After reviewing it, I made suggestions.

"Okay, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Meng Hao was naturally happy when he heard this.

Youla can't see my king's strength, how can he still not know?

With full firepower, all but the first echelon of demons should be able to fight.

Moreover, the opponent's combat experience was also honed through wars and holy wars.

"Oh~! Is sister very strong?"

Yura asked curiously. She checked the opponent's strength at first.

However, she couldn't see anything, and the other person made her feel like the sister next door.

It didn't put any pressure on her.

In this regard, Arturia has also restrained its power well.

Generally, as long as she is not fighting, she usually gives people a gentle and pleasant feeling.

But as soon as you enter the battle, she will tell you how valuable my king is.

"Sister, you are not weak either, but there is still a lot of room for improvement."

Arturia said to Yula, indirectly acknowledging her own strength.

Meng Hao on the other side was a little surprised that the two of them got along so well.

In just a moment, they became like sisters.

"Is that so? Then I wonder if my sister can take me to train with her."

Yola thought for a while and asked tentatively.

"Okay, you can train with the boss from now on."

"I just don't know if my way is suitable for you."

Arturia did not refuse, she could see that the other party had a good relationship with her little master.

However, due to the different power systems, she didn't know whether the opponent could adapt to her own fighting style.

"Don't worry, sister, I will work hard."

Yura said happily.

In the past two days, she suddenly gained a friend and sister she could talk to.

And I can get along with them more often in the future and train together to become stronger.

For days like this, she instantly felt that the world was still very good.

Chapter 31 Form a group to buy treasure maps!

Time came to the next day, and it was already afternoon when the three of them returned to Mondstadt.

"Want to sit with me?"

After entering Mondstadt, Meng Hao invited Youra.

"No, I have to go to the Knights."

Youla shook her head, wondering about the purpose and gains of Meng Hao's trip.

She had better plan to go to Qin's place to talk first.

"Okay, then come and sit with me when you have time."

"The door is always open for you."

Meng Hao also knew what the other party was thinking, but he didn't care.

"Hmm~! I...get it."

Youla looked at Meng Hao complicatedly, then walked towards the knights after speaking.

"Come on, Arturia, come home with me."

Seeing that Youla had left, Meng Hao greeted the king and walked towards the shop.

My king did not speak, but stood half a body behind Meng Hao with a gentle look on his face.

Following Meng Hao, walking in Mondstadt.

"Boss Meng, you are back. Where have you been these two days?"

"Boss Meng, open the door quickly, we want to buy a treasure map."

"Yes, yes, hurry up, the treasure map I bought earlier has already been dug out."

"Boss Meng, this is the wine I found. I'll give you a bottle to try."

Along the way, ordinary residents were not very familiar with Meng Hao.

The adventurers greeted them very warmly.

Some adventurers gave some of the things they dug to Meng Hao.

Looking at Maotai, Erguotou, Jiang Xiaobai and a small number of daily items in his hands.

These people have dug up so much wine.

"Thank you everyone. I have been out for business these two days, but we are not open."

"Open the door immediately. As per the old rules, there is no limit to the number of treasure maps."

Meng Hao said to everyone, motioning for everyone to go to the store with him.

"Oh~! Okay."

"Okay, but has Boss Meng gone to pick up his lover these two days?"

The adventurers cheered.

At the same time, someone saw my king.

He plucked up the courage and started joking with Meng Hao.

What happened in the tavern a few days ago was still vivid in their minds.

Boss Meng is still very dignified to them.

Meng Hao was slightly startled when he heard this and glanced at my king.

Seeing no reaction from the other party, he smiled slightly.

"Arturia, she is my family."

Meng Hao introduced to everyone with a smile, a look of happiness on his face.

When my king heard this, his eyes lit up slightly.

Family?It's quite good. I will cherish you... boss.

"Artoria? What a nice name."

"Don't tell me, Boss Meng. At first we thought she was Captain Qin."

The adventurers on the side were as strong as that night when they saw Meng Hao's absence.

I also gradually relaxed and relaxed.

"Haha, he does look a bit like Captain Qin."

"But Artoria is Artoria, and Captain Qin is Captain Qin."

"Each of them is unique in this world."

Meng Hao's words touched my king's heart even more.

When I first met everyone, everyone said she looked like so and so.

Naturally, she doesn't want to become someone else's substitute.

As the boss said, she is who she is, the King of Great Britain.

She felt that her little boss understood her quite well.

"Yes, yes, boss Meng is right, hurry up and give us more treasure maps."

"Yes, I feel uncomfortable if I don't dig for treasure maps for a day."

"You must buy more this time, otherwise Boss Meng may go out again one day."

"That makes sense, buy more and save them."

Following Meng Hao's team of adventurers, they grew stronger and stronger.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Meng Hao could only say that these people are very addicted to food.

They just had fun digging for ordinary treasure maps.

However, it seems that they are quite satisfied with what they found on ordinary treasure maps.

"Don't worry, everyone, I probably won't be going out again in the short term."

"And even if I go out next time, the store will not be closed. I will find someone to help me look after the store then."

Meng Hao said loudly to everyone.

"Oh~oh~! Okay, that's great."

The crowd burst into wild cheers again.

Soon the large army came all the way to the store.

"Artoria, this is our future home."

"Welcome to come in. Are you satisfied?"

After opening the store door, Meng Hao did not enter immediately.

He stretched out his hand to signal my king to go forward.

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