"About my son and the ancient princess."

“I think there’s some misunderstanding here.

"Why don't we stop together and discuss it carefully before making a decision."

Jiang Bai did not hesitate to continue his spiritual message transmission,

He didn't mind taking the lead in making peace. Anyway, the Changsheng Jiang family was destined to be the winner this time.


Sure enough, under the figure of Jiang Bai Shen Nian, the quasi-emperor of the Xuanbing Spirit Tribe hurriedly agreed.

The reason why this quasi-emperor can still fight is because of his strength.

If you continue to fight, you may damage the source, and your life, which is not long, will be even less.

For this quasi-emperor, there are some things that are unacceptable.

You must know that this quasi-emperor is now in the sixth level of quasi-emperor.

Although there is a distance from the seventh heaven, it is not too far away.

If a breakthrough can be achieved, one can at least add 500 years to one's lifespan.

This quasi-emperor of the Xuanbing Spirit Clan naturally wants to continue to make breakthroughs.

That's a high-level quasi-emperor!

Under all the attention, Jiang Bai and the quasi-emperor gave up at the same time.

"Fellow Daoist, please!"

As the host, Jiang Bai directly invited him to speak.

This quasi-emperor from the Xuanbing Spirit Clan still has some courage.

Without hesitation, he followed Jiang Bai directly into the Jiang family's sacred mountain.

This scene can be said to make many living beings a little stunned.

"Stop now!?"

"If we stop now, it can only be regarded as a deadlock."

Some creatures with obsessive-compulsive disorder who insist on pursuing victory or defeat still feel uncomfortable.

But they just dare to say it!

However, many powerful people were not surprised by the result of shaking hands and making peace.

Although the Changsheng Jiang family now has an advantage, that is because the Xuanbing Spirit Clan only produced one quasi-emperor.

An ancient royal family like this must have more than just one quasi-emperor.

What if the two forces were fighting to the death!

Many creatures have no doubt that the ancient royal family, the Xuanbing Spirit Clan, will win the final victory.

Of course, there must be a heavy price to pay.

"Originally I was thinking of mediating at the critical moment."

"In the end, the masters of the two forces shook hands and made peace."

On the other hand, Lin Yi, the great sage, was a little bit dumbfounded, as if he did not expect this result.

Although they temporarily shook hands and made peace, many powerful people did not leave immediately.

the reason is simple!

That means there is a possibility that the talks may collapse.

Maybe it will be possible to continue fighting then.

And many powerful people are also very interested in the results of the discussion between the Changsheng Jiang family and the Xuanbing Spirit Clan.

"Qingyan, release the princess."

The first thing Jiang Bai did after returning to Jiangjia Mountain was to let him go first.

Jiang Qingyan naturally won’t hesitate!

Now that he knows his father's strength, he is not worried about any accidents.

Soon the ancient princess Xuezhu was released and the seal was lifted.

"Jiang Qingyan, get out of here!"

The ancient princess Xuezhu who had just been unblocked was not an ordinary irritable person.

Originally, before, she stayed outside and was fine.

He also abided by the three chapters of the agreement with Jiang Qingyan.

In the end, Jiang Qingyan didn't expect it and immediately sealed her away again.

Naturally, this ancient princess was not ordinary angry.

Facing the words of the ancient princess, Jiang Qingyan couldn't help but reveal an innocent look on his face.

This is not because the Xuanbing Spirit Tribe wants him on a large scale.

Fortunately, this ancient princess Xue Zhu also noticed something was wrong with the surrounding environment at this moment.

Why are there so many people!

And there is also the aura of a fellow being.


Bingcha, the quasi-emperor, was the first to speak respectfully.

Facing the ancestor of the Jiang family, this one still has a lot of arrogance.

Facing this princess, she didn't have any arrogance but was very humble.

"what's going on!?"

Xuezhu was a little confused at the moment.

"Brother Dao, why don't you wait and have a chat first."

"Then we'll discuss what to do next."

Jiang Bai directly made space for the two of them to understand the situation first.

Soon the princess and the quasi-emperor, who were born in the Xuanbingling Clan, introduced the current situation to each other.

"Quasi-Emperor Ninth Level!!"

The ancient princess Xuezhu couldn't help but exclaimed.

She didn't seem to have thought that the person who kidnapped her had such a background.

And even the Ancient Emperor’s soldiers couldn’t defeat this one!

She couldn't help but feel a little discouraged. She was still thinking of giving Jiang Qingyan a good look.

It seems impossible now!

As for how to discuss and resolve the matter with the Jiang family, she was a little confused for a while.

Bingcha frowned. He didn't expect that it was Tongxin Gu who hijacked the truth.

As an ancient royal family, I really don’t know much about Gu insects.

In other words, the princess must be bound to this boy from the Jiang family.

In addition, this ancestor of the Jiang family is even more powerful than him.

"Ancestor of the Jiang family, we can cancel the wanted order."

"But this young man from the Jiang family is required to stay with the princess before Tongxin Gu comes into contact with her."

"Why isn't the ancient princess accompanying my son?"

What follows is a seemingly friendly discussion between Jiang Bai and Bingcha, the quasi-emperor!

On top of this matter, Jiang Bai also strived to gain more benefits for his son.

It is definitely impossible for a person to be taken away by the Xuanbing Spirit Clan.

As for the previous grievances between the Xuanbing Spirit Clan and the Changsheng Jiang Family, the two of them made a tacit agreement not to mention it.

Because if you think about what happened before, it will definitely not be clear.

During the quarrel, Jiang Bai had an idea.

"Otherwise Qingyan and the princess will get engaged!"

"And we made a contract to live and die together during this period!"

"After the heart poison is released, the contract will also be released."

After Jiang Bai had an idea, he said directly,

In this way, the safety of both his son and the ancient princess is guaranteed.

It doesn’t matter where it is!

Jiang Qingyan and the ancient princess Xuezhu couldn't help but look shocked.

It seems that he did not expect this person to make such a proposal.

In particular, Jiang Qingyan's eyes couldn't help but reveal resentment.

He is absolutely sure that he was cheated by his 2.8 father!

The face of the ancient princess Xuezhu was not very acceptable.

But Bingcha, the quasi-emperor of the Xuanbing Spirit Clan, was really impressed.

If this is the case, then the reputation of the Xuanbing Spirit Clan can be preserved.

Secondly, it can be regarded as ensuring the safety of the princess.

Nowadays, the conflict between the Changsheng Jiang family and the Xuanbing Spirit Clan is more of a question of trust.

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