
"There are spies in Ichinose's class." Oreki-san said.

"And now."

Oreki said. "Ichinose, I can temporarily sign a friendly alliance contract with you."

"It allows you to minimize losses as much as possible."

"Can you still... minimize the loss?" Ichinose held the thermos that Kushida-san sent over.

"Yes." Oreki said. "Or it can make you not deduct a single point in class."

"There are two options that can be dealt with."

"One of them is the plan currently being used by Class D," Oreki said.

"And Kushida came here with me just now. She probably doesn't know yet," Oreki said. "The Ishizaki Daichi taken in by Class D is also a spy arranged by Class C. The purpose is to obtain information about the leader of Class D."


Kushida-san looked at Oreki in surprise for a moment.

"Is Ishizaki-san a spy? But doesn't he have the injuries from Ryuuen's beating?"

"And - he left directly yesterday." Kushida said. "If he's a spy, that's bad—"

And at this time everyone understood.

Class C should prepare for this exam.

Spies were sent to Class B and Class D respectively.

As for Class A...


When the students of Class A learned that the students of Class C had abstained from voting that day, they met Ibuki on the way back to the base.

Then Ibuki was brought to the camp as well.

Although Ibuki was later transferred to Class B by Oreki-san.

And Ibuki...

Well, the person from the Sakayanagi faction who has nothing to do with people in the tent now feels lucky.

Class A escaped the spy attack this time.

By the way, isn’t Class C terrible?

Previously, Hashimoto-san from the Itayanagi faction said that he easily obtained a spy from Class C.

But looking at it now, the spy of Class C was instantly unstable.

Because the students in Class C seem to be better at acting than them.

Looks good to see the situation first.

And Oreki looked at Kushida-san.

"Then what did you see Gao Yuanji classmate doing before you came here?"


"Koharaji-san has been soaking in the water since yesterday." Kushida said

"Soaked in water?" Ichinose was puzzled.

"Well, it started soaking in the pool at the back of the camp since midnight." Kushida said, "It's raining now, and he's still in the pool."

"And this is the solution." Oreki-san said. "And your class, Ichinose, can follow suit."

"This is—" Ichinose seemed to have not reacted yet.

And Oreki looked at Kamuro-san.

Kamuro-san was puzzled, and then quickly discovered that the direction Oreki was looking at was behind her, which was the material exchange manual distributed by the school to each class.

And there are corresponding rules for the exam.

1. When occupying a stronghold, a dedicated leader card is required.

2. You will get a reward point every time you occupy it.You can freely use captured strongholds.

3. Use the strongholds occupied by other classes without permission, and make corresponding punishments for staying too long.

4. Those who can use the team leader card are limited to the team leader.

5. The team leader cannot be replaced without justifiable reasons.

"Kogenji is a very smart person." Oreki said. "He must get the reward points for the stronghold this time."

"And there is one thing you may know, Gaoyuan Temple has no scruples when swiping the card, and it doesn't hide it."

Saying so, Oreki looked at Ichinose.

Ichinose nodded.

In the previous conversation between her and Oreki-san, there were similar words.

Gaoyuan Temple swiped the card completely regardless.

Therefore, many people doubt whether Kogenji is the leader of Class D.

"Only the team leader can swipe the card, so it is not against the rules for Gao Yuanji to swipe the card."


"The seventh day of the exam is tomorrow morning, and there will be a part of guessing the team leader."

"If the identity of the team leader is guessed, then the reward points of all the strongholds he swiped will be cleared."

"So he's already prepared."

"And what he's doing is number five."

"The team leader cannot be changed without a valid reason."

Oreki said. "So what if you are sick? What about the force majeure of your body?"

"That's a change of leadership with a valid reason."


"Kao Yuanji-san is preparing to replace the leader of Class D."

"And the timing of the replacement is probably when the exam is about to end tomorrow morning."

Oreki-san said. "So Ichinose, you can follow suit."

"Ibuki knows the information about the team leader of your class, but as long as the team leader of your class also [is ill due to force majeure], then he can apply for a change of team leader."

"Because the team leader has been changed, the news Ibuki and the others got is meaningless," Oreki said.

"That is to say—" Ichinose had already reacted. "This is to make the leader of my class... sick."

"The current weather is very suitable." Oreki said. "You don't need to soak in the water like Gaoyuan Temple, just put on thick wet clothes, and then go to the rain to complete it."

Ichinose nodded.

Then he seemed to think about it.

Indeed, the current panic in Class B is because the identity of the team leader has been leaked.

And Bai Bo kept crying, feeling that she was too relaxed, and then he didn't take a good look at the team leader card, and finally the team leader's information was leaked.

But Ichinose couldn't shirk responsibility either.

Their Class B shower room is not official.

Instead, I built a shelf manually, and then spliced ​​and cut the large garbage bags provided by the school for free as curtains.

So there is no place to hang clothes in the shower inside.

So only leave clothes outside the shower.

In other words.

Too frugal.

As long as there is a place to hang clothes in the shower room, then Ibuki can't get it so easily.

So Ichinose felt that she also had to be responsible.


Being sick is not a good experience.

And if it was because of the illness this time, and then brought the root cause of the disease, wouldn't you be very sorry for Bai Bo?

So what Ichinose is facing now is whether students are more important or grades are more important.

As long as the team leader is changed, Class B does not need to bear the risk of the team leader leaking.

"Is there any other plan?"

Ichinose asked.

And this plan is the current plan.

Ryūen Sho was guessed by three classes that he was the leader of Class C.

"Fuck—" Long Yuan complained.

He knew why the leader of Class D had changed from the guy from Gaoyuanji to Wang Meiyu.

I think Ichinose finally got to the point.

Then he began to listen.


"Then it's another plan." Oreki said.

"Ichinose, you don't accept the proposal that your classmate is sick."

"Then the only way is to accept the loss caused by being guessed as the leader of your class."

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