This breakthrough caused a lot of shock in the Jiang family.

You must know that this little princess is not yet two years old.

As a result, many people have to practice hard for several years.

You must know that many people from the Jiang family, even if they have resources to help.

I set foot in the God-Building Realm here at the age of ten!

As a result, this person has only set foot in this field at this age, and he still doesn’t know what kind of cultivation he will have by the time he is ten years old.

Maybe it’s even possible in 2.8 Cave Heaven Realm.

"Maybe this is the difference between ordinary people and monsters."

In the end, many members of the Jiang family could only sigh like this.

The Jiang family did not block this news.

On the one hand, in today's golden age, there are all kinds of monsters.

There was even a person who was born in the God-Building Realm.

So Jiang Jiuge is not conspicuous!

In addition, the Jiang family now has a quasi-emperor, so it is very simple to protect a monster.

Nowadays, some immortal families can give birth to a monster.

Not to mention the Jiang family!

Of course, the most complicated ones among the Jiang family should be Hanhan and others.

Although they thought that one day they would be overtaken by this little princess.

But I didn't expect to be caught up so quickly.

The gap may even widen over time.

"This little princess's qualifications are too terrifying."

Even Huanwan and others couldn't help but sigh out loud in the end.

They have nothing to compete with this little princess.

So I still like this little princess very much.

As for the sighs of people in the mixed martial arts world before the live broadcast, it goes without saying.

The level of complexity is no less than that of Huanwan and others.

Chapter 137 Quasi-Emperor Nine Heavens, Doubts

Jiang Jiuge is still very satisfied with this life.

Not the strongest background, but still pretty good.

At least he can be considered the overlord!

Although the name of this overlord is somewhat vain.

It can ensure that she can practice smoothly.

If you can relax, then why bother busy.

In her previous life, she spent an unknown amount of time just to ascend to the Great Emperor.

In my memory, I am either practicing or on the road to seizing resources.

It seems that there is nothing else in life except strength.

After Jiang Jiuge reincarnated and came to the Jiang family, he met many people from the Jiang family.

There are strong and weak ones, but it doesn't matter whether they are strong or weak.

Then they are all very happy and have their own things.

And the most important thing is that her mother gave her too much warmth in this life.

"Jiu Ge, don't be in a hurry to practice now."

"Anyway, if anything happens, just ask your father."

Thinking of what his mother said to him, even Jiang Jiuge couldn't help but smile.

In her last life, she climbed all the way to the Great Emperor, and never thought of relying on others.

But I never thought that my mother would be like this in this life.

But this feeling is quite good.

At least Jiang Jiuge felt that besides cultivation, there were actually things he could focus on.

Of course, Jiang Jiuge will still not forget to improve his own strength.

Only strength can give Jiang Jiuge a sense of security.

In fact, 03, Jiang Jiuge is far stronger than imagined.

For a large part of the time, Jiang Jiuge tried his best to achieve perfection in every state.

And cultivate the combat power to a relatively strong point,

Now her cultivation is at the third level of the God-Building Realm, but in terms of combat power.

Then even those at the peak of the God-Building Realm are no match for her.

If added with the blessing of some secret techniques, then Jiang Jiuge would be even more confident of fighting in the cave heaven realm.

This is the power of the Young Emperor!

Jiang Jiuge is now so powerful that only he knows.

Fortunately, Jiang Jiuge doesn't need to work hard in the Jiang family.

In this life, Jiang Jiuge wants everything from strength to experience.

I went shopping at Jiang's house before because of this idea.

Jiang Jiuge wanted to do something he had never done before.

“I don’t know if I can return to the Tianhe Realm.

"Even if you become the Great Emperor again, it must be very difficult to return."

"If one day I can return to the Tianhe Realm, then I will take revenge.

"As for now, don't worry so much."

Jiang Jiuge has now put down some hatred for the time being.

The main reason is that there are two worlds apart, so there is no chance for revenge.

at the same time!

Jiang Bai finally finished digesting the rules he plundered from the mixed martial arts world.

In the second month of seclusion, he successfully entered the eighth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

However, it is because the rules have not been fully digested.

Jiang Bai naturally continued to retreat.

Now the realm of cultivation has finally reached the quasi-emperor ninth level.

It can be said that all nine levels of the quasi-emperor were solved step by step by Jiang Bai.

A few years ago, Jiang Bai never expected that he would be able to set foot in the quasi-emperor ninth level so quickly.

Although many creatures have set foot on the Quasi-Emperor throughout the ages.

However, many creatures who have exhausted their lifespan in the quasi-emperor realm may not be able to set foot in the quasi-emperor ninth level.

And because there is still some longevity left to seal in Shenyuan.

Basically, many quasi-emperors will choose to seal after seeing that there is no hope of enlightenment.

The main thing is to leave some trump cards for one's own power.

After all, the age of the Great Emperor will not last long, and in many cases the quasi-Emperor is the true pinnacle of the Tianyuan Realm.

Previously, Jiang Bai expected that he would not have much left to attack the Great Emperor's longevity if he set foot in the ninth level of the Quasi-Emperor.

I didn't expect that my cultivation would progress faster than I imagined.

"It's been more than 6000 years since we traveled through time."

"We finally arrived at the gate of the Great Emperor."

"Only by setting foot in the Nine Heavens can one be recognized as qualified to attain enlightenment."

Jiang Bai murmured softly, but he couldn't help but feel a little excited in his words.

no way!

He should be the most difficult person to cross.

Other time-travelers have not even become immortals in such a long time.

Not to mention the Emperor!

After leaving seclusion, Jiang Bai did not summon Jiang Mingxuan immediately.

Instead, the divine thoughts spread throughout the entire Jiang family's sacred mountain, and then extended to the entire Jiang family's territory.

"This little guy's cultivation has improved very quickly."

Jiang Bai immediately observed his daughter and said in surprise.

The Great Emperor is reincarnated!

There is really no way to stop Jiang Bai from paying attention.

And thanks to this daughter, he brought him the Flying Immortal Body.

Otherwise, it will not be that easy to break through smoothly this time.

What he didn't expect was that Jiuge's cultivation and strength were faster than he imagined.

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