"See you tomorrow."

"That's right, I'll bring two lunch boxes tomorrow, so Kangna can eat them together!"



After hearing what Saikawa Riko said, Kangna waved goodbye.

Watching the Saikawa sisters leave, Suzumiya Haruhi sighed softly with her hands behind her back.

"Children are so happy."

"Could it be that Kasuga-san misses her time as an elementary school student?"

"No, you know exactly what I mean."

Haruhi looked at Ke Yeming and said seriously, thinking that he understood what she was thinking.

Ke Yeming then smiled.

"Children are indeed easily satisfied, but they must also know how to be satisfied."

After he said this, he looked at Kangna

"do you happy today?"

"Very happy."

"That's good."

"You hit the bad guy, do you want to do it again next time?"

"It needs to be considered."

Ke Yeming didn't want Kangna to fight and play the role of a messenger of justice every day.

"Little Kangna is indeed very powerful. When she threw those things before, not one of them missed."

"Because of careful aim."

"Even if you aim carefully, most people can't do it."

In this regard, Suzumiya Haruhi still admires Kangna.


In response, Kangna explained to Haruhi her experience in targeting enemies.

Ke Yeming slowed down at this moment and asked Nagato Yuki who was at the back of the team.

"Isn't it time for you to let Haruhi go back?"

"She made her own decision."

"Now it seems...she has no intention of ending the event."

"Because it's not enough."

Nagato Yuki analyzed it directly.

"It's not enough to just deal with those bosozokus who cheat money."

Haruhi Suzumiya, who pursues the extraordinary and longs for the extraordinary, doesn't want to be 'one of countless people'.

Fighting crime is fun, but in Kasuga's eyes, these things fall into the category of 'normal'.

She was still looking forward to this unusual adventure.

...... 0

"I have a few more locations, little Kangna."

"Well...! Let's go take a look!"

"These are the preparatory members of the SOS group. The courage to take risks is the hymn of mankind!"

In front, Suzumiya Haruhi and Kangna were chatting, and the topic began to move closer to 'great' and 'heroes'.

It feels like if this continues, Kangna will become the next chuunibyou girl.

Not quite right...

Haruhi's thoughts are actually somewhat different from Chuunibyou.

Because of the abilities given to her, everything that seems like 'delusion' is part of 'reality'.

Having said that, Ke Yeming doesn't want to see a 'Kanna Haruhi' either.

However, Kang Na's expression is very happy now, so let's let this situation continue for a while.

But how to achieve their goal and make Haruhi and Kangna stop?

After all, Ke Yeming doesn’t want to wander around anymore…


When it comes to wandering around, Ke Yeming thinks of 'patrol'.

Anyway, they are moving around the city.

"I have a plan, Nagato Amu."

"Have you finally stopped asking me? Nobita."

"Oh, Nagato-san will complain."


After a moment of silence, Nagato asked

"How exactly?"

"Look at the ruins of mud factories, power plants, and chemical plants in this city."

"and then?"

"Let them go somewhere to ward off the monsters."

For this reason, Ke Yeming manipulated the shadows and planned to contact the monsters on Shuten Doji's side.

Chapter 334 SOS Group VS Monster Group!

"I want to be an idol."

On a suspension bridge in the city.

Its northern end is connected to the road leading to the neighborhood, and its southern end is a forest path leading to the hills behind the residential area.

There is a highway nearby, and you can often hear the sound of car engines and horns coming from there;

Every night, you will see various car lights speeding past the road. They are as fleeting as summer fireworks.

In addition to this, there is a river beneath the suspension bridge.

If it is not the flood season, part of the river bottom will be exposed, so it is very popular with people who want to escape the heat in summer. Therefore, before night comes, there are always adults and children playing on both sides of the river.

Precisely because this place is very popular, it can easily attract troublesome monsters to come here to harm people, so...

Shuten Doji often brings people to patrol here.

As a result, when they passed the suspension bridge for the third time, the first sentence came from among the monsters who were traveling with them.

Want to become an idol...

After hearing this, everyone looked back together.

Just when Shuten Doji was thinking about who was so stupid, he saw Hashihime who stopped and looked down at the scenery below from the suspension bridge.

According to legend, she will lurk in the river under the bridge. If she meets a man, she will attract him through her voice and lead him to drown. If a woman crosses the bridge, she will forcefully pull him in.

Hashihime herself has accumulated a lot of misfortunes and grievances, so she has some terrifying strength, but her current speech is far from her own legend.

Shuten Doji, who was now transformed into a woman, looked at Hashihime. She took a sip of wine and spread her hands.

"Hashihime, I'm not mocking you, but... your appearance hidden under the long hair is not attractive at all, right? Let alone imitating humans and becoming an idol."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Shu, Feitou Man and Jian Yue entered the Tao who were traveling with him silently agreed.

However, the rabbit demon carrying a backpack didn't think so.

"Please wait a moment, Shuten-sama, Hashihime is always changing herself! For youkai, the so-called 'appearance' is just a part of the change!"

The Hashihime in the story cannot get love from men because of her ugly appearance, but this is not the case for the Hashihime who turns into a monster.

She is indeed using her demonic power to change herself.

But before this topic continued, Feitouman asked

"Qiao Ji, why do you suddenly say such things?"

"Because you can become stronger..."

Hashihime quickly answered.

"Become stronger?"

Shuten Doji tilted his head, looking puzzled.

Hashihime explained this

"Idols in human society can gain attention and worship just like the believers possessed by gods, but for monsters, if they receive the same intensity of belief, they will definitely become stronger."

"It's boring enough. Why do monsters have to imitate gods and gain faith from humans? It's better to eat them directly...ah...! No, no!"

Halfway through Shuten Douji's words, he realized that he shouldn't think so.

After hearing this, Wu Shu also waved his hands, and Miyue Rudao also shook his body, signaling Shuten Doji to shut up.

They now have an establishment and have become Ke Yeming's subordinates, and they are not allowed to take action against humans.


The monsters remembered their leader?

Because he was possessed by Ke Yeming's friend, he could not break free or eliminate it. He could only live with the tumor that eroded half of his body. No one knew that the thing would be eliminated.

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