He has some hope again!

Unfortunately, you need some luck to be selected.

Fortunately, this time he was finally selected.

[Jianghu of the Great Song Dynasty, Wang San]

[Dahan Jianghu, Lu Yuan]

As one spot after another was selected.

Some people are excited and naturally some people die.

There are warriors and some ordinary people, but there are not many land gods like Lang Fanyun.

But there are still a few familiar names among them.

For example, Lu Xiaofeng from the Ming Dynasty Jianghu, Du Fuwei from the Sui Dynasty Jianghu, etc.

In the blink of an eye, there are not many places left.

[Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng]

When the final quota came out, people from all dynasties were a little stunned.

"You read that right, it's this one.

"Could it be that this person who has been seeking immortality for so many years finally got the chance?"

"Although this Lord of Great Qin has good governance, I don't know what will happen if he goes to Tianyuan Realm."

"Indeed, after all, this person is not a strong martial artist."

After being stunned, I don't know how many people talked about it with disapproval in their words.

But it’s normal to think about it!

Although this person led Da Qin to its peak.

But Tianyuan Realm is not based on governance ability, but on personal cultivation.

So it’s really hard to say whether this person will go to Tianyuan Realm.

In case there are some problems during the initial transmission.

Then he might just die!

After thinking of this, even many creatures couldn't help but sigh.

Great Qin Dynasty

Many people in Great Qin did not expect that their king would be chosen.

Then he fell into silence.

They are more complicated. After all, this king does have a high prestige.

Of course, no matter what, they can't stop anything.

Including many of the Great Qin court officials, all had bitter looks on their faces.

"Your Majesty got what he wanted this time!"

If we talk about this king's desire for immortality, these courtiers are the ones who know it best.

"I was chosen!?"

As for the excitement of winning the government, it goes without saying.

0Requesting flowers..........

When he reached the last spot, he had no hope.

But I didn't expect that there would be such a surprise in the end.

Yingzheng had been prepared to be selected long ago.

So there is nothing to explain.

However, in the last bit of preparation time, Yingzheng still called many of his children to explain.

The main reason is that Hu Hai left a lot of shadows on Ying Zheng in the past.

He doesn't want his children to become a joke again!

A quarter of an hour later, 50 selected people descended on the Tianyuan Realm.

Compared to the number of creatures in the Far West, the arrival of 50 people did not cause any disturbance.

Among them, this emperor is the one that attracts the most attention.

Mainly the ones where accidents are most likely to occur.

"This is Tianyuan Realm!?"

On the projected live screen, Ying Zheng could not help but reveal excitement on his face and softly said.

Needless to say, there is no need to say much about the desire for Tianyuan Realm.

This time I finally set foot, and I got what I wanted!

The location where Yingzheng teleported was on the edge of a village

The luck is pretty good, but this makes many people in the mixed martial arts world a little disappointed.

We must be aware of some anti-Qin forces, but we very much hope that something unexpected will happen to Ying Zheng.

Including other dynasties, they don't want this one to live well.

the reason is simple!

If Ying Zheng lives well, his return in a year may bring a huge boost to the Qin Dynasty.

Before, Hu Hai entered the Tianyuan Realm and many dynasties had been worried for a while.

Hu Hai was so useless that many dynasties didn't care.

But Yingzheng is not like his son Hu Hai.

Therefore, many dynasties are still very vigilant.

Although many people are now focusing on the Tianyuan world and are not interested in the original world.

But who can guarantee that this person has no ideas? !

There are many people who are not optimistic about Yingzheng, and there are also many people who hope that something will happen to Yingzheng.

However, no matter what many people think, it will not affect Yingzheng who has appeared in Tianyuan Realm.

"Not bad luck!"

After Yingzheng was excited, he quickly judged his situation:

After realizing that his teleportation location was relatively safe, he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, if you appear in some forests, you may get lost and encounter wild beasts.

This requires some luck to survive.

To the surprise of many people in the mixed martial arts world, Ying Zheng successfully established a relationship with people in the village.

The Ying Zheng on the projection screen simply does not look like a king.

On the contrary, he looks like a scholar!

This is how many people in the mixed martial arts world feel:

Many people only heard about this Lord of Qin.

If Yingzheng had not been selected, it would have been almost impossible for many people to meet him.

In the minds of many people, Yingzheng is a tyrant who speaks one word!

Those who obey me prosper and those who oppose me perish!

However, now the image is somewhat subverted.

In fact, many people in the mixed martial arts world don't know that it was very humble for Ying Zheng to be a proton when he was young.

Before being transported to the Tianyuan Realm, one thing Yingzheng did was to change his mentality.

When he came to Tianyuan Realm, he was not a lofty king.

Rather, he is just a cultivator seeking immortality!work

Chapter 136 Ying Zheng: From Lord of Qin to Village Chief

Yingzheng's attitude is quite correct.

If he still carries the pretense of being the Lord of Qin in the Tianyuan Realm, he will not be able to get far.

In fact, many people who were selected in the past did so because they didn’t have a correct attitude at the beginning.

As a result, it left a lot of impressions on many people in the far west.

By the time the mentality adjusted back, it was obviously too late.

After some judgment, Ying Zheng found that the people in the village were very united and relatively easy to get along with.

He decided to donate some of the gold and silver he brought directly to the village.

It is obvious that the village is relatively dilapidated, and Tianyuan Realm still does not lack some declining places.

There are still many ordinary people!

Although gold and silver are not of great value in the Tianyuan world.

However, for ordinary people, it is still a considerable fortune.

Therefore, Yingzheng's operation directly won the favor of many villagers.

Naturally, there won’t be many problems if we settle down in the village.

Because the Great Qin Dynasty of the original world had obtained the "Basic Body Forging Technique" before.

Yingzheng doesn't need to bother looking for villagers or anything, he can just practice directly.

When he was in the mixed martial arts world, Ying Zheng made a lot of progress with the help of purchased resources.

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