"..." Kushida.

Okay, don't talk about it.

Because after Long Yuan found out that he was tricked, he would no longer trust her as a spy.

So she still couldn't expel Horikita Suzune from school.

And today also passively increased the nasty experience.


Chapter 090 Kushida-san, why are you wearing clothes like... No, Horikita's clothes!

Time 23:24.

After watching Kushida-san go back to the dormitory, Oreki-san was also getting ready for bed.

of course.

As a price, Oreki-san also helped Kushida-san who betrayed Class D to deal with the aftermath, and told Horikita-san that the trap set against Ryuuen had taken effect.

Because it was a bureau set up at the beginning, Horikita Suzune didn't specifically consider who in her class would steal the key.

To be precise, she is also going solo.

So no matter what Class D becomes...it's normal.


Probably day and night dream.

After falling asleep, Oreki-san soon realized that he dreamed of Kushida and Horikita-san.

"Then I'll be back in three days." Lawyer Horikita said.

Seems like it was a long time ago.

That was ten years later.

After graduating from Ikusei High School, Horikita chose to continue her education, finally got into the desired major, and then became a lawyer.

Often defends the poor at very cheap prices and has a great reputation.

It may also be because of such a good deed that she obtained a pair of daughters in the fourth and fifth years of marriage.

Bells and tones.

But because Lawyer Horikita was going on a business trip, I gave him an airplane cup.

The saying is "Although I don't understand it very well, but I think you may also feel lonely, so let's make up for it first."

She said this with a slight flush on her cheeks.

In other words, after getting married in the future, will she still take care of this aspect of him?

But Oreki-san felt that she seemed to be overly worried.

Because he's not that exaggerated.

Because he has been single for 18 years, and it is easy to spend only 3 days.

So for 3 days, it won't feel like there is no girl around.


That kind of thing is not comfortable.

Oreki-san just accepted the gift but didn't use it.


"Then about the children—" Oreki-san seemed not very good at raising children.

"Kushida will come over later," Horikita lawyer said.


After sending lawyer Horikita away, Oreki-san stayed in the yard.

The two children were also in the yard.

The two daughters are as good-looking as their mother.

And has long black hair and delicate facial features.

But the pupils are the same as his, they are all dark green.

This is the symbol of the Oreki family.

Oreki-san remembered that her older sister also had the same eye color.


Children play with sand.

It seemed that they were worried that the sand outside would be dirty, so they specially divided an area in the yard for them.


This is more difficult for him.

Sitting on the side, watching them have already dug more than [-] small holes.

But because the daughters are so cute, I won't feel bored just looking at them like this.


"Today you are taking care of the child—"

However, when Oreki-san was in a daze, a female voice appeared outside the yard.

But after hearing this voice, Lingling and Yinyin came to the door one step earlier than him.

"It's Kushida-san——no, it's Kushida-san~"


It seems that the children are very familiar with her.

And it seems that she has been trained to call the beautiful big sister sister and not auntie.

As an adult, lawyer Horikita is less awe-inspiring, but more intellectual.

And after growing up, Kushida...


She has long hair.

It feels quite fresh.

"Hee hee - I know you two little guys like these -"

"I bought some snacks for you."

"At the same time, I brought you a new toy." Kushida-san said.

She seems to be quite good at dealing with small children.

In other words, lawyer Horikita specifically asked him to come and take care of the children, so he played with the children for a while, took them to eat snacks, and then Kushida put them to sleep.

And Oreki-san is also a gentleman.

Tea was prepared for her.

"It's been hard work," he said.

"What's the hard work—" Kushida-san said. "It should be said that children are really troublesome. But they are also easy to deal with."


You are still like this.

Saying these things in front of him will make people feel bad.

"Then let's begin—"

But Kushida-san seems to have no intention of drinking tea.


"Of course it's something meaningful to do—"

Kushida sister said, "By the way, Horikita Suzune's pajamas are still in the third cabinet?"

Kushida sister said. "I just went to check it out and found it wasn't there."

"It was washed last night and hung on the balcony." Oreki said.

"Oh, then I'll collect it." Kushida sister said.

"Collect it now?"

"Yeah." But Kushida-san looked at him strangely, "If it wasn't for wearing Horikita's clothes to sleep with her man, what would I come here on purpose?"

"..." Oreki.

? ?


Probably because he thought it was too heartless, so Oreki-san woke up halfway through the dream.

The clock beside the bed showed that it was only 3:39.


Probably because he felt that he might not be able to sleep anymore, so Oreki-san sat hugging the quilt for a while.



According to the rules of the exam, 9-10 o'clock in the morning and 9-10 o'clock in the evening are the time for the school to let students discuss the exam.

But because the dream he had last night was too outrageous, Oreki-san woke up early and couldn't fall back asleep.

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