Know the time before!

These merchant alliances disliked the high cost of coming to the Far West, but were unwilling to come.

After all, in order to safely cross the Western Desert, a saint must be escorted.

Even some of the big business alliances in Tianyuan Realm don't have many saints in charge.

After all, if you can become a saint, then it is not good to establish a family or sect.

Why bother to sit in the business alliance!

Therefore, every saint requires the merchant alliance to spend a lot of money to hire him.

A voyage to the far west might not even be enough for a saint to take action.

If a saint is not used, the possibility of accidents is not small.

There are many saint-level flying beasts in the Western Desert.

You don’t even need to be a saint!

Some flying savage beasts have a relatively large number of races.

2.8 is enough to make the business alliance run in vain.

But it's different now, with the Changsheng Jiang family becoming the top force.

Many saints are very interested in the Far West

He even had the idea of ​​visiting the Jiang family.

Maybe you won't be able to see the ancestor of the Jiang family, but it would be nice to meet the other strong men of the Jiang family.

And some saints even considered that their descendants would come to the far west to develop.

It would also be nice if you could charge some fees along the way.

So there are naturally a lot of unfamiliar faces!

Of the two hundred chosen ones, the unlucky ones were left in the cold as soon as they were teleported.

This scene still makes many people in the mixed martial arts world very emotional.

Because being selected itself is a lucky thing, but being teleported is not so lucky.

It’s a bit joyful and sad!

But it’s a sigh of relief, next time a mysterious person will be chosen.

Many people are still looking forward to it, after all, this is an opportunity for immortality.

Some people have the experience of being selected in many batches before.

It's time to sign up for the Jiang family draft, and it's time to find a place to survive.

As for ordinary people, they rely on their skills to earn a living.

Chapter 157: Great Physical Physique, Three-Step Plan for Enlightenment!

During the retreat, Jiang Bai naturally did not pay attention to this group of selected people.

After all, nothing is more important than his progress in cultivation.

In this way, more than half a year has passed!

Although a lot of things have happened in the Tianyuan world since Jiang Bai's strength near the peak of the quasi-emperor was exposed.

But it didn't affect the Jiang family's dedication to seclusion.

The location in the far west is unique!

Especially after the Jiang family showed its top power level, they didn't have the strength to provoke them.

After all, even the ancient royal family suffered some losses.

Many creatures were still aware of the previous battle.

The Xuanbing Spirit Clan was actually defeated, but they later compromised and found an excuse by joining forces with the Jiang family.

You must know that there are many contradictions between the ancient race and the human race.

How could the ancient princess get engaged to Jiang Qingyan under normal circumstances.

Of course, some things happening in the outside world did not affect Jiang Bai's cultivation.

After more than a year, Jiang Bai's cultivation finally reached the pinnacle of quasi-emperor.

This time, he is a true quasi-emperor at the ninth level of his cultivation.

And not above the combat power!

"Finally accomplished the goal!"

"Both his cultivation and his physique have reached a breakthrough."

"But it's not that simple to achieve enlightenment."

Jiang Bai murmured softly, with a lot of emotion in his words.

Although his cultivation reached the pinnacle of quasi-emperor, he didn't feel much joy.

Because this cultivation level was not something that was originally expected.

After reaching the pinnacle of quasi-emperor cultivation, Jiang Bai naturally had some attempts at enlightenment.

However, I didn't have the slightest clue, so I had this sigh.

Fortunately, in addition to the changes in cultivation, his physique has also reached the stage of great success.

However, although his physique has been greatly improved, he still lacks a baptism of lightning.

Jiang Bai was not in a hurry for a while!

The reason is very simple. The Flying Immortal Body can compete with the Great Emperor.

He can now feel the changes in his own strength.

Although it is still unknown how far away from the realm it is to attain enlightenment.

But the strength is constantly changing, and it has far exceeded the peak of ordinary quasi-emperors.

Even if the ultimate weapon is fully revived again, it can be easily suppressed.

According to Jiang Bai's calculations, his current strength should be half that of the Great Emperor.

The physique is perfect, but it still takes some time for the transformation of combat power.

But at least they are capable of fighting against those Dark Lords.

As for why Jiang Bai didn’t overcome the thunder tribulation immediately!

On the one hand, he is waiting for his combat power to be cultivated to the extreme, so that he can be sure of surviving the thunder tribulation.

On the other hand, there is definitely a lot of movement in this body's Dacheng Thunder Tribulation.

It's not like the quasi-emperor can find a far away place without being discovered.

Maybe some Dark Lords will take action to stop it then.

After all, the flying immortal body still poses many threats to the restricted area.

So Jiang Bai is naturally not in a hurry to overcome the thunder tribulation!

He even planned to use the help of the Dark Lords like Lei Jie Keng.

But if you want this, you must cultivate your strength to the extreme.

"Perhaps I will start to refine a weapon of my own."

"A handy weapon can be of great help to combat power."

Jiang Bai couldn't help but start thinking!

He would definitely look down on ordinary quasi-emperor soldiers.

If you want to refine weapons, then refine imperial weapons.

Of course, because he is not a real emperor, he can only refine a prototype of the imperial weapon.

But at least it is much stronger than the quasi-emperor soldiers.

Jiang Bai did not plan to leave seclusion, but planned to practice his combat power.

The second is to think about how you can attain enlightenment.

After all, with his current strength, Jiang Bai has reached a level where even the Dark Lord can do nothing.

Then the next step must be enlightenment.

But the problem is that now Jiang Bai has no thoughts about enlightenment.

“Throughout the ages, there have been many people with great achievements in flying immortal bodies.

"But none of them can successfully achieve enlightenment."

"Although a top-notch physique brings huge strength blessings, it also brings many shackles."

Jiang Bai murmured softly, his thoughts continuing to spread.

Although the shackles of the top physique limit nothing, they are definitely not as good as the bloodline of the Great Emperor.

But it’s not that easy to transcend physical constitution and attain enlightenment.

Of course, if one has a top-notch physique and achieves enlightenment, he must not be an ordinary emperor.

As time passed, Jiang Bai thought of a way.

"Since the difficulty of attaining enlightenment is not that high, then lower the difficulty."

Of course, it is not easy to reduce the difficulty.

But at least it is much less difficult than directly proving the truth.

Mainly because of the ginger white method.

With Jiang Bai's current strength improvement, he may not be considered a great emperor.

But it may also be regarded as a supreme being!

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