Every move affects the fate of unknown creatures.

Including Huanwan and others' cultivation, it's either this technique or that resource.

If you are used to eating big fish and meat, it is undoubtedly difficult for people to eat some vegetables.

Many of the chosen ones are still working hard to survive.

Of course there are some chosen ones who are lucky.

For example, Ye Gucheng of the Ming Dynasty Jianghu successfully became a disciple of a Dongtian sect.

With his talent in swordsmanship, he attracted the attention of an elder from the sect.

Some have good luck, and some have bad luck.

There are some geniuses who are relatively good in strength, but they directly provoke some strong men.

Then there is no future!

Most of these selected people need intrigues if they want to develop.

After all, many people are dependent on others.

People like Zhang Sanfeng are still in the minority after all.

Now Zhang Sanfeng has his own place of residence and has traveled a long way in the realm of body training.

As your strength increases, it becomes easier to earn resources.

Apart from those who were successfully drafted by the Jiang family, they are the ones who have the best life.

Even many strong men in the mixed martial arts world began to envy Zhang Sanfeng.

Although Zhang Sanfeng was a land god before.

But as far as the mixed martial arts world is concerned, there are still people who are comparable to Zhang Sanfeng.

It's a pity that these strong men were a little unlucky and were not selected.

Otherwise, he might be the next Zhang Sanfeng.

These selected people projected live broadcasts, compared to the Jiang family’s live broadcast projections from the perspective of Hanhan and others.

(adci) Still a lot worse!

After all, the live projection from the perspective of Huanwan and others can reveal a lot of news about Tianyuan Realm.

On the contrary, it is not so easy for other selected people to get the news.

It might take ten days and a half to find out.

The land in the far west is still too far away from the center of Tianyuan Realm.

Although the Jiang family collects information as soon as possible, they will not deliberately deliver it in the far west.

As a result, many creatures in the far west knew some news about Tianyuan Realm for a long time.

But that’s settled!

Before the Jiang family became an immortal family, the Far West was basically isolated from the world.

It is possible that news from other places in Tianyuan Realm will be known after two or three months.

It is even possible for some small towns in the far west to be separated by more than half a year.

Now, because of the existence of the Changsheng Jiang Family, the connections between other areas of the Tianyuan Realm and the Far West have been strengthened.

This should be considered good!

While many people were talking about it, Jiang Bai had already separated out a quasi-emperor's divine will and started to descend on Beiyuan.

He could sense that even the souls of the Northern Plains were very ignorant, let alone the Far West.

It was obvious that they had no idea what was going on.

When Jiang Bai's spiritual thoughts came to the source of this time.

What he saw was a colorful light emerging from a hill.

There was faint fairy music playing all around, and various visions began to appear.

But there is a faint repulsive force around!

Jiang Bai sensed a danger.

There are already many spiritual thoughts coming around.

After sensing the arrival of Jiang Bai's spiritual incarnation, many saints expressed their spiritual thoughts one after another.

"I've met the ancestor of the Jiang family!"

"I've met the ancestor of the Jiang family!"

Many saints don't dare to be careless, but now this one is a quasi-emperor.

Many saints from Beiyuan are the first group of people to come into contact with the ancestors of the Jiang family.

As a result, they didn't realize that the ancestor of the Jiang family was hiding so deeply.

When the news about this quasi-emperor spread throughout Beiyuan.

But I don’t know how many saints in Beiyuan were shocked.

In addition, there are a lot of worries about why they didn't make more friends with the Changsheng Jiang family.

Now with the exposure of this power, it is already too late to make good friends.

In addition to the human saints, there are also strong men from the ancient races.

But when facing Jiang Bai's divine thoughts, he stayed far away.

The previous miserable situation of the Nether Scorpion clan was still seen by many ancient royal families.

Many people don't want to mess with this person.

Even the ancient royal family had to give in three points when facing the quasi-emperor, let alone them.

Jiang Bai didn't say anything, but stood quietly and observed the place.

In fact, he already had a vague guess in his mind.

This should be an imperial tomb!

In other words, the main reason for the great emperor's tomb is that the previous coercion contained a lot of the power of the emperor.

As a quasi-emperor, Jiang Bai could easily sense it.

But the only question is which emperor is buried here

As for why it is not the ancient emperor, the main reason is that the rules of the emperor's way are obviously different from the ancient emperor's way.

And it seems that this great emperor has not left any legacy.

Not all great emperors choose to establish a holy land or aristocratic family.

There are also some great emperors who travel alone throughout their lives.

While Jiang Bai's thoughts were swirling, many Beiyuan saints were talking about it.

These saints have a long heritage and their eyesight is not bad.

"Why does this place feel like a burial place for strong men?"

"And it can cause such great pressure, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary strong person."

"At least at the quasi-emperor level, not even an ordinary quasi-emperor."

There are still some conservative words in the words of many saints.

Mainly afraid of inaccurate judgment!

"It should be a great emperor!

"It is impossible for the Quasi-Emperor to cause such fluctuations."

But an old sage said categorically!

This old great sage is not from Beiyuan, but from an immortal family in Zhongzhou.

It happened that the family's territory was close to Beiyuan, so this time it was the first to arrive.

In addition, the ancestor of the old Great Sage did produce a quasi-emperor.

The words still have a lot of credibility,

If it were the tomb of the Great Emperor, then this would be a big deal.

Many saints still have some hesitation.

"Is there a quasi-emperor present? You will know if you ask."

Fortunately, this saint spoke up.

In an instant, the eyes of many people present couldn't help but fall on Jiang Bai's spiritual incarnation.

If there is someone with authority here, then it should be this ancestor of the Jiang family.

"It is indeed the Emperor!"

Jiang Bai said without hesitation.

There is nothing to hide in this matter.

Because this shock has affected the entire Tianyuan Realm, some imperial forces will definitely send some people to investigate the situation.

It's not here yet, but it should be soon.

These people from the imperial line can still easily recognize the emperor's tomb.

"It's really the tomb of the Great Emperor!!"

"Which emperor is actually buried in Beiyuan?"

"How many great emperors have come out of Beiyuan? Which one is it specifically?!"

Many saints became excited immediately after hearing the Jiang family ancestor's confirmation.

However, some saints obviously had some small thoughts.

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