But even though Zhao Xing has already made up his mind about the Changsheng Jiang family,

But he didn't expect that there would be so many shuttles at least saint level since the Changsheng Jiang family.

There is even a Great Sage-level shuttle

Chapter 93 Broaden your horizons, the world is wonderful

"Has the Changsheng Jiang family really only been established for 6000 years!?"

"Instead of some hidden force or something?!"

Zhao Xing couldn't help but have some doubts in his mind.

Fortunately, Zhao Xing did not hesitate for too long. He first moved the Changsheng Jiang family and his party into a courtyard.

Because the shuttle is a magic weapon, it can be directly suspended in mid-air.

Although the courtyard is not big, it actually uses Xumi space inside.

In fact, the interior space is really not that small.

There are enough for dozens of Jiang family members.

In the Holy City of Chongming, the value of such a courtyard may be comparable to the resource value of an ordinary person who has set foot on the Void Dao King.

Many people from the Jiang family got off the shuttle one after another, and finally Jiang Bai and Jiutian

Because Jiutian's appearance was so outstanding, he was given a treasure.

Able to cover one's face and reduce some sense of presence.

This treasure is actually relatively useless, but it is just right for Jiutian today.

"Senior, if you want to travel, you can use the communication talisman."

"I will come as a guide!"

Zhao Xing couldn't help but said respectfully when he saw Jiang Bai who came down last.

After all, everyone in the Jiang family around him was so respectful, even the saints.

There is only one person in the entire Jiang family, so there is no need to even guess.

Zhao Xing was not from the Holy Land itself, but came from a small family.

Later, he entered the holy land of Chongming as a disciple.

It has been almost a thousand years.

It is precisely because of this that Zhao Xing is not as arrogant as the descendants of powerful men in the Holy Land.

In fact, there are many disciples in the Chongming Holy Land who are also very proud, but they cannot be harmed because of the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

Chongming Holy Land does not want these second generations to cause any trouble.

So I was warned in advance!

After all, if something unexpected happens, it will be embarrassing in front of many forces in Tianyuan Realm.

"it is good!"

Jiang Bai said calmly.

On the surface, he is at the peak of the Great Sage, and he does not need to give in to the people of the Holy Land.

Now the Great Sage is a figure standing at the pinnacle of Tianyuan Realm.

Zhao Xing didn't think there was anything wrong with Jiang Bai's attitude.

After all, this is how a strong person should behave.

Soon Zhao Xing didn't stay much longer, there were still a few days before the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

As a true disciple, Zhao Xing still has a lot of things to do.

"Next you want to go out and see the Holy City."

"Then it must exist at least at the level of a saint."

"The Jiang family is not afraid of trouble, but don't take the initiative to cause trouble."

"Jiutian, you can take Hanhan and others to see the excitement and buy some things."

After Zhao Xing left, Jiang Bai spoke to the people of the Jiang family who followed him this time.

"it is good!"

Jiutian said directly after Jiang Bai finished speaking.

After seeing so many trump cards, if something happened to his son, he would be too stupid.

She also let go of her worries and couldn't help but smile more on her face.

Now that I have relaxed, I still have a lot of interest in visiting the Holy City.

After all, it was also the first time for Jiutian to come to Donghuang.

As for Huanwan and others, they naturally would not refuse.

They were lucky enough to be able to come to the Chongming Holy Land to participate in the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

Now that I heard that I can go out for a walk, I am even more excited.

There are still a few days until the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

Jiang Bai did not go out. Even though he came to attend the Ten Thousand Races Conference, he still did not forget to practice.

Jiutian, on the other hand, has taken Hanhan and the three girls out to visit most places in the Holy City in the past few days.

I saw all kinds of races and different things.

When I was in the Far West before!

Although there are many monsters and things, they are far inferior to the current Chongming Holy City.

After all, all the major forces in the Tianyuan Realm are gathered here.

Basically all the big demon clans from the southern demon clan are here.

Including the southern fox clan who had previously provoked the Changsheng Jiang family.

After a period of chaos, the many races of the Southern Fox Tribe once again reached a balance.

Of course, the three-eyed fox clan that once dominated the southern fox clan is now much less powerful than before.

He barely kept his position as high priest, but that was it.

As for other rights, they basically have nothing to do with the Three-Eyed Fox Clan.

Although the Three-Eyed Fox Clan has a lot of resentment towards the Changsheng Jiang family.

But I still know one thing, that is, the Changsheng Jiang family is no longer easy to mess with.

After all, with the strength of the Three-Eyed Fox Clan alone, it would be difficult to defeat the Changsheng Jiang Family.

There used to be many monster clans in the Far West, so how could there be so many types of monsters?

And besides the demon clan, there are also many ancient royal clans.

There are many strange creatures, even Huanwan and others are very surprised.

In particular, many races have special abilities.

Huanwan and others were very impressed.

These knowledge points were all informed by Madam Jiutian to Huanhua and others.

Of course, the saints who followed the Jiang family also added a lot.

Compared with Jiutian and others' relaxation, the following sage elder of the Jiang family looked very nervous.

Although he is not weak, even people from the Holy Land are very polite when they see him.

But Madam Jiutian and others are older than him.

This alone was enough to crush him to death.

Nowadays, there are so many forces in the Holy City, and saints are rare to see in the past.

He has sensed hundreds of them!

There are dozens of existences above saints.

There are also some that he can't sense.

In addition, there are countless kings of the virtual path under the saints.

As for the great power of the vast sea, it goes without saying.

Basically, if you hit it with one stone, you can knock out several great powers from the vast sea.

This elder of the Jiang family was worried about something unexpected happening.

Fortunately, there have been no problems in the past few days.

It was obvious that many forces exercised a lot of restraint before the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

It actually broadened the horizons of Jiutian, Guanhan and others.

As for the people in the mixed martial arts world before the live broadcast, it goes without saying.

“Only when you step out of the Far West, you will realize how terrifying the Tianyuan Realm is.

"Various races and countless forces."

"There are also many precious things sold in the Holy City."

"If you are an ordinary person, you may never be able to leave your own area in your lifetime."

"It would be great if I could become a disciple of this Holy Land."

"It's a pity that I can only think about it!"

Many people in the mixed martial arts world were talking about it, some were shocked and some were emotional.

For many people in the mixed martial arts world, they have long known that the Tianyuan world is very exciting.

But I didn’t expect it to be more exciting and terrifying than I imagined.

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