But before he officially began to immerse himself in the ocean of knowledge, he still needed to do one thing.

He wandered around the castle and finally found out about Catherine's whereabouts. The maid who was on the same shift as her said that Catherine had just finished her morning shift. She probably just came out of the public bath and went to her room.

Domi immediately went to Catherine's room and knocked on the door. Sure enough, familiar footsteps came from inside.


"it's me."

She opened the door and looked: "Domi, is something okay?"

"Remember that time you waited for me to come back for two days in a row? I said I would make it up to you if I had the chance. Look, the opportunity just came."

However, Catherine just shook her head and said: "Domi, that is my responsibility. You have no obligation to compensate me. If there is nothing else, I have to rest first."

"Hey wait!"

The moment she closed the door, Duomi reached out and pulled the door panel. The strength of his hand was actually stronger than Catherine's, making it impossible for her to move the door panel again.

"I haven't had a decent rest after working for so long. Why don't I give you a small massage package? It can effectively relieve fatigue."


She looked at Duomi suspiciously, but the look in his eyes didn't look like he was talking nonsense.

Speaking of which, she did have some back pain recently. It is better to say that it is an old problem. Over the years, her waist and back will have a dull pain from time to time. In severe cases, it will be difficult to sleep the whole night.

If Duomi really knows how to massage, it's not impossible... Anyway, it's most likely just a child's wish and a few pinches.

Looking at Duomi's firm eyes, Catherine sighed and let him in.

"Okay, masseuse, how do I need to cooperate with you?"

"Lie on your back on the bed."

"Ah?" Catherine was startled. Aren't regular massages done by sitting on a chair?Why lie down in bed?

"This, this...this massage, is it serious?"

"Don't worry, this is my original way of killing a chicken. You have to lie on the bed. Don't worry."

Catherine finally did as Domi asked.

He also took off his clothes, leaving only a thin layer of shirt and pajamas.

And because the mountain peaks are too upright, I feel a little chest tight when I lie down, so it doesn’t feel very comfortable.

But everything changed when Domi put his hand on her back for the first time.

Those little hands were so powerful, and the position of each press was just right. Although it hurt a little, after the pain was over, there was a stream of relief, as if the muscles had been stretched.

It was so sour and refreshing that it was simply indescribable, or it was so refreshing that I couldn't even speak.

Promote blood circulation, relieve muscle soreness, and relax muscles!

As a result, Catherine's originally cold face suddenly turned rosy, with a look of enjoyment on her face, and she let out a few slight gasps from time to time.

"Here... it's light... it's wrong... the point is~"

"is this OK?"

"More emphasis, it's so comfortable, please use your full strength..."


After the back is the waist, then the thighs, calves and soles of the feet.

Authentic Thai-style chicken with horse and chicken, the highest quality, guaranteed to be delicious!

Sure enough, after Domi's full set of services, Catherine fell asleep without even realizing it.

Indeed, when people are extremely relaxed, all the fatigue that has been accumulated for a long time will be released.

Catherine has been working diligently from the beginning to the end of the year. Not only is she strict with herself, she also serves as the head maid and has to manage other maids. The burden on her is not ordinary, so it is no wonder she is so tired.

Domi moved Catherine to the right position and covered her with the quilt to prevent her from catching a cold.

Looking at her sleeping face, she looked just like a little girl, not as cold and arrogant as before.

"I'm satisfied with my compensation..."

On the fourth day of the [-]th day, there is no monthly ticket, but you can also vote for recommendations...

Chapter 98 Chapter 97 Chaos Church

Noon the next day.

Under the castle on the top of the mountain, among the criss-crossing streets.

A bar in a remote corner was crowded with people, but there was a "Closed Today" sign outside the door.

Everyone inside was silent, waiting for the leader man sitting at the bar to speak.

"Everyone...the news has been confirmed to be accurate, and all preparations have been completed, right?"

The cadres below reported on the progress of the actions one after another, and most of them were completed.

"Very good." The man praised, with enthusiasm in his eyes: "It's rare to have such a good opportunity. No matter how high the risk is, we have to remind the world of the days when we ruled it again!"

"Chaos and disorder! To those who have, more will be given to them to make them redundant; and to those who do not have, even what they have will be taken away from them!"

"Glory to Dragon! Long live the Church of Chaos!"


The time came to seven o'clock that evening, in the lobby of the mountaintop castle.

This place has been transformed into a banquet in advance.


There was a constant sound of clinking goblets, and people huddled together, chatting in each other's little circles.

