
Feeling for the extra things in his pocket, Qijiao Tiankong couldn't help but take it out and found it was a silver-white USB flash drive.

No way~

Did you really give it to yourself like this?

"Um-chan, Suzu-chan, I might have something important to do, so I need to leave first~"

Faced with Nanijou Tianzong's words, Amakusa nodded in agreement: "I understand, but as for the school, the unmanned sporting goods warehouse and infirmary are both good, and the music classroom is not vacant!"

"If you need it, I can wait and lock it for you~"

"Ahem, cough, cough~ Actually, it's not like this anymore~" Qijiao Tiankong thought for a moment: "But if I need it next time, I'll ask you to open the door!"

"No problem, I can still look out for you!"

"Cough cough cough~"

Ogimura Suzu on the side heard the words and kept coughing.

After leaving the student union office, Qijiao Tiankong did not go to Shenqianying to confirm, but directly called his car.

Standing at the window of the Qingyin Club room, looking at the departing Qijiao Sky, Kamizen felt that he might have to work hard tonight.

Sitting in his family's luxury car, Shichijoten immediately contacted his parents, and then the driver drove towards a laboratory in Tokyo.

As the future successor of the Shichijo family, Nanijou Sky is different from Shinomiya Kaguya. She has already accepted several properties of the Shichijo family.

And now this laboratory is one of them.

It’s just that they are studying the field of smartphones.

But the technology is the same. After clearing out everyone else in the laboratory, Qijiao Tiankong looked at the person in charge and asked, "How is it? How accurate is this information?"

"Miss, I have already roughly read it. According to this information, as long as we can assemble the production line, we will basically be able to fully produce virtual gaming helmets~"

"However, this information only covers production and assembly, and the other most critical working principles are not introduced. Has the spy not obtained it yet?"

In the eyes of the person in charge, this production material was obtained by the Shichijo family's commercial spies.

After all, the most popular business sector in the world today is virtual reality technology.

"No, not a spy, just a gift~"

Just as Nanjo Tenten finished speaking, a call came directly to her mobile phone.

"Grandpa~ Why did you call me suddenly?"

The old man on the other end of the phone said calmly: "After all, I am the one who calls the shots in the Shichijo family, and your father also told me your actions!"

"So grandpa, what do you want to do?" Qijiao Tiankong's tone was also a little colder.

"I'm different from the old guy from the Shinomiya family, and I'm different from the kid from the Suzuki family."

"One of them has other heirs, the other has already married another, and the remaining one can only be married to someone else~"

"Although you are the only one in our Shichijo family, your grandfather is very open-minded!"

"Just like I wasn't angry that your parents had you under the big tree in our back garden, and I didn't care about your little hobby!"


Nanajiao Tianzong couldn't help it. After all, her little hobby was indeed a bit indecent.

"Well, anyway, let me make it clear to you, grandpa. The Shichijo family doesn't care about so many sectarian opinions. You don't need to take what your father said before too seriously~"

"Actually, to put it bluntly, that bastard was tricked by Shinomiya Huangguang before, and the people who acted as black gloves at that time were a few of Shueisha's minions who had no idea~"

"Is there such a reason? No wonder Father always speaks so strangely~"

"Haha~ After all, how could he say something like being jumped by a gangster immortal in front of you? I didn't add insult to injury, which is already considered a good education for me!"

After talking about the past year, the other end of the phone said again: "In short, our Shichijo family doesn't really have much desire for these things, so just follow your own ideas and do it without looking at your father's face!"

"Anyway, it's up to you to take care of all this!"

"The Shichijo family doesn't need that bastard to marry into our family, but in the future we must have a child named Shichijo who will inherit everything in our family!"


Qijiao Tianzhi became shy in a rare way.

Sure enough, my grandfather loves me the most~

Thinking of this, Qijiao Sky did not stay any longer, but went straight home.

She needs to think carefully about how to face it! .

Chapter 386 Eat all the soft rice of the four major chaebols?

Shichijo family mansion

The essence of the Shichijo family is not in Tokyo, but in Osaka.

