It is not because of the origin of the Holy Spirit.

Many quasi-emperors have known about the Jiang family.

Even if this one member of the Jiang family has not revealed his full strength, he still cannot be underestimated.

It’s also something to pay attention to!

Therefore, the source of the Holy Spirit is indeed of little use to the Jiang family.

Many quasi-emperors enter the Far West, and most of them seek protection.

He is very polite to the Jiang family.

After all, this one is no longer within the quasi-emperor level, but has set foot in the supreme realm.

The entire Tianyuan world has not had so many existences since ancient times.

The difficulty of setting foot in the Tianyuan Realm is no lower than that of attaining enlightenment.

When many quasi-emperors come, the Jiang family will definitely entertain them.

Even the Holy Land of Moon, which had some grievances before.

Because the resources previously sent by Wangyue Holy Land were all written off.

In terms of etiquette, the Jiang family did a very good job.

But relatively speaking, the quasi-emperor of Wangyue Holy Land should be relatively lucky.

Because we settled our grudges with the Changsheng Jiang family before!

Otherwise, after the strength of this ancestor of the Jiang family is exposed, it is really hard to say.

Fortunately, many powerful people did not pay much attention to the etiquette of the Jiang family.

Because all the attention at the moment is on the battle in the sky.

This is a supreme battle. Many powerful people may not be able to see it in their lifetime.

Of course, only quasi-emperor level existences can be observed specifically.

As for the existence under the quasi-emperor, one can only see the aftermath and feel the fluctuations of the aura.

The two terrifying auras are constantly colliding, and they are now evenly matched!

No one seems to be leaning towards either side.

"I didn't expect this ancestor of the Jiang family to be so powerful."

"Is this the culmination of a special physique!?"

"Not all physiques have this ability, only a few physiques can. (adci)"

I don't know how many living beings expressed their emotions, mainly because the ancestor of the Jiang family has a great physique.

It also blocked the supreme blow, but that was all!

We don’t know how the battle will actually turn out, and there are only past records about the Flying Immortal Body.

Many creatures have never been seen before.

Naturally, I am still very curious about this special physique.

There were still some people who questioned the true combat power of the ancestors of the Jiang family.

Fortunately, Jiang Bai is still very powerful at this time.

This is proof for the Flying Immortal Body!

"It is rumored that the Flying Immortal Body has bonuses in various aspects."

“Whether it’s the cultivation of understanding or all aspects.

Some people also talked about the rumors about the Flying Immortal Body:

Many creatures actually don't know about the Flying Immortal Body.

Including this life, no such physique has appeared.

The battle soon lasted for more than half an hour.

The killings at the supreme level are constantly tearing the sky apart, and the energy generated is even more terrifying.

The entire far western land seemed like the sky was about to collapse.

The previous scene of the Jidao Emperor's soldiers reviving can only be said to pale in comparison to this scene.

Even with the blessing of the Jiang family's formation, including Jiang Bai's intention to move the battlefield to a higher position in the sky.

However, many creatures are still frightened.

at the same time!

Ancient Emperor Yinyun's face was even more ugly than before.

Before, he really didn't think of putting this young supreme in his eyes.

But I didn't expect that this person was indeed capable.

For a moment, Ancient Emperor Yinyun hesitated:

Do you want to use some trump cards!

As an ancient emperor who killed himself, Ancient Emperor Yinyun must have a lot of trump cards.

But the problem is that if you use these trump cards, your life span will be affected.

Life itself is very precious!

The most important thing is that even if you use your trump card, you may not be able to stabilize this one!

At this moment, Ancient Emperor Yinyun was in a dilemma.

Even in his heart, he had to admit the strength of the person in front of him.

Jiang Bai didn't know what the Ancient Emperor Yinyun in front of him was thinking.

When they first started fighting, Jiang Bai was still a little nervous.

But after the battle came to an end, he devoted himself wholeheartedly.

All the emotions inside turned into sharp edges.

Now Jiang Bai still has some judgments about his own strength.

Compared to the Dark Supreme in the restricted area, he is no more at a disadvantage.

Jiang Bai couldn't help but have some thoughts on his face.

"Invoke the physical constitution to achieve great thunder calamity!"

"Maybe we can pull down this Dark Lord?!"


Chapter 1 causes thunder tribulation, awe and worry!

You must know if you can kill this Dark Supreme!

At that time, it will not just be as simple as causing a sensation in the Tianyuan world.

But to leave a name in history, Jiang Bai's status may even be elevated to the first supreme position.

Because there has never been a supreme-level existence that can kill the ancient emperor in the restricted area.

At most it’s just a draw!

Jiang Bai still has some ambitions, and he has suppressed them for 6000 years.

This time he is no longer low-key.

Regardless of whether he can kill this Silver Cloud Ancient Emperor, he must still give it a try.

Without hesitation, Jiang Bai directly triggered the thunder tribulation.

After he took action, the thunder calamity was constantly being sensed.

As the clouds of thunder and calamity began to gather in the sky.

The face of this Ancient Emperor Silver Cloud couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Where did this lightning disaster come from!?"

The ancient emperor went against the current and launched a dark turmoil to swallow the essence and blood to extend his life.

This is going against the sky!

Therefore, these ancient emperors who had killed themselves were among the few who were most afraid of thunder tribulations.

If it was an ordinary thunder disaster, forget it!

But now it is a supreme-level thunder tribulation, and the power of the thunder tribulation may be comparable to the emperor-level killing.

As a result, he is still involved.

Even Ancient Emperor Yin Yun inevitably showed some awe on his face.

This is the awe of Thunder Tribulation!

If it were the heyday, this ancient emperor would have had peak strength.

In addition, every ancient emperor was also extremely confident at his peak.

Of course I won’t be in awe!

It's different now. If the origin is injured by thunder tribulation, it is very likely that Shouyuan will be injured.

Even death is not impossible.

Ancient Emperor Yinyun still saw the smile and enthusiasm on the human face in front of him.

Originally there was still a condescending mentality, but now there is only fear.

He didn't expect this human race to be so terrifying.

It actually triggered a thunderstorm!

Doesn't he know that the Dacheng Physique Thunder Tribulation is also very terrifying?

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