"Don't be humble."

After Totsuka Ayaka finished speaking, her eyes fell on her exercise book.

The sliding door of the classroom was opened at this moment.

As usual, Shizuka Hiratsuka came into everyone's sight, wearing a white casual suit and a suit underneath.

She walked to the podium and looked down at the classroom.

His eyes fell on Ke Yeming, and Hiratsuka Shizuka, who paused for three seconds, looked back.

"The morning exam will begin in 10 minutes. There are two subjects in total. I believe everyone knows what they are. What I want to say is very simple. I hope everyone will take the exam fairly and take it seriously. The invigilator will come back later. Please be quiet."

After Hiratsuka Shizu finished speaking, he looked at Ke Yeming

"Classmate Ke, come out with me for a moment."


"Didn't you hear?"

"Yes, Xiaojing."

"You guy..."

Ke Yeming came to the corridor.

Since the exam was about to start, only the teacher could be seen in the corridor.

Hiratsuka Shizu first punched Ke Yeming on the shoulder.

"Don't call me 'Xiao Jing'."

"Yes, Xiaojing."


Hiratsuka Shizuka, who unclenched his fist, did not continue to talk nonsense.

"You have to be serious about this exam."

"Is this why you called me out?"

"Also, the principal has asked me to be responsible for some of the coordination work for the future school festival, so I hope you will go to the student union to help."

“Isn’t it nice to ask students to do something before a test?”

"Is the exam easy for you?"


"I trust you very much, classmate Ye Ming."

"So is the previous agreement still valid?"


"The teacher took me 630 on a date."


Hiratsuka Shizu coughed.

"It's not a date, it's just a reward, so let's work together, what do you think?"

"I would also like to book future 'sick leave rights'."

"Want to skip class?"

"Who knows, there is no harm in having it anyway."

Looking at Ke Yeming, Hiratsuka Shizu finally agreed.

"Okay, go back quickly."

"Yes Yes Yes."

After separating from Shizuka Hiratsuka, Ke Yeming returned to the classroom.

The exam will start soon.

The invigilator is Qianshi Qianhiro. Today she is different from her usual lazy attitude. She is quite serious and patrols continuously after handing out the test papers.

The serious atmosphere also spreads in classrooms and schools.

In this way, the exam day passed smoothly.

After Ke Yeming completed the last subject, he communicated with Hikigaya, Kato Megumi, Totsuka Ayaka and others.

Correct the answer and confirm the options.


The phone vibrates.

Ke Yeming opened it and saw that the information came from Nakano Ichika.

The content at the beginning is...

[We are very confident in our test scores. 】

The next text is

【Are you free to come to our celebration?Everyone has gifts for Ye Mingjun. 】

It seems that the five Nakano sisters who were not good at studying have really changed! .

Chapter 271: Encounter with Haruhi Suzumiya, is he the wild leader? !

【Are you free to come to our celebration?Everyone has gifts for Ye Mingjun. 】

This is the content of the text message sent by Nakano Ichika after the exam.

Judging from the subsequent text, the five sisters arranged the celebration for tomorrow afternoon, so Ke Yeming can freely spend the rest of the time today.

He stood in the courtyard corridor leading to the school gate, passing by students who were relaxing after completing the exams in the past few days.

Some people are talking about the upcoming school festival;

Some people are discussing what to do during a day or two off;

"That's right, my familiar, today is our day of liberation. It's time to explore the dark secrets hidden behind the library! The truth hidden there will eventually be unearthed!"

"Understood! Master, we must clarify that rumor! Let's go to death now!"

On one side of the courtyard, Kotori Yurikka, who was holding two bottles of drinks, was staying with Sanae Kabutori, a junior high school student. The two of them discussed the next arrangements and prepared to leave.

As usual, the girls with chuunibyou plan to investigate the "dark secrets" in their hearts during their free time.

Ke Yeming did not disturb the two of them, but just watched from the side.

Speaking of which, he also investigated the 'Seven Mysterious Things on Campus'.

Seven Mysteries One: There are only 12 steps in the school stairs when you count them during the day, but something strange happens when you count them at night. The 13th step appears. You cannot step on the 13th step, and you will fall into hell.And the only people who can see the 13th level at night are bad kids, so bad students are the easiest to be swallowed up.

Seven Mysteries [-]: The mannequin in the health room. Legend has it that it comes alive and wanders around the school at night.

Seven Mysteries Part [-]: The legend of the slit girl is that she wanders around the school in the evening and asks the children who come home late alone, "Am I pretty?" If you say something beautiful, your mouth will be torn open, and if you don't have a beautiful face, you will be killed. ...But it is said that if you give her a coconut candy, the slit girl will go away.

The fourth one is 'The piano that one can play at night in the music classroom', the fifth and sixth ones are 'Hanako in the toilet' and 'The sound of batting in an empty gymnasium' respectively.

The last one is a bit mysterious, it says: after you get out of school, you will meet a guy wearing a red cloak and a strange mask.When he sees a student, he will ask: Do you like red?Like white?Still like blue?

If you answer red, you will die in a pool of blood; if you answer white, all the blood in your body will be drained; if you answer blue, you will be thrown into the water and drown.

However, after Ke Yeming's investigation, everything was found to be fabricated to deceive people.

If I have to say...

He encountered unusual phenomena on campus at night.

But when he investigated clearly, he found that it was a monster entangled in miasma.

Recalling this incident, the yandere old ruler Qian Ao came to Ke Yeming's mind?

The world will be affected and subtly changed;

In the distant land of stars, in the vast universe, the invisible great existence has set its sights on this planet.

There is enough trouble...

When Ke Yeming sighed, he walked towards the school gate.

Today, after the exam, he did not receive any invitations from the girls.

Except for the five Nakano sisters, everyone seems to have something to do.

In fact, this is also related to Ke Yeming.

Because he said before that 'everyone can take a good rest after the exam'.

Aoyama Nanami, who balances voice acting courses and studies with maid work;

Mashiro Shiina, who plans to study manga and learn from Eiriri;

There is also Shiha Kasumigaoka who created the original manuscript.

"If you have time tomorrow, go find Nishinomiya Glass."

Because Ke Yeming promised to help her find her 'lost things' after she passed the exam.

What kind of expression will a girl who was once hearing-impaired have when she becomes normal after having difficulty making sounds due to long-term hearing impairment?

While Ke Yeming was looking forward to it, when he walked to the school gate, he saw a man standing on the roadside waving.

The eye-catching huge fruit on the opponent's chest has a huge impact on young students...!

"Afternoon...no, dusk is good, night is bright."

"Miss Lucoa?"

"I'm here to find you today."

Lucoa made a gesture of raising a glass to drink.


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