This can only be said to be no ordinary bad luck!

In addition to Zhang Sanfeng, there are many selected people who joined some forces and got the news relatively early.

Everyone was in a panic and rushed towards the Jiang family's territory.

They are not as sure as Zhang Sanfeng that they will not be affected by the aftermath.

Many monks do not want to leave their fate to God.

And not to mention the aftermath, even the tide of barbarian beasts is not something that many monks can handle.

After all, there are saint-level beings among the savage beasts.

In the entire Far West, except for the Jiang family, there is basically no strength that can resist.

So I really don’t blame the creatures in the extreme west for being like this.

Fortunately, at this time, many saints from the Jiang family appeared one after another.

Due to the fluctuation of the rules, all the powerful members of the Jiang family have been released.

"The Changsheng Jiang family is ordered by our ancestors to protect the land in the far west.

"All living beings need not panic!"

Many Jiang family saints were assigned to their respective areas and then spoke out one after another.

The sound spread throughout the entire Far West!

Many of the creatures in the Far West could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The Jiang family took action, so they didn't have to worry about their lives.

"Thank you Jiang family!"

For a moment, countless creatures showed excited expressions on their faces.

The Changsheng Jiang family either doesn't do things, or they do their best.

For example, in this incident, many saints from the Changsheng Jiang family directly carried the formation disks saved by the Jiang family.

One protective formation after another was deployed throughout the far west.

At least it's no problem to resist the saint-level beasts.

For beasts above the saint level, it is the ancestor who takes action.

Jiang Bai really didn't pay much attention to the beast.

After all, his current strength is enough to make many beasts fall with just one thought.

But Jiang Bai didn't do this. He preferred to leave things to the Jiang family.

It can be regarded as training the Jiang family’s abilities!

Now Jiang Bai's focus is still on the Holy Spirit battlefield.

"This Holy Spirit is really hard to run!"

"The speed of transferring the battlefield has obviously slowed down!?"

"We won't stop in the far west in the end, right!?"

Jiang Bai murmured softly, with a hint of uncertainty in his words.

But as time went by, Jiang Bai felt that his words seemed to have come true.

Because the Holy Spirit battlefield finally stayed near the extreme west.

Basically, if you move even slightly, it may spread to the far west.

Even Jiang Bai didn't expect that this far west land would be so unlucky.

Chapter 175 The Fall of the Holy Spirit, Fear and Taboo!

Holy Spirit Panshi also understood at this moment that he was in a crisis situation.

This time, Wangyue Holy Land revealed a lot of information.

Similar to the two quasi-emperor weapons, they are both of the control type.

Being able to make this Holy Spirit lose consciousness in a short period of time!

Not to mention fighting at levels beyond the pinnacle of quasi-emperors, even a brief lapse of concentration between saints would be fatal.

If this Holy Spirit hadn't been able to resist, it would really be hard to say.

This time, Wangyue Holy Land was really determined to eradicate this Holy Spirit.

But it’s normal!

If this holy spirit recovers from its injuries, it will have supreme strength.

Then it will be really difficult to reach the Holy Land of the Moon.

This holy spirit insisted on reaching the battlefield in the far west, and it really couldn't hold on anymore.

It’s not that I came to the far west on purpose.

It can only be said to be a bit of a coincidence!

Neither this Holy Spirit nor the many quasi-emperors in the Moon-watching Holy Land paid attention to their direction.

Don’t be distracted when fighting at this level.

The face of Holy Spirit Rock couldn't help but be very ferocious. At this moment, he was already aware of the danger.

If there is no reaction, then it is very likely that he will really fall.

"Yinyun Royal Family, I agree to your terms!"

Panshi began to send out a trace of spiritual thought to contact the previous ancient royal family.

Even if you hand over half of your origin, you can at least guarantee that you will not perish.

It is a pity that the Silver Cloud Royal Family was ordered by their ancient emperor.

So he ignored the Holy Spirit's plan.

What caused this Holy Spirit was no ordinary despair:

Basically the situation has been decided!

Many powerful people can still see that this Holy Spirit is a bit weak.

“The fate of the Holy Spirit is always uncertain!

"There are really not many holy spirits in the history of Tianyuan Realm who can achieve perfection."

"In total, this Holy Spirit's life is even more disturbing."

"Wangyue Holy Land, I really don't know what to say about this operation."

It is inevitable for these powerful people to talk about it!

After all, this is a holy spirit, and theoretically it may be comparable to the existence of the Great Emperor.


But just when many people thought it was going to be over.

The Holy Spirit Rock burns part of one's own origin and forcibly enhances one's own strength.

An aura that far exceeded the pinnacle of a quasi-emperor overwhelmed the entire audience.

Even vaguely close to the supreme level!

Even Jiang Bai couldn't help but take a closer look at the current state of the Holy Spirit.

"This Holy Spirit is trying his best."

"But burning the source is cutting off one's own path to perfection."

Jiang Bai directly judged that the origin of the Holy Spirit was different from ordinary people.

Of course, if he were in this situation, he might make the same choice as the Holy Spirit.

Burn the source and still have a chance to survive.

But if it doesn't burn, it's certain to die!

Sure enough, the Holy Spirit, whose strength had soared, was once overwhelming many quasi-emperors.

However, the quasi-emperor, who came from many imperial forces, was not intimidated.

Regarding the Holy Spirit, so many imperial forces still have a lot of understanding.

After all these years, there is still some Holy Spirit present.

It’s still pretty much studied!

Even if this Holy Spirit burns part of its origin, it is still of no use.

Many quasi-emperors also used explosive secret techniques.

Although he still couldn't compete with the Holy Spirit in his current state.

But it’s still okay to involve!

At this moment, this Holy Spirit is like a trapped beast fighting.

Although it has the power to kill people, it is out of reach

Jiang Bai even shook his head, if he could be so decisive at the beginning.

Then maybe there really is a possibility of escape.

Of course, even if you escape for a while, you won't be able to escape for long.

Wangyue Holy Land is still good at calculations and tracking.

It's a pity that if we do it this way now, it will be too different.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the aura of the Holy Spirit began to wane.

However, many of the quasi-emperors they fought against basically suffered serious injuries.

Including the state where the Ji Dao Imperial Soldiers are no longer fully revived.

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