Basically not much potential!

With a great sage, the imperial forces don't need to pay much attention to him.

The reason why the Changsheng Jiang family didn't have much fame before was also related to the fact that the imperial forces didn't pay much attention to them.

After all, if the imperial forces pay attention, then many forces will definitely follow suit.

As a result, the imperial power did not exist!

The only thing Yu Zicheng didn't expect was that the Holy Land would make a mistake this time.

This ancestor of the Jiang family actually surpasses the level of a great sage.

No potential? !

I'm afraid it's just me who doesn't have potential.

Yu Zicheng quickly figured out the key points.

The ancestor of the Jiang family must have hidden some strength and not exposed it.

He is definitely not a great sage who only set foot in the palace at the end of his life.

But who allowed the Jiang family to be in the far west, plus many people from the imperial line were careless.

Therefore, the true strength of this ancestor of the Jiang family was not discovered.

There are not many people who feel the same way as Yu Zicheng!

There are so many powerful people in Tianyuan Realm, but many people of the same era as Jiang Bai still survive. 2.8.

These people are basically the top figures of various forces, and their cultivation is at least at the level of a great sage.

Also because of the strength of the Great Sage, they are more able to understand the difficulty of the Quasi-Emperor.

"There was no such person as the ancestor of the Jiang family among the geniuses back then."

"It can only be said that it was a late bloomer, or some chance or something."

These contemporaries inevitably started to talk about it, and most of them were envious.

Today Jiang Bai has truly grown up.

There is no such thing as trying to snatch opportunities.

If the quasi-emperor formation made the Jiang family famous in one battle before, then this time Jiang Bai set foot on the quasi-emperor.

Let the entire Tianyuan world know about the Changsheng Jiang family.

I don’t know how many forces, after receiving news about the Far West.

They all rushed there!

In the past, many forces were still a little dissatisfied with the Changsheng Jiang family.

Mainly because of the title of Overlord of the Western Desert.

If their power position were exchanged with the Changsheng Jiang family, then maybe this title would be theirs.

However, now, these forces are convinced.

A quasi-emperor is the strongest existence in the era when the great emperor does not appear.

Chapter 112: All races come to court, and one person attains enlightenment!

Because the matter of Jiang Bai setting foot on the Quasi-Emperor was too sensational.

Even Jiang Qingyan, who was wanted by the ancient royal family, knew about it.

"Father, he is actually a quasi-emperor?!"

Jiang Qingyan seemed to be in disbelief and thought silently.

Mainly because this father has always acted like a great sage.

As a result, it was suddenly revealed that he was actually a quasi-emperor.

But even if his father has the power of a quasi-emperor, it seems he should still run away.

Although the quasi-emperor has a lot of weight!

But for the ancient royal family, there are many ways to deal with it.

And Jiang Qingyan thought of something not very good.

My father said before that only by improving his cultivation can he solve the problem of Gu insects.

At that time, my father's strength was probably at the quasi-emperor level.

To go further, the only way is to become a great emperor.

However, Jiang Qingyan was not optimistic about his father taking that step.

In fact, not only Jiang Qingyan, but also many people in Tianyuan Realm think so.

Even though the ancestor of the Jiang family showed the strength to be a quasi-emperor, no one thought that this one would eventually become the great emperor.

the reason is simple!

In the past, the existence of the Great Emperor of Enlightenment was the genius born in the golden age.

Secondly, the existence of every Zhengdao Emperor is basically within 3000 years.

3000 years, actually for many people!

It would be nice to have a saint king with cultivation...

As for the Great Emperor, I dare not even think about it.

It has taken a full 6000 years for this ancestor of the Jiang family to become the quasi-emperor.

If you want to take a step closer to the Great Emperor, it is simply impossible in the eyes of many people.

"It seems that you still have to rely on yourself to improve your cultivation to the level of a great sage and eliminate the poisonous insects."

Jiang Qingyan couldn't help but murmured softly.

During this time of escaping, with the trump card given by his father, he became more and more comfortable.

Including this ancient princess Xue Zhu, there was some despair.

At the beginning, this ancient princess was still thinking about waiting for the ancient royal family to rescue her.

As a result, Jiang Qingyan escaped again and again.

I really don’t blame the ancient princess for being desperate, I can only say that the ancient royal family is not that awesome either.

After understanding their situation clearly, these ancient princesses began to let go of some of their arrogance.

I started talking to Jiang Qingyan from time to time.

At the beginning, it was mainly about Gu insects, but later on it also started to extend to other topics.

Later, after the ancient princess made the Dao Heart Oath, Jiang Qingyan had no restrictions on his cultivation.

At least Jiang Qingyan had no intention of offending this ancient princess to death.

Especially now that we are in the golden age, so many geniuses are racing against time to practice.

Just for the position of emperor!

Of course, when the ancient princess was allowed to practice, Gu insects were also taken into consideration.

Maybe as their cultivation improves, the two of them will be able to do something about it.

After all, his father also said that there is not much research on the way of Gu insects.

There are other ways, but not necessarily!

As long as the ancient princess does not attract the ancient royal family, then everything will not be a problem.

Xuezhu is not a fool and knows what to do now.

After all, this human race prodigy has a lot of cards in his hands.

The second thing is that she can see that this person mainly wants to lift the restrictions on Gu insects.

Of course, because of the cooperation of the ancient princess, the possibility of Jiang Qingyan being discovered has been reduced a lot.

Jiang Qingyan and the two appeared in some places.

Many living beings don't know that this is Jiang Qingyan who is wanted by the ancient royal family, but a pair of gods and immortals.

far west

After Jiang Bai's strength was exposed, many powerful people came to the Jiang family's territory.

In the past, there were still some forces who felt that it was dangerous to come to the far west.

But now, they are coming one after another.

"The Far West has never been visited by so many forces."

"The ancestor of the Jiang family set foot on the quasi-emperor, which shocked the entire Tianyuan Realm."

“Even the imperial forces sent a celebratory gift.

I don’t know how many people are talking about it in the Far West

Even though it has been less than half a month since the ancestor of the Jiang family was exposed.

But many creatures still haven't come to their senses.

Although the land in the far west is far away from the center of Tianyuan Realm.

However, they also know the weight of the word quasi-emperor.

Now the Jiang family has a sense of déjà vu as if thousands of people are coming to court!

Basically, all the famous forces in the Tianyuan world gave a gift.

Even the newly born ancient race is no exception.

On the one hand, it is because of Jiang Bai's quasi-emperor cultivation, and on the other hand, it is because of the location of the extreme west.

The Changsheng Jiang family is far away from the center of Tianyuan Realm!

When the strength is strong enough, if it participates in any battle in any region, it may have a big impact.

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