Everyone including the surrounding Yakuza forces glanced at Jiang Jiuge.

It seems that I didn't expect a little girl to make such an accurate judgment.

They still knew Jiang Jiuge's identity.

After all, this little princess of the Jiang family is said to be very popular with the other one of the Jiang family.

This alone is enough for many people not to take it lightly.

Although this little princess of the Jiang family shows the qualities of a monster.

But many extreme forces didn't pay much attention!

The reason is very simple, that is, the little princess of the Jiang family was born too late.

If he had been born 1000 years earlier, he might still be a powerful competitor on the imperial road.

Now that they are lagging behind, it is naturally impossible to pose a threat to their powerful talents.

Just when many people were talking about it.

This flame divine body was defeated!

It can be said that after that evil genius activated his bloodline, this genius from Wangyue Holy Land was unable to withstand it.

“I didn’t expect that Mochizuki Holy Land would lose two games in a row.

"Before, I never thought it would be like this."

"If we lose again, then the Moon-Watching Holy Land will really be defeated."

“It’s fine if you lose some resources, but you’ll lose face if you’re overwhelmed by the Demon Palace.”

I don't know how many living beings were talking about it, and there was a lot of emotion in their words.

Before, they never thought it would be like this.

In fact, it’s not just many creatures who didn’t think of it!

Including people from Wangyue Holy Land themselves, they also didn’t expect it.

You must know that this time it is for your own face and to prevent the Changsheng Jiang family from seeing a joke.

Wangyue Holy Land has basically unlocked its most powerful geniuses.

You must know that originally Wangyue Holy Land was still struggling with whether to leave some geniuses to the next era.

After all, as an imperial force, we don't have the skills to only consider this era.

Also consider the future!

There are so many geniuses in the Tianyuan Realm, and it is true that their final enlightenment may not be in this holy land.

As a result, after the most powerful genius was released, he lost two games in a row.

It can be said that even many powerful men in the Holy Land of Moon are a little unable to hold back.

"Maybe the Demon Palace will put the two most powerful geniuses in front."

"Ever since the battle between the Changsheng Jiang Family and the Southern Fox Clan."

"There are many forces fighting in the arena in 2.8, but the strongest ones may not necessarily be left behind."

In the end, many powerful men in the Moon-Watching Holy Land could only comfort themselves in this way.

But when talking about the Changsheng Jiang family, I have a lot of emotions.

However, the person sent by the Demon Palace next made many powerful people in Wangyue Holy Land dumbfounded.

"The demon emperor's own son!!"

"The cultivation level of a first-time saint."

"How to deal with this?!"

Including many creatures, they couldn't help but sweat for the Holy Land of Wangyue.

Because let alone the genius of Wangyue Holy Land.

There are many saints present, even those who have reached the high level of saints.

They didn’t dare to say that they would definitely be able to defeat this demon emperor’s disciple.

Many people did not expect that the Demon Palace had such an invincible trump card.

Many powerful people can still see that there is no prodigy in Wangyue Holy Land who has reached the saint level.

So we lost this game!

In fact, even if there is a being who has reached the saint level, it will be quite difficult to face the demon emperor's own son.

And with this loss, it also means that Mochizuki Holy Land has lost this arena battle.

The most important thing is that the defeat is not completely complete.

Lost all three battles!

Chapter 167 Ending and mutation, Silver Cloud Royal Family

"Wangyue Holy Land surrenders in this battle!"

As the Lord of the Moon-Watching Holy Land stepped into an ugly face, he gritted his teeth and said.

Then it also represents the end of this arena battle between the Yakuza forces.

It can be said that it is faster than many creatures imagine.

You must know that many people thought that they would fight until at least the fifth game.

After all, the collision between two extreme forces should not happen so quickly.

But he didn't expect that this would turn out to be a crushing battle.

The genius who came out of Wangyue Holy Land was actually no match for the genius from Demon Palace.

Forget it after losing one game, but ended up losing three games in a row!

It can be said that the face of Wangyue Holy Land has been lost.

You must know that Wangyue Holy Land ranks high among the human imperial forces.

I don’t know how many people from the human race thought that the Moon-Watching Holy Land was second only to the Chongming Holy Land.

However, I didn't expect it to be so ineffective!

You must know that the time of inheritance of the Taoist traditions of Wangyue Holy Land and Demon Palace is very close.

Emperor Wangyue was also a unique being in the world.

I don’t know how I would feel if I saw this scene.

But not everyone values ​​​​this battle in the ring.

In fact, many forces are more interested in observing the talents of these two extreme forces.

Many of the powerful members of the extreme forces still frowned.

"The genius of Wangyue Holy Land is not bad.}

03 "And all the sons of Emperor Wangyue have been born."

"On the contrary, the genius of the Demon Palace is a bit powerful!"

"The demon king's son's strength has actually reached the level of a saint."

You must know that when sealing a genius, they will never exceed the saint level.

Because I am mainly afraid of the change of heaven and earth, if the saints from hundreds of thousands of years ago come to us hundreds of thousands of years later.

Maybe he is not adapted to the world and it is difficult to improve his cultivation.

For Tianjiao, this is even more fatal!

Therefore, many people are still certain that this demon emperor's parent and son should have broken through after the seal was lifted.

It seems that it took a long time to unblock it from the divine source!

"It's almost time to break through the Saint as soon as possible."

Especially Tianyang, the son of Emperor Wanjian, couldn't help but speak out.

Both are the son of the Great Emperor, but his cultivation is still a little behind.

However, there was an ancient princess Xue Zhu who was even more backward in cultivation.

At this moment, Xuezhu's resentment towards Tongxin Gu was not ordinary.

Under normal circumstances, her cultivation would have reached the realm of the King of Virtual Dao long ago.

Even with the background of the Xuanbing Spirit Clan, he might not be too far away from becoming a saint.

Unexpectedly, he is now the lowest among the descendants of the ancient emperor.

This shameful person is the former Xuanbing Spirit Emperor!

After all, in a certain sense, the continuation of the succession of the great emperor and ancient princes represents the dispute between the former great emperors and ancient emperors.

Both the Great Emperor and the Ancient Emperor once dominated their respective eras.

Even among many creatures, it is difficult to judge the strength and weakness of these people at their peak.

Now we can make some judgments about the battle between the heirs.

Needless to say, the Jiang family also had a lot of emotions.

Among them, Jiang Qingyuan and Jiang Qingyan are among many younger generations!

It can be regarded as a profound understanding of the talent gap between the Changsheng Jiang family and the extreme forces.

It can be said that every genius can crush them.

Including Jiang Qingyuan, who is considered the number one genius of the Jiang family today.

He didn't have much confidence in facing the water spirit body that was the earliest one in Wangyue Holy Land.

Not to mention other geniuses!

But this time, the people of the Jiang family saw the excitement in the Moon Holy Land, which was considered a relief for Jiang Qingyan.

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