Jiang Bai negotiated with the will of the Zongwu World to attach the Zongwu World to the Tianyuan Realm in a secret realm.

This can ensure as much control over the mixed martial arts world as possible.

By then, the training environment in the mixed martial arts world will be much better!

Similar to some basic skills from the Tianyuan Realm before, it is not impossible to practice.

There is even the possibility of being born in the God-Building Realm:

As time goes by, the training environment in the mixed martial arts world will become better and better.

Chapter 198 Material collection, everyone pays attention

The top of Jiangjia Mountain

Jiang Bai couldn't help but smile after sensing the message sent back by the split soul.

It just so happened that during this period of time, I needed to cultivate because of my previous soul separation.

Just take the opportunity to refine the weapons.

Jiang Bai immediately began to look for emperor-level materials with the help of information about the will of the world of comprehensive martial arts.

Among them, the Western Desert has a lot of emperor-level materials.

Compared with other regions, the Western Desert is relatively well preserved.

Therefore, it is understandable to retain more emperor-level materials.

There are materials that keep changing positions with the quicksand.

Others are hidden deep underground, and even saint-level spiritual thoughts cannot detect them.

Almost every material location is relatively difficult to find.

If it weren't for the will of the comprehensive martial arts world to tell him, it would be really difficult to find Jiang Bai.

Even though Jiang Bai is the Supreme, but when it comes to finding materials.

There really is no advantage at all!

In addition to these emperor-level materials, Jiang Bai also mobilized the Jiang family to find some materials to assist in weapon refining.

Refining the supreme weapon must not be hidden.

Of course, this is not a shameful thing, so there is nothing to hide.

Many Jiang family experts were very excited when they found out that their ancestor was preparing to refine the supreme weapon.

Because this supreme weapon is likely to become the Jiang family's treasure.

Even if this ancestor’s life span is exhausted!

But this supreme weapon can still ensure the prosperity and longevity of the Jiang family.

It's not that many Jiang family members cursed this ancestor.

But face reality!

It's not just outsiders who don't think highly of this Jiang family ancestor, the Great Emperor.

Everyone including the Jiang family felt that this was the end of this ancestor.

But even if it stops here, there are still countless creatures in the Tianyuan Realm who look up to it.

"Use the power of the Jiang family and try to find materials for refining the supreme weapon).

"To be able to refine the Supreme Artifact, you need at least Great Sage-level materials."

"Although this matter is a bit difficult, everything is for the Jiang family!"

Many powerful Jiang family members are talking about it, and they all want to contribute to refining the ancestor's supreme weapon.

For example, Madam Jiutian directly contributed a quasi-emperor grade material, red corundum crystal, from the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

This was beyond the expectations of many people in the Jiang family.

Including Jiang Bai himself had some surprises.

"Qingqiu Fox Clan, there are such good things!?"

"This is quasi-emperor material!"

"When the Qingqiu Fox Clan came to the Far West, they were almost destroyed!"

"I didn't expect it to be so hidden."

You must be aware that once materials exceeding the saint level appear in the Tianyuan Realm.

That would be enough to usher in competition from countless forces.

Not to mention quasi-emperor material!

Who would have thought that the Qingqiu Fox Clan, a race on the verge of destruction, would actually have it.

Even if you have it, you can hide it so hard.

If Jiang Bai hadn't refined the Supreme Artifact this time, he might not have been able to take it out.

“This is passed down from our ancestors.

"In fact, many people in the Qingqiu Fox Clan don't know how much history there is."

"Even before, I didn't know it was a quasi-emperor material."

Jiutian said a little weirdly.

Because the Qingqiu Fox Clan also didn’t know that this was a piece of quasi-emperor material.

Moreover, it was the Qingqiu Fox Clan who contributed to Jiutian.

After nine days of judgment, it was handed over to Jiang Bai who finally recognized the material.

Even Jiutian himself had some surprises. The Qingqiu Fox Clan hid such a good thing.

In this regard, both Jiang Bai and Jiutian have given many rewards to the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

And there is an example of the Qingqiu Fox Clan!

Many forces even returned to their own clans to see if there were any ancient objects.

Maybe it’s just a precious material.

For example, the Black Fox clan also has a long history.

Since joining the Far West Land, the Black Fox Ancestor has watched the Changsheng Jiang family continue to grow.

There was a lot of shock in my heart!

He didn't expect that the ancestor of the Jiang family he met at the beginning was actually a supreme being.

Fortunately, I didn't make the wrong choice at the beginning, otherwise there would be no common wealth for the Black Fox clan today.

Although the Black Fox clan is a subsidiary family of the Changsheng Jiang family.

But it is still envied by countless forces in the Tianyuan world.

Because this is equivalent to having the blessing of the Changsheng Jiang family.

But the Black Fox Ancestor is not a fool, so he still wants to show off.

At least it can make that supreme being remember the Black Fox clan a little bit.

And this time collecting materials is an opportunity for expression.

At least the Black Fox ancestor also started looking for some things passed down by his ancestor.

Unfortunately, the Black Fox Clan is not as lucky as the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

But the Black Fox Ancestor has one more trick, which is to contact the previous Fox Clan

As the strength of the ancestors of the Jiang family was exposed, many large fox clans sought out the black fox clan.

The main thing is to build some relationships!

Some races had a good relationship with the Black Fox Clan before.

So if there is an opportunity to make good friends with the Changsheng Jiang family.

These big fox clans will not miss it.

You must know that many large Fox clan members are still uneasy in their hearts.

The previous Tianjiao battle in the arena had offended the Jiang family.

So if you have such an opportunity, you will definitely not miss it.

In fact, it is just as the Black Fox Ancestor thought.

When the news reached the Fox Clan, many strong men from the big clans started to prepare.

Maybe there are no quasi-emperor materials, but there are still a lot of materials for the Great Sage level (okay, okay).

",々If we can make good friends with the Changsheng Jiang family, then we will be safe for the next few thousand years."

“Especially the golden age, which is often accompanied by turmoil and chaos.

"Even the top forces may not be able to survive the chaos safely."

"If we can separate a branch and settle down in the far west, then it can be regarded as a retreat."

The strong men of the Fox clan are not bad at IQ. In addition to making up for the past, they also think about the future.

So I worked very hard on collecting materials.

Of course, the news about Jiang Bai's refining of the Supreme Artifact cannot be concealed.

At least many forces in Tianyuan Realm have heard about it.

There is no way, who can let Jiang Bai become the Supreme.

Every move will attract attention!

This is the supreme influence that no force can ignore

Chapter 199 Luck and weapon refining, Jiu Ge was surprised!

Many forces in the Tianyuan Realm are not surprised by this one refining the Supreme Artifact.

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