He doesn't even have to bear the reputation of being afraid of the ancient royal family.

It's a pity that I knew it now, why bother at the beginning!

In the end, after discussion among many elders of Wangyue Holy Land, Jiang Qingyan's junior sister was asked to entertain the Jiang family.

I hope Jiang Qingyan will not bring too much embarrassment to Wangyue Holy Land because of the past relationship (Zhao).

The most important thing in the Moon-watching Holy Land now is to deal with the Demon Palace.

It is really not suitable to provoke the Changsheng Jiang family again.

As early as when the space channel was formed, many powerful men in the Moon-watching Holy Land already knew who was coming.

After all, the aura of that ancestor of the Jiang family has shaken the world of Tianyuan.

A beautiful figure appeared in front of the Jiang family who had just stepped out of the space passage.

At this moment, the people of the Jiang family are still sighing at the power of the quasi-emperor.

In just an instant, most of the distance in the Tianyuan Realm was crossed.

If he were a saint, he would need to cross a continuous space if he wanted to come to the Eastern Wasteland from the far west.

"Welcome to everyone of the Changsheng Jiang family, I am Lirou, Wangyue Holy Land Palace."

"Senior brother, long time no see!"

The gentle and gentle voice sounded, instantly attracting the attention of many people from the Jiang family.

Many people in the Jiang family focused more on Jiang Qingyan.

In particular, Jiutian's eyes kept shifting on his son and the girl in front of him.

I want to see if there is any gossip or hidden secrets here.

Jiang Qingyan couldn't help but reveal an unnatural look on his face.

He is not unfamiliar with the figure in front of him!

The two have known each other for 200 years, but now things have changed.

Chapter 164 Regret and reminder, overlooking and envy!

"Fellow Taoist Palace, long time no see!"

After Jiang Qingyan settled his thoughts, a cold voice slowly sounded, without much intimacy.

Even if the person in front of him is the junior sister who used to always follow him.

He won't forget it!

His master who was once at Wangyue Holy Land was from the main peak of Wangyue Holy Land.

It's actually not too difficult to protect yourself.

However, this is the result now, so self-evident.

Moreover, this former junior sister of mine is also not a good person.

At the same time, he was involved with several senior brothers and had some unclear connections.

Jiang Qingyan, who inherited some of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox bloodline, is quite intelligent.

I have already seen this little junior sister clearly!

In addition, as a member of the Changsheng Jiang family, Jiang Qingyan never thought of staying in Wangyue Holy Land.

So I kept a respectful distance from this junior sister.

However, this junior sister seems to have the air of not giving up until she reaches her goal.

Always follow him!

After Gong Lirou heard Jiang Qingyan's words, her face froze slightly but she quickly recovered.

"Senior Brother, the Holy Land has prepared a resting place for you and others."

"plz follow me!"

Gong Lirou's gentle voice continued to sound.

Although she had realized before that this senior brother would definitely not be so easy to talk to.

But I didn't expect to be so disrespectful.

And she also had a lot of regrets in her heart.

As early as before, she put aside the relationship as soon as something happened to Jiang Qingyan.

Many people in the Holy Land know about this!

Who would have thought that this Jiang Qingyan was actually the son of the ancestor of the Jiang family.

It's just that both Wangyue Holy Land and Gong Lirou ignored one point.

427 When Jiang Qingyan was wanted, Jiang Bai showed that his cultivation level was no more than that of a great sage.

Compared with the ancient royal family, it is still far inferior.

Even if he knew about the relationship between Jiang Qingyan and the Changsheng Jiang family.

I'm afraid the choice of Wangyue Holy Land won't change anything.

So there is actually no use in regretting now.

Jiang Qingyan didn't have much to say, so he followed him immediately.

Wangyue Holy Land, we don’t dare to cause any trouble now.

As for the Jiang family, they followed Jiang Qingyan's footsteps.

After all, the ancestor had already said that this trip would be represented by Jiang Qingyan.

Although Jiang Qingyan's cultivation level is not high, it is still enough because he is the ancestor's son.

Mrs. Jiutian and others would not say anything.

Of course she supports her son!

However, many Jiang family members were a little disappointed when they looked at Jiang Qingyan and Gong Lirou.

The Jiang family members had long guessed that Jiang Qingyan would probably meet acquaintances during this trip.

I was thinking of gossiping more!

These emotional hesitations were too obvious, but Jiang Qingyan's face darkened.

In fact, Jiang Qingyan didn't know that it wasn't just the Jiang family.

Many people in the mixed martial arts world before Xiaomeng's live broadcast were also gossiping.

"Senior brother and sister, it would be strange if nothing happened."

"And the atmosphere is obviously not right!"

"Maybe there is a grudge or a grudge here."

Many people in the mixed martial arts world are a bit imaginative.

After arriving at the resting place of Wangyue Holy Land, the Jiang family was not in a hurry.

Instead, take a look around!

After all (adci) the Holy Land of Moon has a history of hundreds of thousands of years.

The Jiang family members were divided into several groups and acted separately.

Anyway, there is still a full day left before the time agreed by the two Yakuza forces.

Jiang Qingyan followed the ancient princess Xue Zhu to find people from the Xuanbing Spirit Clan.

Naturally, the ancient royal family will not be absent this time.

As for Jiutian and Jiang Jiuge, they bought a lot of things in the Holy City.

Many living beings still know the identities of the two.

Don’t dare to provoke him!

Of course, Jiutian himself has saint-level strength, which is enough to cope with many situations.

If you step into the presence of a saint, you will not recognize the people of the Changsheng Jiang family who are looking for trouble.

Then seek death!

Fortunately, such a thing did not happen.

Now the Changsheng Jiang family has become a list of countless forces that cannot be provoked.

In less than half a day, many members of the Jiang family returned individually.

However, the ancient princess has not followed Jiang Qingyan back for the time being.

Since the previous time, Jiang Bai and the Xuanbing Spirit Clan have used the power of the ancient emperor's soldiers to add a layer of seal.

It's okay for the two of them to stay apart for a short period of time.

As long as it doesn’t take more than a day.

But Jiang Qingyan brought back a piece of news.

"Elder, this time Xuezhu reminded me of something."

"Then the battle between Wangyue Holy Land and Demon Palace doesn't seem to be that simple."

"It seems that the ancient royal family is going to do something."

"The Xuanbing Spirit Clan is not involved, so we don't know the specific situation."

Although the Changsheng Jiang family has many grievances against Wangyue Holy Land.

But he doesn't have much favorable impression of other ancient royal families.

After all, this is a race issue!

It is also because the Jiang family reluctantly agreed with the Xuanbing Spirit Clan after they unite now.

This time the news came, it made many Jiang family members agree more.

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