sword~"

"Forget it, let's call you Esther from now on!" Shen Qianying suddenly thought of a certain 'Holy Sword' in the same sense.

"Hmm~ Esther? Although it sounds good, why do I always feel like I stole someone else's name~"

"Well, aren't there a lot of people with the same name and surname? But can you transform into a human form now?"

After Shenqianying said these words, Esther immediately hugged his body and took two steps back.

"Change, pervert! Even the master can't do it!"

Seeing Aster's actions, the shadow of God couldn't help but have black lines on his head.

Are your actions serious?

I am not a copper smelter!

Although the little loli is indeed cute, I like the older sister!

Rolling his eyes angrily, Shen Qianying said directly: "I just want to introduce you to my sister! You can be friends with her from now on!"

"Hey~, yes, is that so?" Esther scratched her face in embarrassment: "But I don't have enough strength now to transform!"

"Forget it, I originally wanted you to meet her. If that's the case, then you should just stay there for now!"

"Wait, wait, Master! Although I am not strong enough, I still have you~"

As he said this, Esther looked at the figure in front of the god with a flattering look on his face.

"I can feel it. There is a huge power in the master's body~ As long as I give a little bit to Esther, he will have enough energy to transform!"

Naturally, Shenqianying would not be stingy with Esther's request.

Putting his hand on Esther's belly, the power of the shadow dimension was continuously injected into the holy sword.

Although Esther said it only takes a little, the energy exerted by the Kami Kage can create tens of thousands of shadow ninjas.

Sure enough, the levels are different, and the judgment of power is also slightly different?

But this can be regarded as a reflection of Esther’s good background!

"Hmm~ It's filled up by the master! This way my stomach won't be hungry in a short time!"

After Esther said enough words to let the God's Shadow in, the spirit of the God's Shadow also left the spiritual world inside the Holy Sword.

In front of Kami Maekage and Hanazono Lily Rei, the holy sword in Kami Maekage's hand turned directly into the appearance that Kami Maekage had just seen after a burst of light and darkness.

"Master, please take good care of me~"

"Can it be transformed into a human-shaped weapon? It feels more interesting!"

Regarding Garden Lily Ling's words, Esther immediately hid behind the shadow of God, for fear that she would be caught committing inhumane 'blasphemy'~

Faced with Esther's performance, Hanazono Lily Ling also understood that Kamizen should have obtained the ownership of the Holy Sword.

In this case, I can also change my tone of voice towards this sword.

While Kami Maekage and Hanazono Lily Rei were talking, Kami Mae Shinkai, who had been building a sandcastle with Medusa, Koji, and Persephone II, immediately ran over.

"Hey, Ni-chan, sister Lily Ling, who is this little sister!"

"She's not my little sister! She's already five thousand years old now!"

Aster's words did not surprise Kamae Shinkai. After all, except for Kamimae Kage and Lily Ling, the other people on the beach were demons and angels who were thousands of years old.

Even the ice demon Koji, who looks similar to a primary school boy, has lived for thousands of years. 0

Therefore, the five thousand years that Esther mentioned was something that God had heard and been shocked by, and had almost forgotten.

Compared to his five thousand years old age, Kamae Shinkai was even more curious about the relationship between his brother and this little girl.

Faced with the confusion in his sister's eyes, Kami Maekage directly put Esther's hand into Kami Mae Shinkai's hand.

"Xinhai, didn't you say you wanted to be a magical girl? Esther will be your partner from now on!"



Not only Kamae Shinkai, but Esther, who had just transformed a few minutes ago, also exclaimed.

Why does the owner like the new and get tired of the old so quickly?

It's been 10 minutes since you've been with someone, but you're actually giving yourself to someone else?

Is this the legendary Second Man?

Shenqianying didn't know what Aster was thinking.

If he knew it, he would definitely rebuild this ruined holy sword.

Don’t show off your poor philology skills!

Don't just say any words casually!

"Yes, haven't you always envied Sakura for having her own wand and Xiao Ke's familiar?"

"Although Esther doesn't look like a magic wand, she does look like a holy sword~"

Regarding this master who seemed to want to sell himself, Esther couldn't help but roll his eyes at him: "Changing shapes and other things is very simple for me as a holy sword!"

"Hey, is that okay?" Kami Mae Shinkai asked in surprise, "Then Esther, can you be my partner?"

Faced with the surprise, Kamizen Shinkai, and Kamizen Kage who kept giving gestures with his eyes.

Esther still doesn’t understand that she has been sent by her master to take care of her 0.4 sister!

However, compared to the powerful Kamizen Kage, Kamizen Shinkai, who can only be regarded as an ordinary person, does need his help more~

Therefore, Aster also held his hands and snorted coldly: "Then it depends on your performance!"

"This is a holy sword forged by the gods. Don't think that you can order others at will just because you have the master's order~"

"Hey hehehe~ In that case, let's go play together!"

Saying that, Kanzaki Shinkai took Esther's hand and ran towards the beach villa.

"I still have a lot of snacks and dishes that Doni-chan made for me in my room. Let me take you to eat them! They are delicious!"

Looking at Esther and Kami Mae Shinkai leaving, Garden Lily Ling couldn't help but shook her head: "I didn't expect you to do this!"

"It's just a holy sword. Compared with the power it brings, the safety of the heart is more important!"

"Are you a girl lover?"

Kami Maekage just rolled his eyes at this and let Hanazono Lily Ling experience it for herself.

Chapter 248 The Body Fluids of the Ice Demon

The appearance of the Holy Sword Esther can only be regarded as an unexpected surprise for Shen Qianying.

With Esther's appearance, the Red Shadow Demon Sword Princess who has always been with Kamae Shinkai can be liberated a little.

After Kamae Shinkai brought Esther back from the villa.

The two of them were not only holding a bag of snacks in their hands, but Esther was also chewing something in her mouth.

But looking at her, she seems to have been bribed by Xinhai!

But does the Holy Sword Soul have a sense of taste?

There should be, right?

Seeing the big and small bags in Esther's hand, Pecola, who had originally had her pudding snatched away, had almost thrown her eyes at the bags.

Facing Pecola's eyes, Shinkai Kamae took out several small pumpkins from the bag and walked over.

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