Especially Ichinose, like a little angel, can firmly unite the class.

Hoshinomiya Chie walked on the left side of Chabashira, showing a cute expression.

"Xiao Saedi, when the chairman just said that students in Class A knew the exam rules on the first day and were exempted from the exam, your expression moved."

"Before I came to attend the chairman's announcement, I watched the camera surveillance in your class."

"A student from Class A went to your class to sell information."

"So it's a pity. Obviously your students in Class D also know the school's rules, otherwise they would be exempted. Then they might fly to Class B in a flash." Hoshinomiya Chie said as if it was a joke.

But Cha Zhu knew that his friend might have been nervous just now.

Is she worried about being overtaken by her Class D?


If the chairman also granted immunity to Class D, then Class A's score would be higher and it would be impossible to catch up.


Class D encountered a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Because Oreki, a student from Class A, came to Class D to sell information.

So Class D also learned about the school's rules on the first day of enrollment today.

Then, according to the council's reward, you can be exempted from skipping the code of conduct exam this time.


Although the points are deducted today, but they are exempted in the next month, then the score after one month will definitely be 900 points+

But for other Class C or Class B, I don’t know when they will realize the essence of this school after a month and then take the code of conduct test.

According to the experience of previous years, more than 300 points of class evaluation points will definitely be deducted in one month.

Therefore, if Class D is exempted and no points are deducted, almost gets the chance to fly into the sky.



Chapter 011 When the student council president hits his sister, does this mean that strength comes first?

But the council changed the reward again.

The reward from Class A became an increase of 200 points in the class evaluation score.

And here in Class D...


The school must have seen Class D and obtained the school's rules through the camera, but the school did not focus on Class D.

And this reason, she understands.

"It's pointless for you, Zhihui, to guard against me." Chazhu said. "And I actually have no hope for this class of students."


Not hopeful.


Houtaro Oreki from Class A came to the classroom of Class D to sell news.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Class D.

It's an opportunity to score points.

A chance to climb up and touch Class B's butt.


33 students from Class D, first grade.

Each student only needs to pay 1 points to get the school rules.

In the end, there were only 11 students who were willing to spend money to stay and listen to the rules.

The result can be imagined.

Even if you get the rules and turn the closed-book exam into an open-book exam, but in the end, there are only 11 people who can abide by the code of conduct assessment?

or less.

and so.

It is equivalent to 40 students, and at least 29 of them are pig teammates who are dragging their legs or injecting water.

So can it really go up?

and so.

The chairman just turned his gaze over and then looked away.

It didn't even mention that Class D also knew the exam rules.


There is no need to look forward to it, just wait and you will find that even if you know the rules, Class D itself may deduct all the remaining 900-plus class evaluation points after a month.

and so.

Very disappointed.

It is true that her class is different from the previous Class D. There are more problem students.

But there are so many pig teammates...

And will her long-cherished wish come true?

I was almost excited, and then fell very painfully.

Not to mention, this year’s Class A is excellent.

And what are the outstanding Class A students doing?

Take Oreki-san as an example.

He slept through the afternoon.

Lying on the bed, my eyes were still sleepy, and there was a little orange cat curled up on the quilt, which only weighed less than 10 catties.

This is his cat.

The name is Gale.

I thought about going to school boarding before, so I entrusted the cat to a friend to take care of it, but since I can often go back to school and home, there is no need to let the cat leave.

So he took the cat back.

As a result, he slept through the whole afternoon.

Sure enough, my own bed is comfortable.


Yucheng High School is a closed education, requiring students to stay in school for three years.


Oreki found out at school that he couldn't open the school intranet except for the school's post bar and forums.

It is not even possible to call the family members outside the school.

That is to say, the school restricts the network and blocks signals outside the school.

"..." Oreki.

But if this is the case, doesn't it mean that if people in the school can't contact him who is already outside the school?

This seems a little troublesome.


Oreki remembered.

I also entrusted Masumi Kamuro to investigate the places in the school that were not monitored.

So he thought he had to go back to school.


He opened the refrigerator at home.

Originally, I had received the news that I would be boarding at school, so I emptied the refrigerator from the beginning.

It is also empty now.

Only half a lemon is put in there to deodorize.

Now Oreki can live freely in the closed life process of full boarding.

Then you have to add daily necessities.

Although parents will remit living expenses to the family regularly, since the school has issued points, there is no need to use them in vain.

And his account already has a full 25 points, which is equivalent to 25 yen.

Parents did not give so much.

So Oreki was going to go to the shopping street of Yusei High School for free.


[Would you like to teleport now? ]


[Di!The remaining number of teleportation for today's share is 2 times, reset at 0 o'clock every day. ]


Oreki nodded, and a change had already appeared before his eyes.

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