Seeing Shenqianying taking the lead in shooting, Levi couldn't help but cursed: "Hey, hey, hey, are you still sneaking away with me?"

"Then you didn't say not to start first~"

After saying that, Shen Qianying took away the two guys with two more shots.

Damn guy~

Seeing that her verbal attacks had no effect, Levi immediately started to fight back.

As an outstanding mercenary, coupled with the strengthening of the power of shadow, Levi directly rushed into the enemy group with his double guns.

Facing this group of guys selling piglet organs, Shen Qianying and Levi were like two lions rushing into a flock of sheep, completely invincible.

After Levi took away the last two guys with a grenade, looking at the smoke-filled factory, Shen Qianying shrugged: "I feel a lot more comfortable~"

Levi pointed his pistol at the factory and a three-story building, and couldn't help but ask: "How about it, do you want to go in and kill again?"

"No need~ Let's move to another place. I don't want to see that kind of flesh and blood factory again. I've already called the embassy. Let's go find the people behind these guys first!"

"You are the boss, you have the final say~"

After saying that, Levi followed the god's shadow and moved the battlefield again.

More than 20 minutes after the battle ended, several guys in ragged clothes and some with bloodless faces finally sneaked out of the factory.

Seeing this scene of corpses strewn across the field, they had no fear but knelt on the ground and cried bitterly.

A few minutes later, a continuous sound of sirens sounded outside the factory.

The shadow ninjas hiding in the corner saw the victims being taken into ambulances before disappearing.

However, 480 meters above the factory, there is a world that ordinary people cannot see.

The somewhat translucent souls were roaring continuously.

They will definitely be more comfortable when the sun comes up tomorrow.

For these sinful souls, the former figure of God at this moment wants them to be punished accordingly, and anyway, there are dozens of guys.

And in order to make their souls live longer, Shen Qianying also specially added some ingredients for them. Maybe they can be freed from being exposed to the sun for a month~

It's just that it's as comfortable as swimming in a lava pool for a month.

And except for these guys, not one of them can escape.

While Kamizen was taking action, members of the Jiei Group's nearby societies also began to sweep away.

Although their foundation is not very stable now, they can just use this group of guys selling piglets to make their own name with blood.

After working for several hours, Shen Qianying finally stopped.

After taking Levi with him to take a good soak in the hot springs at Neon Hot Spring Hotel, the god who felt much better turned around and went home.

As for Levi, the shadow ninjas will send her back.

It does seem a bit better to relax with those scum.

Sure enough, even garbage has its uses! .

Chapter 409 Sisi’s Story

Early the next morning, looking at the bed that had collapsed again, Kami Maekage rubbed his waist and left the room.

Only Thor was left sleeping in the quilt.

As for the bed problem, Thor will use magic to fix it.

After all, this has been done no less than thirty times, and Thor has even become somewhat proficient.

After saying hello to Kangna and Xinhai who were having breakfast, Tachibana Marihua looked at the Kami Kage with a half-smile in her eyes.

After looking at Wanlihua angrily, it was still a peaceful day at Kanzaki's house.

And in the study meeting that afternoon, facing the somewhat confused Ogata Rizhu alone, Kami Maekage directly took out the big killer weapon he had prepared.

A virtual gaming helmet~

But this is just a disguise~

"Kamizen-kun, this is a virtual gaming helmet that is very popular recently. Do you want me to play games?"

"Absolutely, but this is a new product that can make you experience a different life?"

"Eh? What's the principle? Is it the second world mentioned in the propaganda to experience a different life?"

"Hey, no, that's about right~" Shenqianying nodded: "It's like a dream, it allows you to observe a virtual life~"

"What do you mean?"

Ogata Rizu tilted her head in confusion. She didn't understand what the so-called virtual life meant.

"Well, you'll know when you put it on~"

Faced with Kami Maekage's request, Ogata Rizhu seemed a little hesitant, but finally put on the virtual helmet.

Then Shenqianying directly started casting his own spells.

The virtual helmet is just a disguise. What really works is the magic circle in the helmet and the guidance of the divine shadow.

Putting on the helmet, Ogata Rizhu felt as if she had traveled through time.