Most of them are well-known figures in various fields invited from the local area. They are of little use. They are simply to set off the bustling atmosphere and create a proper atmosphere group.

Thanks to their heartfelt support, the dinner was quite lively.

After a while, the protagonist of this dinner appeared.

Everyone looked at the exaggerated rotating luxury staircase located in the center of the lobby. A mother and daughter were walking down the stairs hand in hand.

Even though my mother is a little older, her charm is still there. Her beautiful figure is matched with a slim-fitting evening dress, and the few jewelry set off her nobility. As long as the wrinkles on her face are slightly concealed, those who don't know may think she has just grown up. little girl.

However, the ladylike temperament in her body cannot be concealed.

Compared to the ripe lady, the little daughter next to her is like an unripe green apple.

She exudes a youthful temperament, and has a sense of weakness that I feel pity for, which makes people feel the desire to protect her.

She has the same long azure hair as her father Mitchell, paired with a dark blue cake-like skirt, like a swan dancing above the deep pool.

This dinner was prepared to welcome these two mothers and daughters from the Greenwell family next door.

For this reason, Domi and others also put on their own formal clothes.

Edward likes white and gold dresses, while Argyle prefers off-white teeth.

As for Duomi, he is much simpler. He is dressed in black, with some indigo decoration at most.

Not only the three brothers, but also Sia, who lives here temporarily, was also invited to the dinner as a matter of course.

Xia's appearance is already considered to be the most beautiful in the world. Even Ai Wei is slightly inferior to her. But today she is not the protagonist, so she can't dress up too gorgeously and overshadow her.

So she just found a moon-white dress and came out with a long skirt that could reach the floor. Fortunately, the floor in the lobby was almost spotless, otherwise she would have suffered.

Her dress was very simple, with almost no jewelry on her body. The only thing she modified was her hairstyle, which was a fishtail braid that Duomi helped her do.

After drawing a card to get the whip-tying skill, he learned two hairstyles - fishtail braid and sister Rosa's exclusive bun.

Since the bun is exclusive to Rosa, Duomi gave Sia a fishtail braid.

I have to say that Sia, with her fishtail braids, actually looks like Asuna, making her originally quirky and quirky less naughty and more gentle and virtuous.

I don’t know if it’s the special bonus brought by drawing cards, or whether the fishtail braid has this attribute. Duomi just feels that everyone who wears it will become a wife...

Perhaps to save trouble, Rosa casually put on a white waist-style princess dress and came out, which looked more simple than other girls.

It can be seen from her expression that she is not in a good mood. After all, now another woman of unknown origin wants to take one of her dearest brothers away from her. This may be one of the reasons why she is perfunctory. One...

The two girls came to Domi and the others from the back door hand in hand. They did not make a grand entrance like the protagonist this time, but they still gave the three of them a big shock.

Edward and Argyle knew very well that Sia was interested in Domi, so they just praised Rosa and then praised Rosa. She was better than her sister. When praised, she would shyly thank them. How different from Sia, who praised Rosa. After that, he nodded with a smile and it was over. He turned around and stuck to Duomi and asked him if he looked good...

Gan!What is the reason why the gap between people widens?

After Ai Wei and the Duchess of Greenville appeared, Carlos and Gresa said goodbye to the friends they were talking to just now and greeted their mother and daughter.

I don’t know what they talked about. The Duchess patted little Ai Wei on the back, pointed to Duomi and the others, and said something in her ear.

Then, Ai Wei came to them politely.

When he saw Sia next to Duomi, his eyes were obviously dazed, but he still curtsied and said hello normally:

"Argyle, Edward, Domi, and Princess Xia, long time no see."

Only then did Duomi remember that when they were five years old, they also went to Greenville's house for a period of time. At that time, they met Ai Wei and her sister.

They are each other's childhood sweethearts. After all, they are both seven years old. They played together when they were young, and their parents have a very good relationship with each other.

It is estimated that Argyll and Edward were attracted to each other at that time.

Love in childhood is like a seed. As it grows older, it either fades away or becomes stronger.

The two should be the latter.

It's no wonder that the two of them tried every means to get Duomi to run away with Xia quickly, so that they would have one less competitor.

In Domi's mind, Ai Wei should be the type of girl who loves others, not a pure and good little loli like Rosa, nor a future queen like Shia, just a normal girl.

Just like her mixed wind and plant talents, being with her always gives people a comfortable feeling like a spring breeze.

Duomi regarded her more as a sister and just greeted her like a good friend meeting again:

"Yeah, I haven't seen Ai Wei for a long time, probably two years."

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