Faced with Kitahara Haruki's question, Kami Maekage thought about it carefully.

That seems to be true, right?

"Hmm~ I guess. In order to expand the branch, I went to Siam for a little inspection, and then I'm going to start activities there~"

"Then I took a trip to South America and successfully established a branch in the country of football barbecue! By the way, I spent two days playing in the Amazon rainforest!"

Hearing the careless words of Kame Kage, the eyes of everyone around him turned red.

Has life been so colorful these days?

Is this the so-called life of a rich person?

Damn, I'm so envious!

In the entire class, only Chitoge Kirizaki and Seishiro Thrushi who knew the inside story were breaking out in a cold sweat.

Although Kami Maekage said it was a normal business visit.

But just thinking about the nature of Shen Qianying's company, the two of them shuddered.

Is the Jiying Group actually planning to expand to Siam and Barbeque Country?

Does this kind of action mean that the Jiying Group will finally become a worldwide organization?

Then the challenge that Shenqianying will face will be huge!

Compared with the worries of the two girls, Gui Yanye seemed a little inferior and uneasy.

Her father said before that he was on a business trip to the beautiful country, but no news came back at all.

However, she received bad news the day before yesterday.

An overseas phone call went directly to home.

Because Katsura Manami was far away in Hokkaido, Katsura Yanha naturally answered the call.

The content of the phone call was the bad news informed by the beautiful country’s embassy.

Her father was stabbed to death in an alleyway in Las Vegas.

As for the murderer, it seems that his female partner and others committed the crime.

After hearing the news, Gui Yanye thought it was a joke at first.

But after confirming again and again, she suddenly didn't know what to do.

Should I tell my mother this kind of news?

Why did my father go to the casino when he said he was going to deal with the company's affairs?

Why is there a female companion accompanying her father to the beautiful country, and she is not the secretary she knows?

Gui Yanye, who was panicking, suddenly didn't know what to do. After hanging up the phone, he seemed to have lost his soul.

Guixin next to her is too young, so it is not suitable to talk to her about such things.

And Gui Yanye doesn't have many friends around him, so naturally he can't communicate with everyone in the Qingyin Department about such family matters.

The only one who can feel the warm embrace is also abroad at the moment.

When he thought of his father who died tragically, and then thought of the poor public security environment abroad, Gui Yanye couldn't help but start to worry about Shen Qianying.

Fortunately, Kamae-kun is back safely!

But looking at the eyes of everyone looking at Shen Qianying, Gui Yanye suddenly felt a sense of inferiority in his heart.

Should I really ask him what he thinks and let him tell me what to do?

Gui Yanye is struggling at the moment, while Dongma Hesha is a little happy.

Looking at the familiar back in front of her, she lay down with peace of mind.

After class yesterday, I was kept by Kirisu Mafuyu for tutoring. I also practiced piano until after two o'clock in the evening. Now I can just catch up on some sleep.

With the guy in front of him as a fire attraction, that guy Kirisu Mafuyu can't keep holding on to him, right?

After the class officially started, Touma Hesha, who was lying on her back, slept extremely soundly, as if everything around her had nothing to do with her.

As for God's former shadow, there is no need to say thank you to the tool man!

It's a pity that Touma Kazusa's idea is doomed to fail.

After several classes, the last class of the morning was Kirisu Mafuyu’s History of the World.

Looking at the Kami Kage sitting in his seat, Kirisu Mafuyu couldn't help but puffed up his mouth.

This hateful guy sent him so many text messages and even made overseas phone calls, but he didn't reply at all.

If it hadn't been for the reply she received yesterday, she wouldn't have been able to resist going to visit her home to see if there was anything wrong with Shen Qianying!

Facing Kami Kage who was sitting in his seat looking at unknown materials, Kirisu Mafuyu suppressed his desire to stir up trouble, and instead aimed his finger at Touma Kazusa behind him. 0

This person is a problem child just like Shen Qianying.

But unlike the 'intelligent' Kami Maekage, Touma Kazusa, who only specializes in piano, is miserable in her studies.