All the original modern facilities disappeared, replaced by a low and dilapidated earthen hut.

In the hut, a woman was giving birth to a baby girl under the guidance of a midwife.

As the baby's cry sounded, Ogata Rizu also saw the appearance of the baby.

The next time seemed to be sped up. The baby began to grow up, from crawling all over the floor to learning words.

Then he would climb trees to catch fish with other children of the same age, and help work on the family farmland.

Ogata Rizhu saw all this.

She seems to have witnessed the growth of this girl named Sisi.

Just when Ogata Rizhu thought that everything would pass so smoothly, bad news came.

When my father was logging in the forest, he encountered a so-called dangerous species. All the bones in his body were smashed and he died tragically on the spot.

The family just lost its backbone.

Seeing the miserable appearance of the so-called father, Ogata Rizhu's heart couldn't help but fluctuate.

She thought of her father.

Looking at Sisi standing in the field and crying, and her mother who was also in tears.

Ogata Rizhu thinks that if she encountered such a thing, would she cry so desperately?

Time continued to pass, and after the original Sisi lost her father, her mother also died of illness after taking care of Sisi for seven years.

Looking at her deceased mother on the bed, not only Saixi was crying, but even Ogata Rizhu's mood suddenly became dull.

Fortunately, Sisi is now sixteen or seventeen years old, and the boys in the same village have also expressed their love for him.

After her mother died, there was still someone who cared about her.

In this way, with the blessing of the whole village, Sisi and the boy held their wedding.

Seeing Saixi laughing happily under the bonfire, Ogata Riju also had a smile on her lips.

Unfortunately, this life only lasted for a year. When Sisi was pregnant with her child, her husband was taken away by the imperial conscription group, along with many men in the village.

Half a year later, only one or two disabled people came back alive. The others either died at the hands of the revolutionary army or were still serving in various legions.

Unfortunately, Sisi’s husband was one of the casualties.

Looking at the so-called pension of three or four gold coins and seven or eight silver coins, Sisi cried again like a child.

Looking at Saixi who was lying on the bed and crying silently, Ogata Rizhu's heart felt as painful as a knife. Her eyes had become red at some point, and crystal tears also flowed out of her eyes.

After losing her husband, Sisi decided to raise her children just like her mother.

Unfortunately, however, as the so-called revolutionary army's fighting became more and more intense, and with the invasion of foreign ethnic groups from the north, Sisi's village was taxed again and again.

The impoverished Saisi family naturally did not have so much money to pay taxes, and the life of the mother and son was extremely difficult.

One day when Sisi ventured to the jungle where her father died in search of something to eat, her child was taken away.

When she came back, there was only one sentence left, that is, Master Champ of the Wild Hound had the most pity for children, and her children had gone to the imperial capital to enjoy their happiness~

But how could Sisi, who had lost his only support, be willing for such a thing to happen.

She headed towards the imperial capital like crazy, wanting that Lord Shang Pu to return her child to her.

After she arrived in the imperial capital in ragged clothes, she could not see the so-called Lord Shang Pu at all.

And after half a month of lingering outside the so-called Orphan Happy Garden, Sisi was desperate.

Many children are sent into this house every day, but no one can come out.

Some are just teams dumping garbage.

She wanted to enter the so-called Happy Garden like crazy, but it was a pity that she was just an ordinary peasant woman, how could she do it.

After her legs were broken, she could only lean on the corner and wait for her death.

She already understood that her child was definitely in danger.

Seeing Saixi's miserable look and her increasingly dull eyes, Ogata Rizhu couldn't bear it anymore.

Why is this? Why is this?

Why does this girl have to go through so much suffering!

Just when Ogata Rizhu's emotions were rising and she could no longer restrain herself from cursing alone, a dazzling light came from not far away.

Then the so-called Happy Garden was directly razed to the ground.

A person who seemed to be carrying light kicked the door open and walked out with more than thirty children.

Sisi's desperate eyes seemed to have recovered a bit. She stretched out her hand to grab something, but it slowly dropped.

Those somewhat cloudy eyes seemed to see a child walking towards him.

However, it was all just her fantasy.

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