He arrived directly at the Jiang Family Divine City!

The powerful aura instantly overwhelmed the countless creatures gathered in the Jiang Family's Divine City.

"The Southern Fox Clan is coming!!"

"What a horrible smell."

Many creatures have solemn expressions on their faces.

Many people in the Far West actually support the Jiang family.

After all, if the Southern Fox Tribe wins, it will be of no benefit to them.

It may even lead to instability in the Far West.

On the contrary, if the Changsheng Jiang family wins, then everything will be business as usual.

Because the powerful men from the Southern Fox Clan are coming, it is naturally impossible for Jiang Bai not to appear.

Many saints from the Jiang family also appeared in the sky of the Jiang family's sacred city.

Neither of the two sides spoke first, but instead took the lead in a wave of confrontation.

On the surface, the number of strong men from the Jiang family and the Southern Fox family is almost the same.

This great sage from the Demon Palace did not participate.

It was obvious that even if the Southern Fox Clan invited them, they did not want to offend the Changsheng Jiang family for no reason.

For the Demon Palace, it is just a witness.

I have no intention of participating in unnecessary things.

It was obvious that this great sage from the Demon Palace was very smart.

Although the Demon Palace will definitely not be afraid of an immortal Jiang family, there is no need to offend him for no reason.

It's easy to hide a gun, but it's hard to defend against a dark arrow!

Although the imperial power is superior, it is not invincible.

In terms of momentum confrontation, the Jiang family was ultimately superior.

the reason is simple!

That is, Jiang Bai's cultivation is better than this great sage from the Three-Eyed Fox Clan.

As for why the identity of this great saint was determined.

Mainly during this period, the Jiang family still collected a lot of resources from the Southern Fox Clan.

Probably the Three-Eyed Fox Clan exchanged resources for the support of other major Fox Clan members.

And promised that if he wins, he will divide most of the spoils

It was obvious that the Three-Eyed Fox Clan had not considered failure.

It's a pity that this great sage is not the high priest of the southern fox tribe.

I had seen it before at the Ten Thousand Races Conference.

This Great Sage of the Fox Clan is obviously above the level of cultivation, but still a little behind.

Seeing that the momentum is lagging behind, even the face of this great sage from the Three-Eyed Fox Clan is hard to describe.

But at this moment, a great sage's aura descended across the void.

"what happened?!

There was some confusion on the faces of the strong men present, why was there another great sage?

Fortunately, the figure of the newly arrived Great Sage soon appeared.

When it appeared, the face of this great sage from the Demon Palace changed.

Obviously he is not unfamiliar with this figure.

This was all seen by Jiang Bai, and the next step confirmed his guess.

"Lin Yi, why are you here?!"

This great sage from the Demon Palace even spoke out.

“You can be here, why can’t I.

The great sage of the human race who had just arrived spoke directly."

After the two people finished speaking!

A glimmer of understanding flashed through Jiang Bai's eyes. This person should be the Great Sage from the Chongming Holy Land.

The purpose of coming to the far west should be almost the same as this great sage from the Demon Palace.

It’s just that I prefer the Jiang family!

Obviously this has something to do with Yu Zicheng, the Lord of Chongming Holy Land.

The only intersection was the previous meeting of all races.

The powerful people present were not fools, and they quickly figured out the purpose of this great sage.

Jiang Mingxuan and many other strong men from the Jiang family couldn't help but feel happy.

On the contrary, the great sage of the Southern Fox Clan obviously had a stiff smile.

I asked a great sage from the Demon Palace to come to the far west as a witness.

This is no simple matter!

I originally thought that I could use the great sage of Demon Palace to suppress the Jiang family more.

Turns out no one is stupid!

And with the appearance of this great sage from Chongming Holy Land.

It is even more impossible to suppress the Jiang family.

"We will leave the battlefield to the many geniuses."

"In addition, all the resources for this gambling competition will be taken out first."

Lin Yi said aloud, and in his words he decided this Tianjiao Arena battle.

Many people have no objections to this!

Including this great sage from the Demon Palace, no one was fighting for anything.

Because there are still some differences between Demon Palace and Chongming Holy Land.

After the words fell, the face of the Great Sage of the Southern Fox Clan looked better.

Since you can't compare with the momentum, then you can see the real results in the ring.

In the battle of Tianjiao, the Great Sage of the Southern Fox Clan is very confident.

This is a gathering of the most outstanding geniuses from the Southern Fox Clan in the past thousand years.

There is no reason to lose to the Jiang family’s genius!

Soon the Great Sage of the Fox Clan and many strong men of the Fox Clan gave way to the five geniuses.

As for the Jiang family, they are not in a hurry, because the Southern Fox Clan is a challenger.

Therefore, the Southern Fox Clan needs to send their genius first.

At the same time, many creatures in the Jiang Family Divine City breathed a sigh of relief.

The main reason is that the auras of many powerful men before were still too amazing.

Basically, except for the powerful saint who travels alone, no living being can easily deal with it.

"The Southern Fox Clan is really confident, so they brought five geniuses with them."

"You don't take the Changsheng Jiang family seriously at all."

"We don't even consider that five games will result in two losses and a draw."

Many creatures still inevitably whispered.

But there is a lot of anger towards the people of the Jiang family.

Because the southern fox tribe is really too arrogant.

Before, the Jiang family didn't have many enemies except for wild beasts.

Although the Jiang family had some grudges with the Southern Fox Clan’s strong men and the Ancient Ming Scorpion Clan.

The Jiang family didn't pay attention, mainly because the Jiang family had been the victor before.

Many people in the Jiang family now hold a grudge against the Southern Fox Clan.

People in the mixed martial arts world before the live projection also began to get excited.

"It's finally starting!"

"This battle between geniuses has been anticipated for two months.",

"The Jiang family really doesn't look good this time!!"


Chapter 1: The war between geniuses begins, if you hesitate, you will lose!

Although there is no specific genius arena, the sky is the best battlefield.

The first genius of the Southern Fox Clan was the first to appear.

The aura on his body is probably in the seventh heaven realm of the Void Dao King.

A being who can step into this realm within a thousand years can definitely be regarded as a peerless genius.

Moreover, there are no traces of time on this genius.

He is obviously the new generation genius!

You can imagine the horror of the southern fox tribe.

"Jiang Feiyu, you're in for this one."

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