The headquarters of the Shichijo family is also in Osaka, so as the head of the Shichijo family, Shichijo Sky's grandfather usually also sits in Osaka.

As for this mansion in Tokyo, it belongs to her father, and it is also where Nanijou Sky grew up.

Looking at the tall pine tree on the grass outside the window, Qijiao Sky couldn't help but think of what he said before.

Did you originally sprout from there?

Just like that, Qijiao Sky kept staring out the window in a daze.

Standing nearby, Mr. Takahashi, the housekeeper of the Shichijo family, couldn't help but ask: "Miss, are you worried today?"

"Actually, not really~" Qijiao Tiankong shook his head: "Maybe there is a little bit~"

"Really? Do you need me to let Dejima come and discuss it with you?"

"Hey~! Please leave it to me!" The maid Dejima Ayaka on the side said seriously: "If the lady is unhappy, maybe we can go out to walk the dog~"

The Shichijo family does not have a dog, so walking the dog as Deshima Ayaka mentioned may not be that simple.

Butler Takahashi, who knew Dejima Ayaka's past occupation, left the room silently.

He also knew a little bit about his eldest daughter's hobbies.

After all, Qi Jiao Tian's parents were like this before.

Therefore, it is better to let the maid take charge of this kind of work than to do it yourself~

If it were normal, Nanijou Tenzou might still be in the mood to complain to Deshima Ayaka, or exchange dirty jokes.

But she was really not in the mood today.

After all, the words of her grandfather and the god's shadow made her feel very confused now.

"Hey, Dejima, please go out and let me be alone for a while~"

"Yes, Miss, I'm in the next room. If you need anything, you can just call me or ring the bell~"

After Dejima Ayaka left, Nanajiao Sky just sat on the sofa and stared in silence.

What exactly do you think?

What kind of emotions did I use to face God's shadow?

While Shichijo Tenkyo was thinking, she suddenly felt that there was another person beside her.

After all, the sinking feeling of the sofa is not fake.

When she turned around, she saw the figure of God with a smile on his face.

"Kage-kun, why are you here!"

"Hmm~ Your home's security is really good. The thirty bodyguards and surveillance cameras near the residential area basically have no blind spots~"

"Besides, if I'm not mistaken, there is a mukui in that garden, and the maid and housekeeper who just left seem to have some special powers~"

"Then you still sneaked in?" Qijiao Tiankong said angrily: "The more detailed your introduction, the more I feel like you are showing off~"

"Well~ after all, for me now, there really aren't many places that can stop me!"

Shichijo Tenkyo couldn't help but roll his eyes at Kami Maekage's boastfulness.

"So you came here just to show off tonight?"

"Of course not~" Kami Maekage looked up and down at Nanijiao Tenzou, who was wearing coral velvet pajamas, and asked doubtfully: "Didn't you say you bought a new fox costume?"

"Uh, cough~" Qijiao Tiankong was a little shocked: "You don't really intend to watch it, do you?"

"What if I don't? I've already paid the deposit!"

When he thought about the USB flash drive he got, Qijiao Tianzhi rolled his eyes.

"You are really willing to give it to me, a business worth hundreds of billions, just for this? Should I feel honored?"

"So where are the clothes?"

Faced with the question of God's former shadow, Qijiao Tiankong couldn't help but tremble.

Although she usually talks a lot, she is just a cute girl at heart!

Now in front of the god's shadow, I feel a little embarrassed to say it.

Looking at the appearance of Qijiao Tianzhi, Shenqianying shrugged: "Well, in that case, do you want to try mine?"

After saying that, a plush ear decoration appeared on the hand of the god.

"Then, um, do you really want to do this?"

"It doesn't matter to me, but Ying-kun, are you prepared?"

"Hey~ Get ready~ Are you talking about the child? I don't care, but you still need to work hard!"

Qijiao Tiantian stared blankly at the figure in front of the god, his mouth squirmed twice, and then asked in disbelief: "You, you, how do you know?"

"Did grandpa tell you that? That bad guy!"

"you guess?"

Kami Maekage wouldn't say that there are shadow ninjas lurking in the shadows of Shichijo Tenkyo and others.

As for that phone call.

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