As a result, Jiutian showed extraordinary concern for this person.


"Qingyan is unfilial!"

When Jiang Qingyan saw his mother, he couldn't help but said with jealousy.

Because of her own reasons, it was obvious that her mother was also having a very bad life.

He could still feel his mother's state at this moment.

The warm moment between mother and son did not last long.

The reason is simple, Jiang Mingxuan and others appeared.

However, these people appeared in 03 except to welcome this little ancestor.

One more thing!

That is the situation of the ancient princess, and understanding the whole story.

In fact, Jiang Mingxuan and others were still very confused at this moment.

Although he knew through the wanted list that this young ancestor was responsible for kidnapping the ancient princess.

But the specific reason for the abduction is still a mystery.

Although Jiang Bai and Jiutian knew about it, they did not tell the rest of the Jiang family.

After all, the less people know about giving Jiang Qingyan the trump card, the better.

Of course, Jiang Mingxuan and others still have a lot of complicated feelings about this little ancestor.

Now the Jiang family is thriving!

As a result, the Jiang family fell into crisis because of this little ancestor.

It is impossible to say that there are no emotions.

If it were placed in other immortal families, I'm afraid it would have already caused a huge commotion.

However, looking at the heartwarming scene of mother and son, many powerful Jiang family members found it difficult to interrupt.

Finally, the eyes of these powerful men fell on the head of the family, Jiang Mingxuan.

Even Jiang Mingxuan's face was a little stiff.

Normally, good things happen not to oneself, but as a result, things that offend others are one's own fault.

"Xiaozu, there are some things that I still need to consult.

Fortunately, Jiang Mingxuan still had the courage to interrupt.

After all, time cannot be wasted now.

After knowing that the Taikoo Royal Family is wanted, then maybe we can find a solution.

"Master, long time no see!"

"Ask whatever you want."

Jiang Qingyan forced a smile on his face and said.

He is very familiar with this family head.

After all, this person has been in charge of the Jiang family's affairs since he was born.

Jiutian on the other side had some emotions in his heart.

But he still knew that the Jiang family's affairs were the most important thing now, so he didn't say anything.

"Xiao Zu, how about that ancient princess?"

"Can you also tell me the cause and effect?"

"And how many forces participated in the pursuit before?"

Jiang Mingxuan continued to speak out, after all, these things are very critical.

"The ancient princess was sealed by me."

"The cause and effect, it's a long story."

Jiang Qingyan said with a helpless look on his face.

Who can imagine why he is so unlucky!

When I first met this ancient princess, I just thought she was an ordinary powerful person from the Xuanbing Spirit Clan.

As a result, the last one came with such a surprise.

If he were an ordinary powerful person from the ancient royal family, no one would hold him accountable even if he was killed by Jiang Qingyan.

I went to the battlefield, life and death depended on it!

But Ms. Guhuang is really different!

Many people in the Jiang family could not help but breathe a sigh of relief when they first learned that the ancient princess was alive and well.

If it's alive, then at least it's a good thing.

If something unexpected happens to the ancient princess, the Xuanbing Spirit Clan may have a fight with the Changsheng Jiang family.

The ancient princess is doing well, at least there is room for relaxation.

However, after understanding the cause and effect, even Jiang Mingxuan and others were a little stunned.

It seems that I didn't expect that there are so many stories here.

Concentric Gu!

The Jiang family really doesn't have much research on Gu insects.

In fact, not only the Jiang family, but also the entire Tianyuan world has no family or sect that inherits the Gu Dao.

Of course there may be some, but they are all practiced in secret.

Because Gu Dao is a bit biased towards evil arts, it is resisted by many forces.

Maybe the southern demon clan has left some inheritance.

However, the problem is that the Southern Monster Clan does not just go wherever they want.

The relationship between the human race and the demon race is actually not that good.

Previously, the Southern Fox Clan was just a part of the Demon Clan.

"Master, one person is responsible for this matter."

"If the Xuanbing Spirit Tribe comes to our door, just push me out."

Jiang Qingyan's firm voice sounded, but his words contained a will to die!

Many members of the Jiang family are naturally not fools and can hear the meaning of this little ancestor.

For a time, the eyes of many members of the Jiang family became more complicated.

"Qingyan, you can't do this!"

On the other hand, Jiutian said hurriedly.

This is her son, he can't just leave it here.

In the end!

In fact, the ancient royal family is still too domineering.

Facing his mother's words, Jiang Qingyan shook his head

Although this will make the mother very sad, it is the best way for the Jiang family.

Seeing this scene, Jiutian's heart sank to the bottom.

This is the first time Jiutian has felt this sense of powerlessness since he successfully entered the Changsheng Jiang family in the draft.

Even Jiutian was in a state of powerlessness and confusion at this moment.

Wanwan and many other members of the Jiang family also appeared at some unknown time.

After they received the news of this person's return, they naturally wanted to take a look at the situation.

The only thing I didn't expect was this scene!

"This is the first time Madam Jiutian has been so fragile."

Huanwan and others couldn't help but sigh in silence.

But for the sake of his own son, there is nothing to say.

If they have children in the future, the same thing will happen to them.

Before the live projection, many people in the mixed martial arts world were talking about it.

"When we first met, this Lady of Jiutian was like a fairy in the sky."

"Now I feel like I have fallen into the mundane world!"

"But this Jiang Qingyan is responsible. Knowing how to deal with this matter will do the least harm to the Jiang family."

"Although the Jiang family is the overlord of the Far West, they still can't face the ancient royal family."

Many people think that the idea proposed by Jiang Qingyan is the best way.

For them, it would be acceptable to sacrifice one person to save the entire family.

However, at this moment, a figure that surprised many people appeared.

This figure is Jiang Bai!

Jiang Bai has been paying attention to Jiang Qingyan since he set foot in the West Desert.

Jiang Qingyan chose to come back, but he actually knew what it meant.

Jiang Bai was still very pleased with this.

At least my son is not that kind of selfish person.

If Jiang Qingyan had not returned, to be honest, Jiang Bai would still be a little disappointed with him.

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