"This is my first time watching a strong man fight so close."

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but think silently.

Before, he reluctantly relied on his strength to sign up for the Jiang family's new city construction.

If he hadn't been more decisive, it really wouldn't have been Zhang Sanfeng's turn.

The main reason is that Zhang Sanfeng is indeed a bit weak.

Although with the improvement of cultivation in the body forging realm, the combat power can be maintained at the first level of the God-Building Realm.

But among the monks, they are basically at the bottom.

This is still the area where Zhang Sanfeng left himself.

Fortunately, there are not many people like him around.

There are also people from the Jiang family who maintain that nothing will go wrong.

"This is your identity token."

"The Jiang family will assign some tasks inside."

"Assignments have various deadlines and requirements."

"Do what you can, and I hope you can all gain something."

The person in charge of the Jiang family's spirit transformation realm spoke out.

Zhang Sanfeng followed the example of many others and put a drop of blood on the token.

I quickly felt a connection to the token.

[Task: Clean up the alien beasts in the wasteland, and the rewards will be calculated based on the number of alien beasts cleared. 】

[Requirement: Set foot in the Seventh Heaven of God Building! 】

[Task: Find materials to build a new city, and pay specific rewards based on the materials found. 】

[Requirements: None! 】

Zhang Sanfeng sensed the content of the token, and his eyes couldn't help but have a lot of novelty.

Mainly because this was Zhang Sanfeng's first time coming into contact with this kind of treasure.

Although I have seen many people's magic weapons and the like before.

But because it is not my own, the feeling is not that big.

Now I have some different ideas.

Zhang Sanfeng did not take on any too dangerous tasks

Instead, he took the lead in taking on a mission to find construction materials.

Basically, you just need to follow the team and go to the safe area that has been cleared to find a piece of wood and stone.

If you are not strong yourself, don’t try to be strong.

Zhang Sanfeng still has self-awareness.

After the first day, the Jiang family settled the payment on the spot.

The remuneration received is five times that of Zhang Sanfeng's normal earnings of Origin Stones.

"Although I had thought before that recruiting people from the Jiang family would pay a lot of money."

"But I didn't expect so much!"

Even Zhang Sanfeng's face inevitably showed a lot of smiles.

One day of work is equivalent to five days of work.

This is a good opportunity for Zhang Sanfeng

And this is only the first day, so I’m not very proficient in many things.

If you become proficient, you may be able to obtain more resources.

Zhang Sanfeng instantly became more energetic!

Before the live projection, many people in the mixed martial arts world couldn't help but comment on Zhang Sanfeng's excitement.

"This Wudang Patriarch is really trying his best."

"The main thing is that this person's life is short, so he really has to fight."

"If it were us, we wouldn't be able to seize this opportunity due to lack of strength."

This Wudang Patriarch did a lot of menial work in the Tianyuan Realm.

This was unimaginable to many people before.

But this can only be the case in Tianyuan Realm!

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng's hard work also resulted in rapid progress in the realm of body training.

Compared to Huanwan and the other three, it was only a little worse.

There is no way, the more resources will be needed later.

More time is spent earning resources than cultivating.

No matter how good Zhang Sanfeng's qualifications were, it was normal for him to lag behind Huan Huan and others.

It is enough for Huanwan and others to just practice, and there is no need to be busy with other things.

Thanks to the efforts of many monks!

In less than a month, twenty new cities were built.

This speed is simply unimaginable by people before live projection.

"In just one month, construction of twenty new cities was completed."

"And most monks mainly clear wasteland and clean up wild beasts."

"This is too fast!!"

I don’t know how many people in the mixed martial arts world showed a lot of emotion on their faces.

Especially the head of the dynasty and many courtiers.

These people should know best how much time it takes to build such a city.

It wouldn't be possible to build it within a few years.

The cities built by the Jiang family are not inferior to the royal capitals of their dynasty.

Even the city's area was several times larger than their royal capital.

"It's over so soon!"

Zhang Sanfeng still has some unfinished thoughts.

At this time, a piece of information released by the Jiang family made his eyes light up.

"The Jiang family's new city is recruiting monks to settle down!"

"As long as you move in, you will be directly allocated a house, and you will have permanent residency after living there for 30 years."

"There is three times more spiritual energy in the Jiang family's city than in the outside world!"

Previously, some people in the mixed martial arts world questioned whether it was too much of a waste of manpower for the Jiang family to travel all the way to the far west to recruit people.

If fewer people are gathered, a slower pace is acceptable.

Maybe you can save some resources!

After this news came out, many people's eyes lit up.

It was obvious that recruiting monks before was only part of the Jiang family's plan.

Now it’s a complete picture!

Certainly not all of the people in this city are from the Jiang family.

There are still many shortcomings in the Jiang family's numbers.

Even counting the number of subordinate races, it is far from enough.

In addition, if you want to develop, the most important thing is the number of monks.

Although Jiangjia New City does not provide many benefits to the monks.

But just the house and the cultivation environment made many monks shine.

For low-level monks, spiritual energy concentration is still very critical.

After all, they don’t have many resources, and most of them rely on hard work.

.........Please give me flowers............

Although these new cities are the closest to the barbarian beast area.

In addition, this time of land reclamation may also attract the revenge of some wild beasts.

However, many monks are still very enthusiastic about Jiangjia New City.

After all, the Jiang family will definitely not let problems arise in Xincheng.

Ever since the Jiang family built their first city, they have never been attacked by wild beasts and entered the inner city.

Don’t forget that the ancestor of the Jiang family is a quasi-emperor!

If there is any problem in these new cities, just a thought is enough to solve it.

The biggest advantage of living in these new cities should actually be the blessing of the Jiang family.

"Settlement, must be settled!

I don’t know how many monks made their decision immediately.

Zhang Sanfeng is certainly no exception!

Basically, settling down is a waste of money.

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