Maybe we can use this image to do something for promotion to Class A in the future.

So she put down the book.

Get out of the room.


"Hey, let me tell you."

Seeing Manabe and the others surround Karuizawa, Ibuki immediately understood what was going on, and she went up directly.


Manabe and the others discovered Ibuki, but they didn't like Ibuki because Ibuki was withdrawn and strong at fighting. It is said that the family is from a martial arts family, and they are still fans of Ryuuen who likes to squeeze their living expenses.

So they kind of reject her.


However, when Ibuki went up, he slapped him, "Don't embarrass Class C."

Ibuki said so.



Manabe subconsciously covered her cheeks, she looked dazed.

Even the two companions were stunned.

Because you, Ibuki, are not here to cheer, but to beat her?


"Ibuki, are you crazy!"

Manabe was almost stunned.

And her two friends also reacted from the shocked expressions.

"Yibuki, what are you doing, we didn't mess with you!"

Saying so, one of Manabe's friends stood back a little.

Probably because he was worried about being hit.

"Are you stupid?" Dan Yibuki said. "Long Yuan didn't let you bully people from other classes."

"Huh? Bullying, but now she just knocked down my phone—" Manabe felt incredible.

"Shut up, no matter who sees this scene, you are bullying people." Yibuki said.

"And there's a camera here!"

Ibuki pointed to a corner above the corridor.There was indeed a camera there.


Manabe and the others took a look, "But this Karuizawa bullied Ewha—"

"Ewha—" Ibuki seemed to hesitate for a moment. "So do you have any evidence? It's the exam period now, if you affect the exam because of you, or you will be deducted points."

"I don't think Longyuan will let you go."

Probably because they were afraid of Ryuuen, Manabe and the others looked at each other.

"You are lucky!"

Then he said such words like a defeated dog, and stared at Karuizawa a few times.

Then probably because Ibuki was intimidated, so I didn't continue to go to room 204 of the rabbit group.

Instead, I'm going to spend my time somewhere else.


And Ibuki went back into the room.

"Thank you very much." Oreki-san said, then walked out of the room.

He knew that Karuizawa did not go into the room.

So I followed behind her.

She walked in the direction of the basement alone.

But he didn't go very far, just walked to an empty corner.

"Sure enough, I still haven't changed anything." Karuizawa seemed to sigh.

Then take out the phone.

There are not many address book numbers on the phone, probably just some hot girls from Class D.

And she was their leader.

So naturally there will be their numbers.

There is also Kushida-san.

And she didn't get along well with the boys in her class, but there was only one boy's number in her phone.


She glanced at the number several times.

Then one crouches down with his face on his knees, his phone in one hand.

"Sure enough, I can't do anything—"

Her mood is low.


"If you want to see me, you can do it now." Oreki-san said.

"Whoa whoa-"

However, Karuizawa seemed taken aback.

The phone in his hand was thrown out directly.

And Oreki grabbed the phone she threw out before her.

With a click, the phone was held by him.

Then gave it back to her.

"Well, thank you Houtaro." Kei said quickly. "Thank you for everything today. I even specially invited Ibuki or something."

"Why do you say that?" Oreki said.

"Because I know, and I'm not popular, so how could someone come to save me?"

"And Ibuki doesn't look like he's going to take care of things suddenly." Karuizawa said.

In other words, I passed here, and then I felt that he was helping.

"I didn't do well with Sakura before, and now I can't handle things with the girls in Class C." She felt a little depressed.

"So, what's the real thing?" Oreki-san squatted down with her.


"Before the Kojima exam after leaving school, I went to the milk tea shop with Sato and the others."

"I'm queuing because Sato goes to the bathroom."

"However, some of them left the team beforehand. When they came back later, their positions were taken by girls from Class C."

"I wanted to line up again, but Sato and the others came back—"



So it's about the same as he thought.

In other words, you need to show a tough image in front of your friends.

The same goes for Sakura-san.

Hui is not alone, but in front of [friends], so she can only act like what her friends think she will do.


Although people wear protective colors, they also bring trouble.

It's like telling a lie, and then need to tell countless lies to complete the lie.

Karuizawa has created a strong image.

It also requires constant attention to maintain this image.

"If something happens." Oreki-san thought about it.

He inferred from the way Karuizawa deliberately kept a distance from him when he was in the rabbit group, she wanted to solve some things by herself.

But her solution is basically to deliberately pretend to be fierce.

Strong performance.

It is indeed a plan to scare away or push back ordinary people.

You are so fierce, so I have to think about it again if I want to trouble you.

This solution is possible.

But at most, weak girls like Bai Bo from Class B can be avoided.

After all, the students in this school are abnormal...they were specially selected by the school.Not so ordinary.

So these solutions are useless.

"I will continue to protect you." Oreki-san said. "But don't worry about it."


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