Oreki-san is going to room 204 to take the exam,

"Let's start the class group." Oreki-san said. "Collect the information that everyone receives."


Kamuro Masumi nodded immediately, and started working.

The same instructions were passed to Class B and Class D.


Class B.


After Ichinose read the message she received, she found that she had received a new message.

Because I think it is more important, I specially marked the other party's address book.

The notification sound is different.

"Is there any information about Houtarou Oreki?"

Facing Ichinose sat Ryuji Kanzaki.

The two of them were reviewing the small island exam of Class B this time.

For this exam, Class B didn't win, but it didn't lose miserably either.

Because the worst is Longyuan.


At the beginning, after learning that the leader information of Class B was leaked, Oreki-san suggested that Shirami-san should be allowed to catch a cold and quit.


At that time, Ichinose almost directly rejected this proposal.

Although Ryuji Kanzaki felt a little pity, he never thought of trading the health of his classmates for victory.

Then he also knew that this time Class B could guess that Ryuuen scored 50 points, and Oreki-san had contributed a lot.


He also owed the other party a favor.

Because the other party can also choose to contact Long Yuan, and then get the information of their class leader.

At that time, all three ACD classes will guess Class B, then Class B will basically have sent it.

So I owe the other party a favor.

[After returning to the ship, there will be another exam, and that exam will cooperate with me. ]

These are the original words of Oreki-san.

In other words, he chose to turn favors directly into transactions.

And now.

The exam on the ship has been notified, and he and Ichinose also received a message from the school here.

So do you want to cooperate?

Houtaro Oreki is willing to give up the opportunity to join forces with Ryuuen to directly push Class B further away, which shows that the test on the ship that he values ​​​​may be of great value.

and so.

Will they-

"Let's execute it." Ichinose said. "We owe Oreki-san a favor."


"For this exam, I think Ryuuen might do something. Cooperating with Oreki-san, maybe I can be prepared."

"Yeah." Kanzaki Ryuji nodded.

In fact, he thinks that Ichinose-san is too conservative and not radical enough.

This is different from his thinking.

He's the more aggressive kind.


Just relying on his words, he felt that he might not be able to do it.

So just be safe first.

During the exam on the island, spies actually appeared, or the ambition of the people in Class C Ryuen below to climb up the ranks also shocked him.

God knows how Ryuuen and the others from Class C will fight back in this exam.


The current class evaluation score.

Class A 1801 points

Class B 970 points

Class C 490 points

Class D 730 points

The score of Class A was disappointing, but he also went to the bulletin board of the second-grade teaching building, where the evaluation score of Class B, the second-grade student, was also around [-].

Therefore, their scores in the third month of enrollment are almost the same as next year's second-grade Class B.

Not a shame.

Moreover, it also regained a large number of points lost in the first month's code of conduct exam in one fell swoop.


Fifteen students in the class participated in Oreki-san's store opening plan. Although they opened a store and sent it, they had to pay points every month.

This made Ryuji Kanzaki a little uneasy.

Long Yuan scolded the plan and said it was a scam.

But now that the class evaluation scores have increased, I should be able to survive. After all, if it were to be terminated now, the losses to the 15 students would be huge.


And Class D.

"..." Kushida Kikyo.

Kushida-san also received a message from Oreki-san to collect information on school text messages received by Class D classmates.

Although I was very unhappy that this guy Oreki Houtarou treated her as a test subject and then showed no interest in her.


Let's do it now.

After all, Oreki Houtaro gave her a reward of 50 class evaluation points this time.


According to her understanding of Oreki, after the Kojima exam, Horikita Suzune got 300 points, but 270 points belonged to Houtaro Oreki.

In other words, in this test, Horikita Suzune only scored 30 points.

And here she is 50 points.

Although she didn't get any money here... But it's still acceptable to gain popularity.

in this way.

About 10 minutes later, Oreki-san got a large set of materials in front of him.

A total of 109 pieces of information.

In fact, it is to record the name of the person, the room they were assigned to, and the time they went.



The time to go to the same room, the same class is consistent.

The other classes are separated.

For example, Oreki and two boys named Takemoto and Machida were notified to go to Room 204 at 6:[-].

Then Ichinose from Class B was also informed to go to room 204, but the time was 6:45.

When we arrived at Class D, we were told to go to room 204 at 7 o'clock sharp.

However, Class D's execution ability is indeed poor.

Kushida-san is already the image of a little angel in the class.

Then this time the exam also brought a reward of 50 positive points.

As a result...even if she was like this, she only collected 29 pieces of information.

So if you only push Horikita-san, you can imagine the information that can be collected.

In other words, if you want to win this exam, you have to be tougher on Class D.

The school gave me a free opportunity to show off my skills, so there was no need to cut back on plans just because of Class D.

And Oreki stayed in a coffee shop, and Kamuro-san was doing record work.

Although the content of the exam is still unclear, Kamuro-san's records and statistics have been roughly completed.

She has already compiled the list of ABD class classmates who took the exam related to Oreki-san.

The students who went to room 204 with him are as follows.

Class A: Takemoto Shigeru, Machida Koji, Oreki Houtaro.

Class B: Ichinose Hobami, Hamaguchi Tetsuya, Beppu Ryota.

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