Many people in the Jiang family were a little shocked as their thoughts and ideas intertwined.

Before, Jiang Bai only told the strong men of the Jiang family about his guess.

Many people in the Jiang family don’t know!

Therefore, it is normal for many members of the Jiang family to have this reaction.

This is the first time that many members of the Jiang family have come into contact with a descendant of the Great Emperor.

It is impossible to say that you are not curious.

People in the mixed martial arts world need not say more before the live broadcast.

However, this also led to many people's one-sided judgment of victory or defeat.

"This one turns out to be the Emperor Wanjian!"

"Then Jiang Qingyuan should be hanging!"

"The emperor's son once received the teachings of the great emperor, so he must have many methods."

Because I knew how terrifying the emperor level was before, the emperor's son must not be simple.

The one-sided judgment of people in the world of comprehensive martial arts is understandable.

Even many people in the Jiang family are sweating in their hearts for Xiao Zu at this moment.

When many people’s thoughts are racing!

The momentum of the two geniuses began to confront each other:

When the momentum confrontation reaches the level beyond the virtual king.

They all chose to do it the first time!

The emperor's son Tianyang used a saint-level offensive technique.

As if the sword energy had a soul, it turned into a stream of light and headed towards Jiang Qingyuan from all directions.

This move alone instantly made the face of the Void Dao King present become solemn.

Because they can be sure that if they face it on their own.

We definitely can’t take on this attack!

Jiang Qingyuan didn't hold back at all, and his strange eyes were revealed.

Punch after punch!

Blocked all routes for the incoming sword energy.


The sound of the collision spread throughout the entire martial arts arena.

The first collision is a dead end!

Neither Emperor Tianyang nor Jiang Qingyuan was surprised.

Because when the momentum and energy collided before, they both felt that the other party was not weak.

Next, the two of them showed off many of their own methods.

For example, this emperor's son respected his father the most.

He is also a pure swordsman!

Now because of the discussion, not all methods have been used.

Otherwise, maybe even a saint can compete a little bit.

This combat power is indeed a bit terrifying.

All the saints present could feel the sharp edge coming from Emperor Wanjian.

"If this one becomes a saint, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to match him."

Many of the Jiang family elders couldn't help but sigh slightly.

It still feels uncomfortable to be caught up by the younger generation.

Fortunately, the skills are not as good as the people, so there is not much to say!

As for Jiang Qingyuan, he has performed more than ten kinds of saint arts.

You must know that it is not easy for an ordinary virtual king to cultivate into one.

However, Jiang Qingyuan is different!

This is one of the abilities brought by the different pupils, which is the ability to master some moves as quickly as possible.

The two are a bit like rivals.

"Touch 2.8!"

As an hour passed, the sound of fighting and collision continued.

There is no outcome!

The two are still almost evenly matched.

But both Jiang Bai and Lin Jian, the two quasi-emperors, still saw something.

That is, Jiang Qingyuan consumes more than the other party.

More often than not, I am still on the defensive!

"Qingyuan is still a little behind."

Jiang Bai thought silently, but he didn't blame him too much.

The second-generation bloodline bonus of the Great Emperor is actually much more terrifying than many physiques.

Some top-notch physiques may not be as good as the second-generation bloodline of the Great Emperor.

Therefore, Jiang Qingyuan's loss is not unacceptable.

Winning or losing doesn’t mean anything at the moment!

Sure enough, just as Jiang Bai thought, another hour came to an end.

Jiang Qingyuan was basically on the defensive.

Although he can still use some secret techniques, so can the opponent.

He would not think that the other party did not master some secret skills.

But at this moment, the emperor Tianyang stopped.

It's a bit humane and worldly!

For this emperor's son, it is actually to verify his own strength.

We did not intend to fight to the death, but now our goal has been achieved]

Chapter 142 Consensus and Sensation, Two Lucky People

At this point, the outcome has actually been decided.

At least that's the case in the eyes of many powerful people.

Some people whose cultivation is lower than that of saints feel a little confused.

But whoever allowed these saints to exist is basically just joining in the fun.

People like Huanwan and others can't actually see clearly the speed and collision of the two sides fighting.

There are some things that neither the naked eye nor the mind can perceive.

"I lost!"

Jiang Qingyuan said directly, but his words were very calm.

It's not a big deal about failure or anything like that.

The Jiang family does not teach them how to walk the path of self-confidence and invincibility.

Instead, he followed the path of survival.

So in terms of mentality, the people in the Jiang family are pretty good.

Not to mention Jiang Qingyuan, a young ancestor, for whom Jiang Bai had specially trained.

If you lose, you lose, and there is nothing to fear.

The emperor's son Tianyang, who originally wanted to save some face for the Jiang family, didn't expect this person to be so straightforward.

And he didn't seem to have any mood swings at all.

Tianyang's inner evaluation of this person was even higher.

You must know that not everyone can accept failure calmly.

For example, if he loses, he will definitely not be able to be so indifferent.

Including Lin Jian, the quasi-emperor, saw Jiang Qingyuan directly admit his defeat.

In my heart, my evaluation of the Jiang family has improved to a higher level.

I actually have a very high opinion of the Jiang family.

It’s even higher now!

As for the many people watching, they were a little confused.

This was not a good fight, why did we stop?

The most important thing is that the young ancestor of the Jiang family admits defeat directly.

Including people from the mixed martial arts world before the live broadcast.

Although they had previously determined that this emperor's son was the victor.

However, I didn’t expect that the process would be like this!

And Jiang Qingyuan actually didn’t lag too far behind from beginning to end.

If this emperor's son makes a mistake, there is also the possibility of overturning.

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