Therefore, in order to no longer be a "Kami Kage", Kirisu Mafuyu has made up his mind to educate Touma Kazusa back.

In addition to Touma and Sa, there are also several problem children in other classes. Shouldn't I gather them together and educate them together?

This is something that will happen later. The most important thing now is not to let Touma and Sa sleep in class again.

"Ahem~ Touma-san, please answer this question!"

"Fuyuma-san, Fuyuma-san!"

In response to Kirisu Mafuyu's shouting, Touma Kazusa, who was half asleep and half awake, seemed a little confused.

"Stop shouting~ Don't shout at me alone, there is obviously this guy in front of me!"

"The guy who made me fall asleep at two o'clock last night ended up like this. Why don't you call him!"

The whole classroom suddenly fell silent.

This, what does this mean?

Why did Touma Kazusa say that her desire to sleep was caused by the Kami Maekage?

Could it be that there is some hidden secret between these two people?

No way~

Kirisu Mafuyu's face on the podium also looked a little ugly, and she seemed to have lost her mind all of a sudden.

"This is 0.4 levels of uncleanness! Kami-kun, please explain it carefully!"

"As the head teacher, I have the obligation to take good care of your physical and mental health!"

"You still have a long future, such an impure relationship..."

The more Kirisu Mafuyu said, the more something seemed wrong. Faced with this situation, Kanzaki turned around and hit Touma Kazusa's head.

"Don't fall asleep! If you don't explain, I might really turn into the kind of guy who does messy things to you!"

"What are you talking about!" Touma Kazusa, who was somewhat awake, looked extremely dissatisfied: "Don't touch my head casually!"

"Haha~ This is something you caused yourself!"

Kami Maekage said, pouting at Kirisu Mafuyu on the podium.

And the grim-faced Mafuyu Kirisu couldn't bear it any longer: "Touma-san, please come out with me first. We need to have a good chat about what you just said!"

"What?" Touma Kazusa looked confused.

Chapter 318 Gui Yanye discovered a blind spot

This class is destined to be unbearable.

When Kirisu Mafuyu came back from outside the classroom, Touma Kazusa had disappeared.

After she knew what she had just said, she ran directly to the music room.

Damn it, she was so embarrassed this time!

Why would I say that in a daze?

Although Kirisu Mafuyu explained that Touma Kazusa was asleep, whether the people in the class believed it or not was their own business.

After class it's lunch break.

Before Kitahara Haruki could gossip, Kami Maekage threw him a wooden totem and prepared to leave.

"I gave it to you as one of the souvenirs I brought back from the football and barbecue country. As for what you want to ask, I'll keep it all in my heart. She and I don't have that kind of relationship!"

Looking at Kami Kage's back as he left, and then looking at the beautifully carved gift in his hand, Kitahara Haruki still accepted the 'hush money'.

"Actually, I just want to ask about your travel experience~"

Kami Maekage did not know what Kitahara Haruki said.

He and Gui Yanye have already arrived at the Qingyin Department's room.

The Seven Sky Pairs will definitely not come at noon today. After what happened in the morning, that guy will definitely hide from God.

If she doesn't come, the chance of Amakusa Yu coming will be much smaller.

Therefore, this lunch gathering is an internal exchange meeting of the Light Music Department.

Looking at Kamizen sitting in his seat and eating a big box of lunch, several girls couldn't help but sigh. Sure enough, they always felt that something was missing a few days ago~

Although they are used to scenes where Kami Maekage is absent from time to time, looking at Kami Maekage's appetite, they always feel that their own appetites have improved!

After lunch, Kami Maekage also took out his own souvenir.

Original coffee and South American specialty fruits and snacks.

Other than that, there are a few local shawls and some carved wooden amulets.

Although the price is not particularly high, it can be regarded as a reflection of God's wishes.

It's not that Shen Qianying couldn't afford a more expensive gift, but he bought it specifically to take care of the mood of these girls.

After all, if it's too precious, then many of these guys won't accept it!

Playing with the interesting Quetzalcoatl amulet in her hand, Yui Hirasawa continued to chew the peanut crisps characteristic of the football country in her mouth.

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