"Yukimura, isn't it... You haven't even passed 30kg?"

There are also some like this.

Yukimura is the top student in Class C. He once insulted Horikita-san, but was insulted back. He looked sad and did not want the girls to come over.

Because he did really badly.

At the same time, there is no Kogenji Temple in the whole occasion.

It seems that he is unwilling to mix with ordinary people.

"..." Oreki-san left the group of boys in Class C and joined the group of girls.

The girls are doing a 100-meter speed test.

Horikita Suzune with beautiful straight black hair stood at the finish line and took notes.

And the girls who finished the first round of 100 meters have passed.

"A very good result." Horikita Suzune said to a girl with short hair.

Oreki-san has obtained the materials obtained by the Sakayanagi faction.

So he has already got the basic information, name, basic information and appearance photos of all the first graders, so he can match.

And the short-haired girl Horikita is talking to right now is Onodera.

"Because I was in the track and field department when I was in junior high school." The girl named Onodera said. "And now also in track and field."

Even so, this speed is incomparable to that of Kamuro-san.

But in Class C, he can be regarded as a seed player for the time being.

"Give me the water." Oreki-san said.

He is now accompanied by someone.

"..." God's room.

So Kamuro handed over the water that Oreki saw that there was a vending machine and arranged for her to buy it.

However, she found that Oreki-san didn't drink, but turned and walked towards Horikita Suzune.

"Water? Leave it alone, I'm recording now." Horikita Suzune said.

She saw Oreki-san bringing Kamuro-san over.

"So what are you doing now?"

She noticed Oreki-san's actions.

"Investigate—" Horikita Suzune seemed to have just realized it.

It is also important to test other classes apart from your own class.

After all, although there are no spies to spy on the order of players from other classes, it is very important to see how many seed players there are in other classes.

"It seems that your class made strategic arrangements before coming to the test." Oreki-san said.

His Class A has basically finished testing, so Class C probably went through a discussion and wasted time, so it only appeared now.

"..." Horikita. "Almost, my opinion was rejected."


That's it.

Although I feel that Horikita-san might be at a disadvantage if her ordinary opinions were used against the class, but does Class C still have the right to refuse?

"I want to have a Tian Ji horse race." Horikita Suzune said. "That is to say, arrange some people to become cannon fodder, and then let the seeded players try to get points."

"It won't be the last one."

"But those who think they will be assigned cannon fodder are very dissatisfied. They feel that the students in Class B have cooperated in abstaining. If they also abstain from being cannon fodder, is it possible that their individual scores will still fall into the bottom ten?"


In other words, Horikita-san is also working hard to protect the evaluation scores of the class, and the students in the class don't buy it.

After all, the current class evaluation score of Class C, which is 780 points, also includes 50 points from her.Of course, there is also Oreki-san’s 270 points.

So of course Horikita Suzune wanted to protect her.

And Tian Ji's horse racing plan is actually possible.

Give up some of the students' interests, and then gain greater benefits for the class.

If it's his Class A, then yes.


This is Class C, where Oreki-san thinks that as long as he is assigned here, he will immediately quit school.

So it's hard to convince these people.

When they feel that they can buy peace with money and have enough money in their hands, they are willing to pay, which is very real.


The person who really has to shoulder the job of protection is Kogenji Rokusuke.

But Kogenji-san is not here at all.

"Kogenji feels that even if the sports festival class gets the last place, it is still within a safe range." Horikita made a report.


So basically it's completely broken.

Anyway, the probability of red and white against -100 points is very high, and then even the last place is -100 points.

The current class evaluation score is 780, and after deducting 200 points, there are still 580 points, of which Oreki and Horikita have a total of 320 points, and Kogenji himself has 225 points.

Still in the safe range.

So I think it's reasonable not to do anything now.


Gaoyuan Temple probably felt that it couldn't control it at all.

Because when Horikita made the suggestion, the students in the class directly opposed it, allowing him to deepen his understanding of Class C again.

So now I don't show up at all.

"But I think you can try harder." Oreki-san said. "Although Class C is terrible, it must at least look good. Otherwise, Ryuuen will not be able to break the rules."

"Why?" Lingyin was a little puzzled.

"Because the plan has started." Oreki-san said. "Student Long Yuan may want to do something."

"He is in Class D now, so what he can do is to use some black methods and take advantage of this opportunity to bring down your class, and then there is nothing else."

"But your current situation...Long Yuan doesn't even need to break the rules to defeat it."

"Yes. I want you to center the class ranking list on Sudou."

"Sacrifice him out." Oreki-san said.

"You mean—" Horikita had followed him for more than three months.

Understand his thoughts a little bit.

"Originally, there are Kogenji and Sudou who can be called amazing in sports in your class, but if Kogenji won't come, then use Sudou."

"Arrange his appearance at the front and make it more conspicuous."

"And he is full of confidence now, so he will probably win No.1 at the beginning."

"Let him attract Ryuuen's attention." Oreki said.

"But there's nothing we can do about it." Then a voice came. "Because the situation in Class C is so bad, even if Sudou appears, Ryuuen won't be able to take it seriously."

This is Kamuro-san.

She followed Oreki-san, although she found that Oreki-san asked her to buy water, but Oreki-san refused to drink it, and then gave it to Horikita Suzune.

Let her mood... complicated.

It seems to be able to experience Banliu's dissatisfaction a little bit.


She soon discovered that Oreki-san was discussing plans with Horikita Suzune and didn't avoid her.

In other words, is it okay to let her hear it?

Then you have gained trust.

"That's why we need to make arrangements for Sudou." Oreki-san said. "Because Class C still has a chance of winning."

"If it's Tian Ji's horse racing as proposed by classmate Horikita, then Longyuan should pay attention to it, but since the sports scum in the class don't cooperate, then we can only change one."

"And what I changed was a plan that Class C might win."

Oreki-san said.

"Every student is required to participate in nine programs, and this cannot be changed."

"But you should also pay attention to the recommended items."

"It is not mandatory for all members to participate, and it is recommended that the strong participate."


⑩ Loan Contest

11 Quartet Tug of War

12 Co-ed two-person three-legged

13 All grades combined 1200m relay. "

"Moreover, the score value of these four recommended competitions is much higher than that of individual competitions. For example, No.1 can get 50 points, No.2 can get 30 points, No.3 can get 15 points, No.410 points, No. 58 points."

"And the last event, the joint 1200-meter relay for all grades, has a score of Points. Definitely the highlight.”

"Because it is a recommended project, it will naturally take into account the temporary problems of the players.

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