Xiao Meng and Xiao Long Nu, one agreed and the other refused.

Xiao Longnu is not that curious!

And in the mixed martial arts world, she was used to staying in ancient tombs.

After arriving at Jiang's house, he became accustomed to staying at Jiang's house.

Before the live projection, many people in the mixed martial arts world were also talking about it.

"Can Xue Yue Sword Immortal and others succeed!?"

"Will it leave a bad impression on the ancestors of the Jiang family!?"

"Before, the ancestors of the Jiang family said they would not participate in this matter!?"

Many people couldn't help but sweat for the three women, especially the forces behind Li Hanyi and others.

If the ancestor of the Jiang family is dissatisfied, the consequences will be very serious.

The top of the sacred mountain

Jiang Bai was very surprised when he saw Li Hanyi and three others arriving.

Regarding these concubines, Jiang Bai is actually very gentle.

After all, they are all their own women!

Similar to the moment when Jiutian was first selected.

I almost lived on the top of the sacred mountain.

However, those in the mixed martial arts world are not generally timid.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai can still understand, after all, they are separated by a world.

It is normal for Huanwan and others to be timid and more cautious.

Now in Tianyuan Realm, the only one they can rely on is the Jiang family.

"I've seen your son!"

"I've seen your son!"

Li Hanyi and the other three people couldn't help but said respectfully.

This is the first time that the three women have come to see this person since the first time.

There is definitely some nervousness!

Even many people in the mixed martial arts world before the projection live broadcast can see it.

"What's the matter?!"

Jiang Bai spoke slowly, trying to ease the tension of the three women.

Shi Fei Xuan and Xiao Meng couldn't help but cast their eyes on Li Hanyi.

After all, it was Li Hanyi who brought up this matter.

Li Hanyi summoned up the courage to finally speak.

"Sir, we want to go to the Emperor's Tomb to have a look."

"I want to see how the emperor's swordsmanship is."

"We promise not to enter the emperor's tomb."

I said all the words I wanted to say in one breath.

In the original world, this Xueyue Sword Immortal had never been like this.

"It turned out to be this matter!"

Jiang Bai couldn't help but think with a strange look on his face.

He thought Li Hanyi had something important to do.

That's it!

Although he did say that the Jiang family would not be involved in the matter of the emperor's tomb.

But it didn't say that you can't watch or anything.

This thing in itself is nothing.

Now the Jiang family is no longer as unknown as before.

When it comes to protecting his woman, Jiang Bai still has absolute confidence.


Jiang Bai spoke directly without any hesitation.

He himself did not restrict this concubine from traveling.

Even though the location is a bit special this time, it doesn't matter.

It just so happened that I could leave a spiritual thought on Li Hanyi and join in the fun.

Ontology is in a semi-reclusive state.

Regardless of whether it is cultivation or flying immortal body, they all need to be cultivated and improved.

Jiang Bai now only wants to improve his strength.

As for other things, I don't really care.

Even the Emperor's Tomb could not shake Jiang Bai's determination.

After Jiang Bai finished speaking, Li Hanyi and the other three people couldn't help but be stunned.

"Sir, do you agree!?"

Li Hanyi said a little uncertainly.

Mainly because it seemed a bit unexpected.

Originally, she thought that if the young master didn't agree, then forget it.

At least try!

But I didn't expect the young master to agree so simply.

Neither Xiaomeng nor Shi Feixuan expected that this matter would go so smoothly.

"It's nothing, just express your attitude on behalf of the Jiang family."

"Also let two saints from the Mingxuan sect follow!"

Seeing the shock on Li Hanyi's face, Jiang Bai couldn't help but feel a little funny and continued to speak.

Although the Jiang family does not intend to participate, not all forces believe in the problem.

Then let Li Hanyi and others express their stance.

As for Li Hanyi and others who want to see the emperor's swordsmanship, they need to look at their luck.

For people like Li Hanyi whose qualifications are not too high.

If you have the opportunity to see it and understand some superficial words, you will benefit a lot.

Li Hanyi and the other three girls were a little confused until they walked out of the top of the sacred mountain.

Or is it because they came to seek a 2.8 possibility without thinking about it.

As a result, the Jiang family will go to Beiyuan!

Fortunately, after calming down for a while, Li Hanyi and others finally stabilized their minds.

"Young Master is actually easier to talk to than I thought."

Xiao Meng couldn't help but say something.

Compared to Li Hanyi and Shi Feixuan, she came to the Jiang family two years later.

So she is actually the most nervous among the three.

Li Hanyi and Shi Feixuan nodded!

But they don't think that the young master is always easy to talk to.

After all, this person established the existence of the Changsheng Jiang family.

Without some iron-blooded means, it would be impossible to reach this point.

The key is that their status as concubines gives them a lot of advantages.

And as this matter was settled, people in the mixed martial arts world before the live projection inevitably became excited.

“I didn’t expect the ancestor of the Jiang family to agree so easily.

"I originally thought there would be some twists and turns."

"The ancestor of the Jiang family is indeed easy to talk to, but only to certain people."

"I thought it was impossible to see the emperor's tomb before, but I didn't want to take a turn."

Zongwu is being discussed all over the world, and it is obvious that there is great interest in the Tomb of the Great Emperor.

Chapter 127 Respect and attention come to Beiyuan

Jiang Mingxuan still has many impressions of his ancestor's concubines.

After all, these few are very likely to become future wives.

Can you not pay attention? !

And the most important thing is that the ancestor set foot as a quasi-emperor, and his longevity is very sufficient.

If these concubines give birth to two or three more children.

These are the descendants of the quasi-emperor, and their importance to the Jiang family is self-evident.

Just look at this little princess and you will know that even the saint Jiang Mingxuan has some imbalances.

Therefore, it is not impossible for the ancestor’s concubines to be rich based on their sons.

"Master, we have obtained the Young Master's consent.

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