If he finds an opportunity, this Shenweihou doesn't mind causing trouble to the Ice and Snow Temple.

He even forgot the advice of his elders!

At the same time, the relocation of the Ice and Snow Temple has attracted the attention of many Zhongzhou forces.

Mainly because Mu Yunxi successfully drafted in the Far West.

The Ice and Snow Temple has become quite popular in Zhongzhou, and naturally it has attracted the attention of many living beings.

Soon many forces understood the purpose of the Ice and Snow Temple.

"Ice and Snow Temple, are you moving to the far west?!"

"That ancestor of the Jiang family actually agreed!?"

"It seems that Mu Yunxi is still highly regarded by the ancestors of the Jiang family."

“This Ice and Snow Temple has good luck, and it has reached a high branch.

Many creatures even started talking about it, with a lot of envy in their words.

Especially after they learned about the operation of the Ice and Snow Temple!

There are still a lot of manpower left to guard the territory left in Zhongzhou.

The Ice and Snow Temple is so good that it is a saint-level force that has been inherited for more than 5 years, and it has a lot of territory.

In the past, there were many forces that were very jealous of these territories.

However, after Mu Yunxi's success in the draft, many forces did not dare to make any decisions.

Even this time, there are not many strong men left in the Ice and Snow Temple.

But compared to before, many forces dare not provoke him.

People from many forces are not fools. Maybe that Supreme One is looking for someone to kill to scare the monkeys.

Because the appearance of the Ice and Snow Temple has actually made many saint-level forces consider it.

That is whether they can follow suit!

If the Jiang family can protect him, it might not be impossible.

Because from the current point of view, even if Mu Yunxi enters the Jiang family.

But that 2.8 doesn't seem to stop Mu Yunxi from contacting the Ice and Snow Temple.

far west

The arrival of the Ice and Snow Temple naturally attracted a lot of attention.

However, after they knew that their ancestor agreed, they didn't have much thought.

However, it still caused a lot of discussion within the Jiang family.

For example, Huanwan and others are very concerned about Mu Yunxi.

“With the arrival of the Ice and Snow Temple, the power behind this person is quite large.

"But this one is still a concubine and has not become a lady."

"It is said that it was through pleading that the Ice and Snow Temple got the opportunity to enter the Far West."

So they still heard a lot of rumors.

It's a pity that there is no power behind Huanwan and others.

Chapter 192 Missing, other chosen ones develop!

Huanwan and others could not help but think of the people they were related to in another world.

Someone like Huanwan was the first to come to Tianyuan Realm.

It has been several years since I last saw Zhu Yuyan and others.

It is inevitable that there will be some misses!

Especially because of Mu Yunxi's incident, Huanhua felt a lot of emotion.

It would be great if my master could be chosen.

When the time comes, relying on the Changsheng Jiang family, it will not be bad to live for a few hundred more years.


This scene was also seen by people in the mixed martial arts world before the live broadcast.

Many people are fine, but they just feel that this one is still nostalgic for old feelings.

In fact, the demon sect is not entirely evil.

Even some demonic people pay more attention to affection.

For example, explain to teach a disciple to enter the Tianyuan Realm.

After returning for a year, I brought back all the things I accumulated during the year.

Leave nothing for yourself!

These things are seen by many people in the mixed martial arts world.

Anyway, many people are very envious.

The Yin Kui School of the Comprehensive Martial Arts World

Zhu Yuyan couldn't help but reveal a sentimental look on her face.

It would be impossible to say that he had no feelings for this apprentice who had high hopes for him.

But she knew that with the return of Huan Huan and the entrustment of many things brought back.

The relationship between her and this apprentice is no longer as strong as she imagined.

Especially since this person is no longer even a nameless existence in the Tianyuan world.

There are many forces fawning over him, which naturally makes Zhu Yuyan extremely emotional.

Perhaps it was clear from the beginning that their master and apprentice were already from two different worlds.

Especially in recent years, Zhu Yuyan herself has not been selected.

It is inevitable that there will be some frustration!

So now that Huanwan thinks of herself, even Zhu Yuyan is very moved.


Zhu Yuyan murmured softly, as if to convey some of her thoughts.

In fact, not only Hanwan, but also many of the Jiang family's concubines who came from the world of martial arts miss her.

At the same time, people in the mixed martial arts world were also talking about it.

“Another year is coming.”

"I hope I can be selected this time!"

"You can be sure that the number of candidates this time will definitely be greater than last time."

Many people in the mixed martial arts world are looking forward to Tianyuan Realm.

Especially some martial arts experts with short lifespans.

They still want to go to the Tianyuan Realm to extend their lifespan.

In addition, people in the mixed martial arts world have also begun to pay attention to the other chosen ones.

Mainly because things in the Jiang family are going to be stable for the time being.

This is based on some past experience!

Usually after the Jiang family collects a large number of gifts, the next step is to retreat.

It is indeed what many people in the mixed martial arts world think.

Many Jiang family members entered seclusion one after another after finishing their busy work.

Although the Ice and Snow Temple has been relocated, the Jiang family can just send some people to receive and help.

The Ice and Snow Temple requires the establishment of several cities!

Even these cities are under the jurisdiction of the Jiang family, and the Jiang family can even collect certain taxes.

In a certain sense, the Ice and Snow Temple is a bit like protection money.

But Jiang Bai directly asked these taxes to be handed over to Mu Yunxi.

The Jiang family itself does not lack this resource!

Secondly, Mu Yunxi will definitely open up a vein in the future, and then the Jiang family will have less effort.

At the same time, it also reduces some of the conflict in the Ice and Snow Temple.

It's a multi-tasking feat!

Next, many mixed martial arts worlds were broadcast live by projections of people scattered in non-Jiang family territories.

The most emotional one among them is Lin Xianer

Lin Xian'er had hooked up with several people from Tianyuan Realm before.

Later, he was careless and hooked up with a powerful spirit transformer.

Even many people in the mixed martial arts world don't know how to express their feelings about this ability.

However, this time Lin Xianer was not as lucky as before.

But there is something tragic!

The reason is very simple. He was discovered by the main wife of this powerful spirit-transforming man.

This principal wife also had the cultivation level of the Cave Heaven Realm, and he killed Lin Xianer directly with one move.

"This one has reaped the consequences!"

"If Lin Xian'er had been more peaceful before, it would have been possible to live for hundreds or even two to three hundred years longer."

“But Lin Xianer is obviously a little greedy in order to cultivate resources.

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