at the same time!

Jiang Bai, who was in seclusion, merged into the Feixian body.

Because it is a system reward, there is no difficulty at all.

And because of the strong cultivation base as a support, the Feixian body directly reached the stage of Xiaocheng.

Normally, it takes a lot of time to achieve success with a special physique.

However, Jiang Bai is different now!

Systematic indoctrination, coupled with the help of strong cultivation, can directly achieve success.

This at least saves a lot of hard work.

The Flying Immortal Body is a very special physique.

Beings with this kind of physique will receive bonuses in all aspects.

Whether it is enlightenment or cultivation or the physical body.

The city will go one step further!

Basically all top physiques tend to be more focused!

Some focus on the physical body, while others focus on spiritual power and carrying special powers.

But the Flying Immortal Body is the most comprehensive special body.

That’s why it’s called Feixian!

Of course, comprehensiveness sometimes means mediocrity.

It is not easy to develop and perfect this physique.

Even in the past, some flying immortal bodies were stuck on Dacheng.

In the end, he would not be able to compete with the Great Emperor. At most, he would be stronger than the normal quasi-emperor of the Nine Heavens.

With the addition of Feixian body, Jiang Bai's original cultivation level increased again.

Especially since the rules of the mixed martial arts world have not yet been fully digested.

Because of the Feixian Body, some rules can be completely digested directly.

Even Jiang Bai didn't expect that extracting the physique would bring such a surprise.

Jiang Bai immediately grasped this point and tried his best to improve his cultivation.

Chapter 123 Quasi-Emperor Seventh Heaven, Beiyuan changes!

For Jiang Bai, such opportunities are rare.

The reward given by the system this time should be regarded as the grand prize, it is the best of all rewards.

But it’s normal to think about it, this is the reincarnation of the emperor.

Currently, Jiang Bai is the only one among his descendants!

Therefore, it is very reasonable for the system to give a grand prize, and this time the system is generous.

Just like that, another three months have passed!

Basically, it has been almost a year since Xiaomeng and others came to Tianyuan Realm.

There are only two or three months left in the year.

Their cultivation has also made a lot of progress.

But in front of this little princess of the Jiang family, there is indeed something not enough.

The reason is very simple. The cultivation of this little princess of the Jiang family has reached the peak of the body training realm.

Similar to Shi Feixuan and Li Hanyi, their current cultivation levels are at this level.

However, the problem is that they have been practicing for almost three years.

It has been less than half a year since this little dumpling was born.

"The gap is larger than imagined."

This is how Li Hanyi and others, as well as many people in the world of comprehensive martial arts, feel at this moment.

Now there is basically only one Wenwan left who has not been surpassed by this little princess.

It's a pity that at this moment, Hanhan was very panicked inside.

The main reason is because she feels afraid that she will be surpassed soon.

After all, at this speed, I'm afraid it's not far away.

In fact, Guanwan didn't know that Jiang Jiuge had actually been able to set foot in the God-Building Realm long ago.

It's just that she wants to reach the limit in the body training realm before setting foot in it.

Rebuild your life!

Coupled with the stable environment of the Jiang family, Jiang Jiuge was not so anxious.

Of course, if you want to break through, you can break through at any time.

The top of Jiangjia Mountain

Jiang Bai finally integrated the Feixian body and seized this opportunity.

And his cultivation level successfully reached the seventh level of the Quasi-Emperor.

"Quasi-Emperor High Dan!"

"I originally thought that the Quasi-Emperor Seventh Heaven would need to plunder once more to complete the breakthrough."

"But this time, the Flying Immortal Body directly helped break through."

Jiang Bai couldn't help but reveal a hint of joy on his face and murmured softly.

In just a few years, he broke through several small realms in succession.

We are still at the quasi-emperor stage."

I'm afraid no one will believe it if I tell you. After all, even reaching the first level of the God-Building Realm requires several years of practice.

Some even take longer!

At this stage of quasi-emperor, it is not that easy to break through a small realm.

Now Jiang Bai's combat power is even without the bonus of secret skills and some means.

It can also easily fight against the existence of the peak quasi-emperor.

Quasi-Emperor's seventh-level cultivation, plus the bonus brought by the small completion of the Flying Immortal Body.

It can be said that Jiang Bai is now standing at the pinnacle of Tianyuan Realm.

When I first joined the Quasi-Emperor, I was still a bit weak.

Although there are some methods, they all have limitations and side effects.

"The next step is to strive to improve your cultivation to the pinnacle of quasi-emperor).

“The other thing is that the Flying Immortal Body has truly completed its great achievement.

"This time the system finally treats us as human beings!"

"The method of cultivating the Flying Immortal Body is taught together with past experience."

"For me, it's just a matter of time before the Feixian Body becomes complete."

Jiang Bai's murmuring voice continued, with a lot of expectation in his words.

Originally, he was thinking of a different kind of enlightenment or setting foot on the Great Emperor.

But both require an unknown amount of time.

Throughout the ages, there are not many known existences stuck in the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

But because of the appearance of the Flying Immortal Body, it gave him a target.

That is to have supreme combat power in a short period of time.

He didn't forget it!

The Dark Supreme in the dark restricted area is watching eagerly.

Although there has been no news about these dark restricted areas for 6000 years.

However, no strong person will ignore these forbidden areas.

Regardless of whether they are humans or monsters, they are very afraid of restricted areas.

Although Jiang Bai did not feel the threat from the penalty area for the time being.

But again, be prepared for a rainy day!

It never hurts to increase your strength.

"We still need to plunder the rules of the mixed martial arts world one more time."

Jiang Bai couldn't help but start planning.

This should be the last time!

This time he planned to plunder a large enough quantity, and then directly attack the quasi-emperor ninth level in one go.

It doesn't matter even if he is noticed by the will of the mixed martial arts world.

Fortunately, there are still a few months to go, so there is no rush.

After Jiang Bai came out of seclusion, his spiritual thoughts spread throughout the Jiang family.

There is no doubt that Jiang Bai was looking for the reincarnated daughter of this great emperor at the first time.

“It seems that this daughter adapted quickly.

"The cultivation level is growing a bit fast."

"But it's understandable, because reincarnation is actually equivalent to re-cultivation!"

Jiang Bai thought silently, not surprised by his daughter's magic.

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