But after seeing the strength of the Jiang family ancestor, he no longer had such an idea.

Later, the Changsheng Jiang family and the Xuanbing Spirit Clan directly united.

Many people even dare not have any ideas.

But I didn't expect that this matter was not over.

The faces of powerful men from many forces are very bitter:

Who would have thought that the person wanted by the ancient royal family was a member of the Jiang family.

The most important thing is that the ancestor of the Jiang family is a quasi-emperor in the ninth heaven.

There are many powerful people with cold sweat on their foreheads.

They were not fools, so they naturally heard the murderous intention of the ancestor of the Jiang family.

If one person doesn't handle this matter well, it may be difficult for the entire family to survive.

Now the Changsheng Jiang family definitely has this strength.

"Now the only option is compensation!"

"Strive to reduce the anger of the Changsheng Jiang family."

The powerful men from many forces also made up their minds immediately.

Even though my heart can’t help but bleed!

Because they knew without even thinking about it that the compensation this time was definitely not a small amount.

But compared to family survival, resources are a small matter.

Now that the Changsheng Jiang family has exposed its ancestor's strength, they may be preparing to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

"Ancestor of the Jiang family, we admit defeat."

"I am willing to compensate this Jiang Qingyan."

If the quasi-emperor of the Xuanbing Spirit Clan still wants to lose face, then many powerful people do not dare to hesitate.

I am afraid that this hesitation will reduce the power of the quasi-emperor.

Whether they can survive by then may still be a question.

Soon, many powerful people rushed to enter the Jiang family's sacred mountain one by one.

There are definitely advantages to taking out compensation in advance.

After all, if there are fewer in the back than in the front, then it's hard to tell.

The 397 powerful men and creatures who were watching did not expect such a thing to happen.

"At the beginning, many forces wanted to offer huge rewards."

"Don't even think about it, is this reward easy to get!?"

"Now I have lost my wife and lost my troops!!"

"Fortunately, I didn't get involved at the beginning."

"Jiang Qingyan has shown so many trump cards, so he knows he is not easy to provoke."

Many powerful people were talking about it. In fact, they had actually thought about participating.

But in the end I didn’t participate!

I'm glad now, otherwise the Jiang family would definitely have taken advantage of him.

Presumably these participating forces must be dumbfounded.

The Changsheng Jiang family and the Xuanbing Spirit Clan completed the reconciliation

On the contrary, these powerful people who participated in the bounty hunt were not human inside and outside.

In addition, the Changsheng Jiang family is now settling accounts after the fall!

People in the mixed martial arts world were also very emotional before the live projection.

"The longevity of the Jiang family really depends on the ancestor of the Jiang family."

"The Changsheng Jiang family not only survived this calamity safely, but also had a bumper harvest."

"In the Tianyuan world, power means everything."

What the Changsheng Jiang family experienced this time still made many people in the mixed martial arts world feel a lot.

He has a deeper understanding of the Tianyuan Realm.

Of course, many people can't help but feel jealous.

Jealous of Huanwan and others!

Although in the past, many people followed the projection live broadcast and knew that the Changsheng Jiang family was a thick thigh.

But I didn't expect it to be so thick.

Now, with the Changsheng Jiang family becoming famous again, the status of Huanwan and others has once again risen.

You must know that Huanwan and others have done nothing since the success of the Jiang family's draft.

As a result, if you follow the Changsheng Jiang family, you will win directly!

Things like immortality are easily accessible to Huanhan and others.

It’s better not to make people jealous!

However, the world of comprehensive martial arts has little impact on the Tianyuan world.

Chapter 153 Zhang Sanfeng’s determination, sensation and reaction

The land of the far west itself has many chosen ones from the mixed martial arts world.

Probably the most jealous existence.

Because they came to Tianyuan Realm, they could feel the difference in status caused by the difference in strength in Tianyuan Realm.

"Even the old Taoist can't help but feel jealous this time."

Zhang Sanfeng, who was in Jiangjia New City, couldn't help but murmured softly.

Previously, he thought there was still some hope in chasing Huanwan and others.

After all, if you practice till the end, it will be even more difficult.

Judging by his training qualifications, Zhang Sanfeng felt that he was better than Huan Huan and others.

But after knowing the strength of the ancestor of the Jiang family.

Then he doesn't have much confidence.

Because the Jiang family's level has improved, they can receive a lot more resources.

Needless to say, the importance of resources in Tianyuan Realm.

So even Zhang Sanfeng was quite discouraged.

Who could have known that the Jiang family was so extraordinary.

"I don't know if the Jiang family is recruiting anyone."

Even Zhang Sanfeng was a little shaken in his heart.

Because he is in Jiangjia New City, he has more opportunities than many people.

In addition, the Changsheng Jiang family is now comparable to some imperial forces.

Basically, with the blessing of the Changsheng Jiang family, there is no need to worry about any setbacks.

And if you want to become a Jiang family guard, you have to do it as soon as possible

Because as the strength of the ancestor of the Jiang family is exposed, maybe many people have the same thoughts as him.

After thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng's face showed a trace of decision.

In addition to the Jiang family's blessing, there is also the issue of cultivation.

Over this period of time, he has stepped into the realm of building gods.

In terms of longevity, Zhang Sanfeng still got great relief.

After all, if there is no breakthrough, Zhang Sanfeng's vitality will decline.

When the time comes, the difficulty of breaking through will increase!

After reaching the God Building Realm, Zhang Sanfeng could not practice as fast as the Body Forging Realm.

Although the qualifications are good, they are not qualified.

Stepping into the God-Building Realm, although the strength must have improved a lot compared to before.

But it is impossible to become a cave-heaven realm existence all of a sudden.

The resources obtained are actually more than before.

Previously, these resources in the physical training realm were not enough to satisfy Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation.

Not to mention the current God-Building Realm!

In terms of resources, Zhang Sanfeng does have too many helplessness.

"Join the Jiang family!"

"Even if it means becoming a guard."

“It’s much better than casual cultivators.


"Just now, we were recruiting some guards in Xincheng."

"I just need to be selected. I don't know if I can be selected yet."

"You must choose it!"

Zhang Sanfeng whispered softly, with determination in his words.

Before the live broadcast, people in the mixed martial arts world couldn't help but feel a little complicated when they heard the words of the Wudang Patriarch.

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