Searching for points from students is the most reasonable solution.

In this way, Ryuuen-san's actions attracted Oreki-san's attention.

In fact, Oreki likes Ryuuen quite a bit, because Ryuuen will take the initiative to collect points every time.

But this time, Ryuuen must also want to do something.

And now.

"Am I not going to deduct points if I don't follow the rules today?" As the leader of Class D, the tyrant Ryuuen raised his hand directly.


And now on the summit is Fujimaki-san from Class A of the third grade.

The information obtained by Oreki-san shows that although third-year Class A is the class of the student council president Horikita's brother, the students in the class... are not particularly outstanding.

Otherwise, there would be no student council. The only members of Class A of the third grade are Horikita Manabu and Tachibana Akane.

And Fujimaki-senpai was elected, although it was just for long-winded words.

And these long-winded words still have to be said.

However, the sudden situation now troubled him a lot.

No idea how to deal with it.

So, almost subconsciously, he turned his head and looked at the student council president Horikita Gaku who was standing aside.

It's a pity that Chairman Horikita is expressionless now, so he can only continue, "Yes, this meeting is just to let each grade have contact with their corresponding teams. Therefore, if you don't abide by discipline, it stands to reason that no points will be deducted. ,but……"

"Then it's all right!"

However, Ryuuen directly interrupted his words.

"Let's go back, this kind of talk is meaningless, and it won't earn any points!"

But despite these words, the students in Class D actually turned around. This kind of control was touching.

"No, it's not——" But Ryuuen actually wanted to lead the first-year Class D students to leave directly.

Fujimaki was a little anxious.

"If you refuse to cooperate, or if you are not keen to participate in cooperation, it is very undesirable in your future life path or in the current red-white confrontation team, and you will get a bitter fruit. If the team fails, then your own class will first suffer a 100-point deduction of evaluation points..." Fujimaki said.

"Aren't you still there? Will you let us lose?"

But Ryuuen had already told the students in Class D to turn around and was ready to leave.


As for Fujimaki-senpai, he probably never met Ryuuen's type at all, so he was at a loss for this situation.

"Wait—" As the new secretary, Katsuragi-san stepped off the stage directly.

Ryuen is now in Class D of the first grade, and Class D and Class A form the white team.

It can be said that if Class D wants to commit suicide, it will affect Class A, which is very detrimental to Class A who wants to secure a stable class ranking.

Although it will also affect the second and third grade red teams.But now it is indeed Class A that bears the brunt.

So it is Katsuragi-san who is speaking now.

Ryuuen smiled.

"I want to leave out of good intentions."

"Even if I propose cooperation, I don't think you guys will believe me. In the end, we'll just be probing each other's ideas from the beginning, right? It's a waste of time." Long Yuan said.

In fact, what he said is not wrong. Suddenly let the competing classes join together to form a team. Could this become so smooth and make progress together?

Instead, it may develop into spying on each other, which will waste time and combat power.

And during the preferential candidate exam, Ryuuen tried to reunite with Class B, but was rejected, for sure.

Because trust is lost once and it dies.

Long Yuan knew it himself.

Therefore, while Ryuuen was talking, he was preparing to lead all the students in Class D to step out.

"Hey...wait!" But Katsuragi-san couldn't just be dismissed like this, "Are you confident that you won this exam without cooperating?"

It should be said that he was the one who stopped Longyuan first. On the one hand, he might just show in front of all the students in the school that if something went wrong, it would be Longyuan's fault and they would not accept the arrangement.Class A has done their best.

On the other hand.

Katsuragi also understands that Ryuuen is a very smart person, whether it is the class full of scumbags who got a perfect score of 100 in the regular written exam, or the teamwork with Ichinose and the others in the Kojima exam.

And the constant probing in the Dominant Exam.

It even almost drove Kanzaki Ryuji from Class B crazy.

It all shows that Long Yuan is not a decadent person, on the contrary he is very keen on winning.

So, by doing this, Ryuuen has found a reason or arrangement that requires him to throw away the very powerful Class A, and then lead to victory?

What he wants to get is this information.

But Longyuan did not stop.A frivolous "Hehe, who knows." words appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Unable to probe clearly.

So, in his progress, the D class team really walked out one by one and walked out of the gate of the gymnasium.

So, what to do at such a time?


"What a poor fellow."

And at this time, Sakayanagi-san next to Oreki-san suddenly said.


Oreki-san looked at Sakayanagi-san.

If ordinary students were around, they would probably laugh at Ryuuen's lack of cooperation.

But Oreki knew that the one beside him was the person whom he had always wanted to blame for leading Class A.

and so.

"What do you think, Sakayanagi-san?"

"You mean Ryuuen-kun? I think they are very pitiful." Sakayanagi said. "If you're so impulsive now, I'm afraid Mao will be stripped naked by Oreki-san after this sports festival."

"..." Oreki.

He's not that over the top, but it's true that he wants to empty out the Longyuan class.

"I understand a little bit why Oreki-san is not interested in leading our class in this sports festival."

"So I found a toy."

"Hey." She seemed to sigh slightly, "It's great, Oreki-san can find interesting toys in school."

"But I'm bored by myself."

There was a bit of resentment in those words.


Because sports festivals are all about sports, she can only abstain.

So for her, it's really boring.

"..." Oreki.

Think about it a little bit.

"Speaking of which, I raised an orange cat at home." Oreki-san said. "If you just spend a little money, you can still receive it in the school."

School rules.

You can buy anything with points.

And is it too much to buy a cat?

It should be possible, if not, then it's just not enough points.

What Oreki-san has the most right now is points, not to mention that Kushida-san and Horikita-san have already arranged for students in Class C to be exempted from the bottom ten.

Then you can earn more than 300 million points.

Then, as long as Long Yuan takes action, nearly 1000 million points will be credited.

So it is not difficult to spend money to let cats into schools.


Sakayanagi-san seemed a little interested.

"Yes, but a little fat, now ten catties." Oreki-san said.

"Then I want to touch." Sakayanagi said.

"..." Oreki.


So, he planned to move the cat that he kept at home to the school.

However, this was barely enough to appease her.

This is based on the experience of Kushida-san. If your girlfriend is unhappy, you can try to give a gift.

"..."? ?

But Oreki-san suddenly reacted.

That means he and Sakayanagi-san haven't dated at all.

So why should you care about her mood.

It's just that it seems ruthless to say no.

Moreover, she seemed to be looking forward to it.

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