So it’s basically confirmed that Chabashira’s Class D has very strong students.

It's just that Mr. Majima was standing high. What he saw was that Kogenji might not take action, and that Class D did not have the authority to climb up. If it really climbed up, the school would take action.

At most, those absolutely outstanding Class D students will be given a chance to climb up by collecting 2000 million.

But other teachers don't know.

So maybe they felt that Class D had climbed so high this time and felt threatened.

Therefore, after discovering that Chabashira had moved the list of spoilers, Tomoe Hoshinomiya responded immediately.

very sharp.

Mashima-sensei remained silent on this point.

And Oreki-san in the dark continued to eavesdrop.

That is to say, the teachers are also carrying out the supremacy of strength overtly and secretly.


"I saw that Mashima changed his name."

Chazhu calmly took out a lady's cigarette, but did not light it, but said calmly, "I saw that he changed the list of the rabbit group, and then I changed it."


So the teachers all looked at Mr. Mashima, the class teacher of Class A who was very rational just now.


The digital teacher on the board of Class C immediately looked over.

Because Hoshinomiya Chie felt that Chabashira violated the rules, and then Chabashira discovered that Majima violated the rules.


When he took the exam in Kojima before, he was scolded by Mashima-sensei.

I think he's over the line.

Doesn’t it turn out to be the same for other teachers?

"This is-"

Mashima-sensei probably didn't expect that the pot would be thrown back to himself in the end.But everyone was looking at him, so he said,

"Generally speaking, the convention is to gather representatives of each class in the dragon group."

"But the students in my class are quite unique. The class representatives are usually Katsuragi or Sakayanagi."

"As for Oreki-san, he is different."

"I found through observation that whether it is Katsuragi or Sakayanagi's personal education or positive communication with him is very different."

"And Sakayanagi didn't come this time, so putting him in the dragon group might make him feel unmotivated—" Mashima-sensei said.

"It's not the same. Even if it's placed in the dragon group, then the other class representatives won't be able to show their strength?" Hoshinomiya Chie interjected.

"If Sakayanagi isn't here, can't you motivate Oreki-san?"

"Does it mean that only Sakayanagi-san can let Oreki-san fight? Are the other classes only autistic?"

"Then our Class B is really underestimated." Teacher Hoshinomiya Chie changed her cute look just now and curled her lips in dissatisfaction.

"I also have expectations for him." Mashima-sensei said, "This time the privileged person exam is similar to previous years."

"But I think he might be able to make a new development."

"So put him in a new group."


However, the head teacher of Class B, who had been very serious just now and even felt that he was being looked down upon, now hugged Teacher Chabashira's left hand again, which had not yet lit up the cigarette.

"Little Chabashira, the privileged person exam in your class this time is a bit interesting."

"The students in my class came back and told me that your students are all using the backup machine—"

"Because the mobile phone was [stored] in the first place, it didn't matter who the school sent the information about the abuser."

"In other words, the students in your class seem to want to protect the huge class evaluation scores obtained in the Kojima exam this time."

"I feel it, I feel their determination to climb up." Zhihui Hoshinomiya became cute again.

"Is it--"

However, Chazhu gently pushed away the Palace of Stars and lit the cigarette. "I didn't interfere."

"It's their business whether they can keep the score or not."

This is a bit ruthless.

You know, although some teachers speculate that Gaoyuan Temple may achieve the goal, they will not act.

But the increase in class evaluation scores of Class D is a real thing.

Didn’t you see that the numbers on the board of Class C on the side were very jealous?

Because if Ryuuen does nothing this time, then his class will be Class D when he returns to school.

Not only will his class rank drop, but his salary for the next month will also start to drop.

I wanted money so I returned to this school, but I was placed in Class C. If I climbed up, I could pay back the money as soon as possible. But if I fell into Class D, my salary would also be reduced, making it harder to pay back the money.

"..." Hoshinomiya Zhihui. "Sure enough, Xiao Saeda, you have changed."

"I thought you were still targeting Class A. But it doesn't look like that."

"Ha ha--"

But Chabashira smiled and continued on.

Is there any point for her to continue going to Class A?

From the beginning, the rules did not allow Class D to rush to A, so does it make sense to still want to follow the rules?


She had already figured it out, after this batch of students was taken over, maybe it was time for her to leave this Yucheng High School.

Over the years, because of her own obsession, she also missed a lot of things.

Her life is not over yet.

So it should be possible to do something.

Seeing that Chazhu was the first to move forward, Chie Hoshinomiya who was standing behind seemed to stop.

"Damn it."

she said. "At first, I thought that Chazhu had suddenly become autistic, but now I suddenly feel...she seems to be relieved. If it's not obsessed with the ranks of the class, then what's the point of me going back to school?"

"If she can be relieved, then wouldn't my life be shit?"

Muttering like this, Hoshinomiya Chie followed in the direction of Chazhu.

"..." Mashima-sensei, who was following behind, thought of Alexander.

It seems that no matter how much time has passed, Xingzhigong is still so perverted towards Chazhu.

And from what Hoshinomiya said, Chabashira may still be immersed in the fait accompli that he was not promoted from Class D to Class A in the past.

But these two are too persistent.

But who can completely let go of the students taught by this school?

With that in mind, he continued walking.

Then there is the teacher on the board.

"Teacher on the board, aren't you following up?"

The rational Mashima-sensei didn't forget that there was another classmate just now, so he turned around and called him.


Because he found that he couldn't get in the conversation, or that he didn't know that the other three class teachers were secretly doing tricks, the teacher on the board was a little numb.


The four teachers continued to walk upstairs, but the atmosphere became a little dull.

The corridors and stairs of the library are empty again.

And Oreki began to integrate the collected information.



"O... Oreki-san—"

Oreki-san noticed a girl's voice beside him.


"Feel sorry."

Only then did Oreki realize that he was still hugging Sakura. At first, he covered her lips, but when he was listening, he felt that this would make her breathing difficult, so he let go of her lips.

But she was also very good, and she didn't make a sound after that.

But now thinking about Oreki-san, he realizes that he is still holding her.

So he let her go quickly.


Sakura Airi's complexion is very fair, but now it seems to be red because of excessive shyness.

very cute.

"Can you not tell others what you just heard?" Oreki said.

"Ah... um." Sakura Airi nodded hastily.

In fact, she didn't hear anything just now. To be precise, she was suddenly hugged by a boy, and she felt her heart beating very loudly.

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